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Thread: Project - It's finally time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Project - It's finally time

    Hi boys and girls.
    Finally time for my first cycle, starting in 1 week.
    24y, 179cm, 67kg, 14% body fat, been working out for 5y.
    Aiming for muscle growth and focusing in definition in the end of the cycle.

    The cycle is as follow:

    Week 1
    monday sustanon

    Week 2
    monday sustanon
    friday tre-trebolom

    Week 3
    monday tre-trebolom
    wednesday sustanon
    friday tre-trebolom

    Week 4
    monday tre-trebolom
    wednesday sustanon
    friday tre-trebolom

    week 5
    monday tre-trebolom
    wednesday sustanon
    friday tre-trebolom

    Week 6
    From now on 1ml of winstrol every 2 day to end of week 8
    monday tre-trebolon
    wednesday sustanon

    Week 7
    monday tre-trebolon
    friday - sustanon

    Week 8
    monday sustanon

    Happy for to hear your inputs.
    Will post a picture in one week when I start.


  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Apr 2006
    and you came up with this cycle WHERE exactly

    NOT GOOD......

    terrible lay out

    needs revised

    1. Sust needs to be shot EOD, NOT once a week

    2. First cycles should be ONE compound only, NOT three

    3. NEVER use Tren on a first cycle, it is TOO harsh and you have no idea how your body will react to it, ( bad idea) and longer esters in that blend will stay with you for weeks , which is bad if you need to stop it due to the harsh sides

    4. Also, your blended tren probably has short and long esters, so like the sust would need to be shot EOD, NOT once a week.

    5. Winny has an effective life of 8-12 hours, which means it needs to be taken at least ED, if not twice a day. so E2D isn't gonna work

    6. You have not posted any PCT, which is the most important part of ANY cycle

    sorry to burst your bubble

    What are the doses of each compound you plan on using ?

    What were your goals for this cycle?

    Seriously, WHO or where did you put this cycle together like this, your injection schedule is terrible !!!
    Last edited by T-MOS; 02-16-2009 at 05:28 PM.

  3. #3
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    You are 5'10 and 147lbs?

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    You are 5'10 and 147lbs?
    Damn I need to learn the metric system....i missed that point

    WOW *attaches Big's thread here*

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Hi T-Mos,

    It was my mate who came up with this cycle - actually the cycle he is following.
    I must say that his results are not bad, he has done this cycle 4 times.

    Proposed dose is 1ml

    However, I'm very glad for your inputs.
    What if I took out tren and did sust every monday with winny eod the last 3 weeks?

    Fireguy1 - I'm 5'11 149lbs

    Last edited by Zetfyros; 02-17-2009 at 04:57 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    the true north
    5'10 and 147lbs and you say you been working out for 5yrs?! its safe to say you need to go back and look at your diet and training.

  7. #7
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zetfyros View Post
    Hi T-Mos,

    It was my mate who came up with this cycle - actually the cycle he is following.
    I must say that his results are not bad, he has done this cycle 4 times.

    Proposed dose is 1ml

    However, I'm very glad for your inputs
    What if I took out tren and did sust every monday with winny eod the last 3 weeks?

    Fireguy1 - I'm 5'11 149lbs


    Would you please re-read my post and answer all the things you didn't about my concerns with this cycle, and pay perticular attention to where I said SUST needs to be injected EOD, NOT once a week and where i made mention to winny needing to be taken DAILY not EOD?????

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