Thread: WuKillaBee's Bulk!!!
02-05-2009, 06:09 PM #1
WuKillaBee's Bulk!!!
Tentative Outline:
weeks 1-12 Test Prop 150mg eod
weeks 1-4 Anadrol 75mg ed
weeks 9-12 Winny tabs 50-100mg ed
Still waiting on my proviron but when that comes in i plan on using it at 25mg ed from day i get it (which should be anyday) till pct. No pre-cycle pics, sorry but i can post my pics from last cycle on here since i pretty much look exactly the same if really needed.
Current Stats:
5'11", 200-203lbs, 13-14%bf, 2nd cycle, been training for about 8yrs now.
My goals for this cycle is to bulk and hopefully get at least 20lbs by end of pct. I have plenty of test to run it probably 15 weeks at this dose but if things keep goin good past 10 weeks then ill probably just bang it out to 14 weeks. Anadrol as well i have plenty and debating on running it for 4 weeks or 6 weeks at this dose, depends on how i react to it. My winny tabs are 50mg each and have plenty to run em for 4 weeks at 100mg ed if i wanted to. Ive heard my tabs are a little overdosed though so im gonna try 50mg first and go from there. Winny will be the last 4 weeks of cycle leading to pct.
This is my first time with test prop, winny, and anadrol so should be pretty interesting. My last cycle sucked since gear was kinda outa wack i think at was just test enth. I respond pretty well to test or at least did the first cycle. Done a handful of ph cycles in the past so the orals shouldn't be a biggie for me.
Yes of course i have all my pct meds already and then some (really enough for 3 full pcts!) but won't post my pct just yet. If i run this cycle 14+ weeks then my pct will be different then if i just did it at 12 weeks. We'll see when the time comes and gets closer.
02-05-2009, 06:13 PM #2
First Week/Frontload Week!!!
Well since i wanted to start this cycle on monday and got my gear yesterday (wednesday for me) i decided to just shot up and continue shooting 150mg ed until monday. I guess this is kinda like a frontload, call it what you want. Last night my gurl shot my right glute 1.5ml (150mg) of the prop. I drew it up fine with a 23g so thought shooting with a 25g would be easy too, wrong! My gurl had to press hella hard to get the prop through the 25g so for now on just gonna use 23g to shoot for now on like i always have.
To my surprise there was no freakin pain, zero! I thought maybe a little pain later on or for sure next day but nadda. If anything it feels like a slight pinch if that but really nothing and its almost 24hrs since my shot! Really really surprised since im 99.9% sure my gear is legit. Don't know what this prop acid burn people always talk about or pain comes from? If its this smooth then hell, 14 weeks easy eod!
02-05-2009, 06:21 PM #3
First Workout
Today did chest/bis. Took 50mg tab of anadrol 45min before workout and plan on taking 25mg more 6-8hrs later to keep it all stable and all that. Workout went fine, didn't notice anything above average buts its day one. In a huge hurry today so no log. My tentative workout plan will be like this for at least the first 6 weeks then probably will change it up:
Day 1: Chest/Bis/Abs/Cardio
Day 2: Delts/Tris/Cardio
Day 3: Legs/Abs/Cardio
Day 4: Back/Arms if needed/Cardio
Days 5-7 Off or maybe a little cardio, idk.
Due to my new school schedule starting on monday i really wont know which days of the week ill be able to go to the gym but for sure at least 4 hard days like this i will be able to.
02-05-2009, 07:14 PM #4
BOOOOOO nobody is following shit ahhhhhahahahaha. Cycle looks like shit, your too tiny to workout let alone cycle, your routine is fukked, and what about that diet???
02-05-2009, 07:18 PM #5
Ok sorry had a tren moment. Phew back to normal. Haha. You know I like fukkin with ya. But for real cycle looks solid. And as long as you get some good prop it should be no problem. I had two different props last cycle, one was probably THE worst made and the other was smooth as can be, never ever any pain issues. And now my omnas are smooth too as with the tren so I happy as can be.
Keep up the good work partner, you know I'll be lurking.
02-05-2009, 07:25 PM #6
02-05-2009, 07:27 PM #7
02-05-2009, 07:35 PM #8
good luck bro ill be keeping an eye on this.
02-05-2009, 07:45 PM #9
I gotta have a good time you know this. If your not having fun bodybuilding then I'm sorry. I love the hard work, dieting, waking up in the middle of the night for some food, cardio all of it... I have done a couple dieting phases yeah it may suck sometimes doing it but when I lay down to go to bed at night I think back and I gotta remember the goals I have for my self and how good it will feel once I get there. When I stop having fun is more than likely when I start becoming stagnant in my physique.
Don't get too big save that for me
02-06-2009, 09:37 PM #10
Frontload Day 2
Today felt kinda shitty. Been battling this head cold/sore throat for like 4 days now and still not really getting any better. Been taking all kinds of crap for it but still no deal yet. Shot my right pec lastnite 150mg and today woke up and it felt pretty sore. Worked out shoulders today so lifting anything over my head was a pain in the ass cus of the pec shot but worked through it fine. Nothing's changed in the gym yet, still only day 2 so no expectations for anything to happen anyways.
When does test prop kick in for you guys? Im sure it will be at least 10 days for it to kick in but just curious. Also anadrol ? I would think 7 days since its an oral but what do i know, haha?
Workout was fine at the start but head cold started getting worse when i finished up shoulders so quick day at the gym today unfortunately. Stayin home now tryin to get well to hit the gym hard again tomorrow morning.
Shot my right delt today 150mg no prob and zero pain, lets see how it feels tomorrow!
02-07-2009, 07:51 PM #12
Frontload Day 3
Today did back/tris. Workout was fine, again nothing above ordinary for me so not gonna log crap done til something really kicks in. Did feel pretty swole after working out, maybe some water retention is kickin in from the oxys already?
Just shot my right tri today after the gym 150mg. Went fine and again no pain. Delt pain today is almost not even there. Seems my pec was the most painful site so far but still nothing really to complain about. Since this stuff seems pretty painless i might try and shoot quads again later in the cycle. Ill do it when i have a few days off from work and school so im not walking around like frankenstein everywhere, haha! Legs tomorrow!
02-08-2009, 04:33 PM #13Banned
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Good luck bro. I'll be checking you out. How much cardio are you doing?
02-08-2009, 05:15 PM #14
Haha, very little. Im doin abs 3 times a week and cardio usually after every workout and thats 4 times a week. I do anywhere from 15-25min of cardio with my hr in the prime fat burning zone for me. Gonna probably keep it this way for at least the first half my my cycle. Closer to the end say last 4 weeks ill kick up the cardio to lose some extra fat towards the end and help harden up with the winny. Gonna throw in clen in the pct as well 2 on 2 off to help keep my gains and stay hard. Will probably use the clen 6 weeks total.
Losing fat for me isnt a super hard task really, gaining is whats hard for me! Remember i came up from 130lbs before touching aas. Sure i did a few ph cycles after hitting round 185lbs natty but that aint ish compared to aas! Got a pretty good metabolism imo so i aint stressin it too much.
02-08-2009, 06:10 PM #15
Frontload Day 4
I consider these 4 days leading up to monday as a frontload since im considering monday day 1 of my cycle.
Schedule change so no gym today. I did shoot my left glute 150mg no pain again. Plan for next few weeks of cycle should go like this:
Monday- Legs/Abs/Cardio- shoot 150mg
Tuesday- Off
Wednesday- Chest/Bis/Abs/Cardio- shoot 150mg
Thursday- Delts/Calfs/Cardio
Friday- Back/Tris/Abs/Cardio- shoot 150mg
Saturday- Off
Sunday- Off- shoot 150mg
Ive started working out like this for the past couple of weeks and like the pumps i get and the routine. I try to lift heavy on working sets staying in the 6-8 rep range. I use different intensity techniques every workout but basically do it this way for now.
Towards the last half of my cycle im going to change up the routine completely focusing more on concentration and heavy weights. If the winny really kills my joints then my routine will change to probably more definition style of training. For pct i try to keep my strength levels up while using tons of intensity to keep as much gains as possible while my body trys to balance out. Overall this whole process should look like this:
6 weeks= strength/size
6 weeks= size/concentration or concentration/definition
4 weeks pct= high intensity to keep gains
Using clen during pct and probably 2-4 weeks after as well to help keep gains and lose some fat/harden up towards the end.
Things never go as planned but this is what im trying for.
Any input or advice would be greatly appreciated as well. Thanks!
02-08-2009, 06:30 PM #16Banned
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Alright. But your tri's might be a little burnt bro. I know mine would be after that schedule. But that's just me, and i'm an old ****; so what do i know. You've made great gains so far and that's awesome. I guess the cardio all depends on your diet as well. I'm no expert on that, and i like getting fat and eating everything on the menu. I save the serious cardio for later on.
02-08-2009, 06:33 PM #17
Feeling pretty solid today even though its an off day. Every muscle group i worked out these last few days feels swole already! Not sure if thats the oxy or prop water retention kickin in already. People say oxys kill their appetite but im always hungry now, even more than before this cycle! I sear i could eat every 2hrs good size meals, gonna take advantage of this.
No bad sides to report at all, no real increase in sex drive or anything yet really. Only feeling a little more swole than normal, no bloat either.
Im gonna shoot the muscle group im working out befre my workout for now on. Ive been shooting that muscle group after the workout and seems to hurt more this way. Like yesterday delt i shot was pretty sore, today my tri i shot is pretty sore. Seems only spot thats not gettin sore from this prop is my glutes, haha! Not a big pain but some slight pain/soreness, zero swelling or redness which is great. Shows its quality gear and made good imo! Tomorrow ill shoot my quad before workin out legs, see how that goes the next day.
02-08-2009, 06:36 PM #18
Oh yeah both my tris r sore from my workout yesterday for sure, just the tri i shot is much more sore than the other. Again nothing to cry about, just making note of it thats all. Just glad this gear gives zero redness or swelling like the damn gear on my first cycle did. This stuff seems pretty smooth and almost painless none the less, very pleased with it so far. Should know by next week just how strong this prop really is, cant wait! Still waitin for these oxys to kick too since im taking 75mg ed, should be soon. Oxy are legit pharm grade.
02-08-2009, 11:36 PM #19Banned
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Wherever the pain might be, work through it. A lot of this shit is mind over body anyways, so **** the pain. Keep working bro and it'll pay off for you sooner rather than later. Plus, doesn't the pain from all of it feel so good somtimes? I think so.
I'll be checking your progress B.
02-09-2009, 12:33 AM #20
02-09-2009, 03:15 PM #21
Cycle Day 1
Today was shit for me, got like 4hrs sleep, straight to school, then straight to the gym, and got a long day ahead of me at work all night. Anyways i pulled through with what i could doin legs today.
10min warmup on bike then stretchs
Leg Extensions:
2 warm up sets
190 x 10 reps
210 x 8 reps (felt pretty strong here controlling the movements)
Barbell Lunges
warm up
135 x 12 reps
185 x 10 reps
Leg Press
warm up
450 x 10 reps
500 x 8 reps
500 x 8 reps
Leg Curls
warm up
100 x 10 reps
110 x 10 reps
110 x 8 reps drop set to 80 x 4 reps to 60 x 6 reps
Donkey Calf Raises
2 warm up sets
180 x 10 reps
190 x 10 reps
190 x 10 reps
10 min of treadmill to cool down my legs and stretch
Haven't done barbell lunges in probably at least a year so kinda weak there and gonna do it a lot more during this cycle to get it up. Leg extensions i held every rep at least 2 seconds at the top even with the last set, felt pretty damn solid! Same with calf raises too.
Felt shitty from no sleep and getting used to this schedule im gonna have now for the next 3 months. I did notice i sweat a lot faster and eaiser than before while working out and had some more energy and strength gains today. By no means did i do anything extraordinary today but under these circumstances i wouldn't have lifted like this at all so something must be kickin in already!
Injection kinda sucked today. Was in a hurry to get to class so just decided to shoot my left upper outer quad today before i left the house since i go straight to the gym after class. I stabbed and half way in my quad just made a huge twitch! Must have hit a nerve, just my luck cus i was running way late, haha! Switched out to new pin then stabbed an inch below the first one and all was good. Still no pain but we'll see how im walkin tomorrow. I think working out the muscle group AFTER i stab will help out and make a difference so we'll see.
Still no proviron yet, still waitin. Should be anyday now and since its laggin im just gonna run 50mg ed till end of pct instead of 25mg, ill get more later on if i dont have enough. Won't know til i see when im finally gonna get this stuff.
Can't wait, gonna sleep like a baby tonight!
02-09-2009, 05:09 PM #22
Starting Weight
Weighed in at 203lbs today. Seems normal since i fluctuate between 200-203. Lets see where it goes from here!
02-11-2009, 03:17 PM #23
Day 2 Off Day
Weighed myself before bed at 206.8-207. Digital scale ended on 206.8. My weight seems to be up 3.5-4lbs since i started im sure with water weight.
02-11-2009, 03:33 PM #24
Day 3 Chest/Bis
Today i shot my left pec 150mg. Felt a little pinch like i nicked something halfway in but didn't draw any blood when aspirating so shot up. After pulling the pin out plenty of blood came out as well. No biggie, must have just nicked something.
Todays workout was the same as last weeks since im still not very impressed with these pharm grade oxy's or the test prop and wanted to see how my strength was compared to last weeks exact workout.
Incline Dumbell Flys Super Setted with Flat
warm up
incline 50x10 reps, flat 50x10 reps
incline 65x8 reps, flat 65x6 reps (nothing new or impressive here)
Incline Hammer Strength Press
warm up
180 x 12 reps
230 x 8 reps
230 x 6 reps (felt a little stronger here, maybe 15lbs stronger)
Decline Hammer Strength Press
warm up
270 x 12 reps
320 x 8 reps
320 x 6 reps (same as incline, maybe 15lbs stronger here, felt good though)
21's on cables for flys with 60lbs
Cable Flys
70 x 10 reps
75 x 8 reps
75 x 8 reps
Preacher One Arm Machine Curl
warm up
50 x 8 reps each arm
50 x 8 reps each arm
Standing Dumbell Hammer Curls
warm up
50 x 10 reps
60 x 8 reps
60 x 8 reps
Standing Overhead Cable Arm Curls (works the peak real good)
warm up
50 x 10 reps each arm
50 x 8 reps each arm
Done. Overall maybe im expecting too much too soon from my oxy's and prop cus im really not all and all impressed with it. I would think with my little frontload last week on prop, 7 days now of anadrol 75mg ed that id be lifting more and feeling it more. Prop is legit ugl and anadrol is Iran Hormone legit pharm grade. Especially at the doses im doing and for only a second cycle and first time with both i was just expecting more by now i guess. Maybe someone can chime in here.
Tomorrow will be delts/traps/calf/abs/cardio, kinda lot but its my first day off this week so i got the time. Getting use to my school schedule still mon-thur and its barely working with the gym time.
02-11-2009, 09:02 PM #25Banned
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You're getting stronger man. It doesn't come overnight even with juice my man.
As far as your last paragraph, maybe take the day off completey? Or maybe just some heavy traps and calves? Then go home and eat and relax. You have to recover remember?
Keep it up man.
02-11-2009, 09:28 PM #26
Im well rested. My schedule seems to go like this now:
mon- legs
tues- off
wed- chest/bis
thur- delts/cardio/abs
fri- back/tris/calfs/cardio
I have 3 days off a week and two days in a row before i hit legs then a day off after leg day. With class and work on mon and wed ive found barely enough time to train, no time for cardio or abs really. Since this cycle is mainly a bulk anyways im not too worried about it. Trust me, im eating bro! Pasta is my best friend after the gym, haha! This is my first real week of school added to the schedule but seems my cycle will go like this for at least the first 6-8 weeks, then ill switch it all up!
02-11-2009, 10:11 PM #27Banned
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Ok!! That sounds like a good schedule.
I also like how you mixed your leg workouts far away from your back workouts. But you still have your tri's working overtime my friend. Just my opinion man. If it works for you then who am i to say anything? No one, that's who.
Love pasta. Just watch the portions. That's what it's all about. Portion control. This is where i have major problems. hahaha....
Isn't it time you went to the gym? Or did you forget to post up today's workout? hahaha.....
02-11-2009, 11:09 PM #28
Damn ur gettin old bro, check post #24. I see what ur saying with chest, then delts, then back/tris. Delts though my tris r only bein used for presses so no biggie next day. Idk, maybe they just heal fast? If it doesnt work out then ill switch it around accordingly but doing it like this last week i had no probs. Guess well see tomorrow? I usually go to the gym around 1130am after school and before work, i work nites. Thur, fri, and sat, im off work and only have school thur so i have more gym time those days.
02-11-2009, 11:22 PM #29Banned
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I guess you're right. Damn it man.
I'm just busting your balls a little my man. You know what's best for yourself. I was just throwing in some worthless 2 cents i guess.
I'm coming out to the west coast to straighten your ass up!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA......
02-12-2009, 07:36 PM #30
Day 4 Shoulders/Abs/Cardio
Shot 100mg into my left delt no prob. Got some pharm grade test prop amps so thought id try em out and see how they are for a bit. They are smooooth! Gonna shot another amp tomorrow and another saturday giving me 600mg this week and no shot on sunday. Then back to my ugl prop 150mg eod starting monday. Anyways, im looking a tad bit more swole everywhere in a good way like chest, back, arms, legs, etc. My stomach as stayed the same so zero bloat to complain about so far. Workout today went fine, was in kind of a hurry today and still am but got everything done.
Military Smith Machine Press (Lifted a little more and better today)
warm up
225 x 8
245 x 6
225 x 8 then hammer strength press 180 x 6 drop set to 90 x 6 super slow, then 45lb plate front raises for 10 reps. Did all these with zero rest, nice burn
Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs (Lifted a little more/better today)
2 warm up sets
315 x 8
335 x 6
335 x 6 drop set to 315 x 4
Upright EZ-Curl Bar Row (I like this better than straight bar, less stress on wrists, more on traps/delts!)
warm up
105 x 8
125 x 8
125 x 6 drop set to 95 x 8 super slow and holding at top 5 seconds
Standing Dumbell Laterial Raises
warm up
40 x 10
50 x 8
50 x 8
50 x 6
Bent Over Dumbell Laterial Raises
warm up
40 x 10
50 x 8
50 x 8
8 sets of abs then just 15 minutes of treadmill since i was in a hurry today. Overall had a good workout and felt again, a tad stronger than last week but still nothing to jump up and down about. Still noticing zero sides from the orals and injectables so hopefully it just doesn't effect me or hasn't kicked in yet.
02-12-2009, 08:46 PM #31
Very nice!! Keep your log updated like this. I want to see the progress on paper.
02-12-2009, 10:31 PM #32
02-12-2009, 11:06 PM #33Banned
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Good work my man. Log's nice and easy to read too. Keep it up man.
02-13-2009, 12:17 AM #34
02-13-2009, 05:54 PM #35
Day 5 Back/Tris
Shot my right glute 100mg (pharm grade) no prob. Man, with this pharm grade im getting zero and i mean zero pain next day. I can't even tell i shot myself yesterday with it cus theres nothing! Gonna stick to this stuff for now on i think. Anyways, felt swole at the gym today for sure, real thick. Just not gettin much in terms of strength yet and for some reason wasn't feeling it today on back. Went like this:
Pullover Machine (Our gym has a gay cable one, can't put on plates):
warm up
100 x 10
140 x 8
150 x 6
150 x 6
Lat Pulldown Machine Wide Grip: (Felt Good Here)
warm up
195 x 10
195 x 8
205 x 6
205 x 6 drop set to 165 x 4 to 130 x 4 holding every drop set on the static
Bent Over Barbell Row Underhand Narrow Grip:
185 x 6
185 x 5 (Wasn't feeling this for some reason today so moved on)
Hammer Strength Pull Down Underhand Grip:
180 x 10
270 x 4 (Felt sore already here and kinda weak on this one)
270 x 3 (Here too)
T-Bar Row Old School Way:
225 x 6
225 x 6 (Wasn't feeling this one either, i could do this off cycle!)
Straight Arm Lat Pulldown:
warm up
75 x 8
75 x 8
75 x 8 drop set to 60 x 4
Seated French Curl Machine:
70 x 10
80 x 8
90 x 6
90 x 6 (Felt ok here, nothing special)
Straight Bar Cable Pushdowns (super slow negatives and holding static)
80 x 10
90 x 8
100 x 6
100 x 6
Cable Rope:
85 x 10
95 x 8
95 x 8
Started my workout feeling good and after the first two exercises my back felt hella wide and swole. Then started doing some pulling excercises like rows and such and felt kinda weak on these. Maybe the first two exercises really killed me? Not sure but wasn't feeling it too much after this point especially bein on cycle, you kidding me? My tricep exercises went fine though. I tried Reed's way of the bench under hand grip but felt really weird, couldn't get the hang of it so did the french curls instead to hit the long head and they work good.
I've noticed i have swollen up a little bit all over as i said before and you can see it in the gym and after i workout for sure so water retention either from the oxy or prop is kickin in good. Still no stomach bloat so im happy about that. Wish these damn provirons would get here soon so i can jump on 50mg ed to help with any bloat and help make everything else work better. Hopefully by early next week ill have em or gonna have some problems! Sex drive is slightly up too i guess, still no big changes yet.
Off Tomorrow and sunday from gym. Was gonna do a little cardio these days but its been raining pretty hard here so we'll see. Probably just relax and get some homework done though and EAT!
02-14-2009, 07:56 AM #36
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hi bro just found your thread and will be following. this should be a good one.will you be posting picks in this log?good luck
02-14-2009, 08:24 PM #37
02-14-2009, 08:27 PM #38
Day 6 Off
Off day today. Finally slept in for once this week and gonna do it again tomorrow, ahh. Weighed myself yesterday at 209lbs, up 6lbs already in a week and a half. I know its only water retention probably but at least something's finally kickin in, geez. Seems like forever ive been on and its only been barely a week and a half including that little frontload i did, only one week not counting that. Im sure this week coming up will be more successful hopefully in the gym.
Oh, shot left tri today 100mg (pharm grade). That makes 600mg for this week so no shot tomorrow. Starting monday ill be back on my ugl prop 150mg mon, wed, fri, and sun. These pharm grade amps have been nice and will consider them in the future.
02-14-2009, 11:52 PM #39
Hey little man. IDK how I feel about that split. You been talking how your real tired so I thought you might need adjusting.
Is this what your following??:
Monday- Legs/Abs/Cardio- shoot 150mg
Tuesday- Off
Wednesday- Chest/Bis/Abs/Cardio- shoot 150mg
Thursday- Delts/Calfs/Cardio
Friday- Back/Tris/Abs/Cardio- shoot 150mg
Saturday- Off
Well with that, your triceps would be getting hit 3 days in a row and then you have chest before delts which all these other muscles are secondarily involved in your workout, meaning you could rearrange it for more rest in-between.
Just some food for thought as some times our routines and the way we exercise can be made better....
don't get your panties all in a twist.
If you want my idea or input ask and tell me the days that you can workout and cannot and I will try my best to help you
02-15-2009, 02:08 AM #40Banned
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Little man???
Are you going to put with Reed talking to you like this? Where's he come off calling you little? And knocking your workouts? They're not his tri's, so don't worry about it right?
Keep it to yourself Reed. We don't need the negative comments around here. HAHAHAHA....
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