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Thread: Any suggestions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Post Any suggestions

    Need a little help

    I need a little help with my next cycle:
    I want to put on another 20 lbs but I not to sure about the amount

    Last cycle
    week 1-2 250 test enanthate
    week 3-10 500
    I gained like 20 lbs during week 3-10, but lost most of it (*flu)

    This time around I want it to be perfect.
    I got clomid and nolvadex to go with

    Sust 10 weeks worth
    10 cc Deca (a bit worried about using this)
    dbol for 4 weeks

    I have attached a photo of myself, at the end of my first cycle please evaluate.
    Current stats
    6' ft
    256 lbs
    arms 19.5 (2.5 after a workout)
    calves 18.5
    neck 18.5
    bf 18

    I never measure anything else but next cycle will meassure everything.
    Any comments please submit
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	double.jpg 
Views:	375 
Size:	54.7 KB 
ID:	14373  

  2. #2
    damn bro, you look huge. You have sust and deca. I haven't had experience with either, but I wanted to give you a bump and help out out. You made some great gains earlier on your cycle with low doses, is your 256#s currently after you lost most of your gains from last cycle? If you want to bulk, sust and deca will do perfectly fine, given that you have enough of it, but from my impressions you could minimize your side effect, sust = flu, regulating test levels, deca = progest gyno, deca dick, by going to a cycle with dbol, test, eq. I did this cycle, had very little sides, put on a crapload of weight and strength. again, what you use is limited by what you can get. just remember that diet is everything, but judging from your picture you know how to eat

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Thanks Man
    Ive started my second cycle of Cyp/Deca/ Dbol.
    3rd week up 15lbs loving the pumps also. My next cycle will be Sus/A50/Eq and hopefully I can hit the 290lbs and cut down real nice for Aug 03 (getting married)

    I'll kepp ya updated and submit pics next time around


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