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Thread: 16 weeks on var and proviron

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Bulgaria, Sofia

    16 weeks on var and proviron

    I'm planning my next cutting cycle - it happend so that i have about 5g of anavar powder. I also plan using proviron mainly because of it's fat burning properties, stimulation of libido, and PCT properties. The scheme that i am planning to use is
    weeks 1 - 4 - Anavar 50mg divided in two intakes per day
    weeks 5 - 8 - var - 20mg - divided in two and proviron 50mg daily - divided in two also
    weeks - 9 - 12 - Anavar 50mg divided in two intakes per day
    weeks 13 - 16 - 20mg - divided in two and proviron 50mg daily - divided in two also
    My measurements are 6'3 height and about 220 pounds - about 14 percent of BF

    I want to hear your opinions about this cycle. My main concerns are loss of libido - 'cause I'll be using Anavar in quite high doses and for a long time - 4 months. I might use HCG for post cycle therapy. Any critics are welcomed, 'cause I hadn't started the cycle yet, and I am still wondering how to proceed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    I don't like anything about it.

    what's your stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Bulgaria, Sofia


    Quote Originally Posted by lachezar_p View Post
    My measurements are 6'3 height and about 220 pounds - about 14 percent of BF
    I am 22 years and I have been training ever since 12 years of old. I have about 3 previous cycles.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    ooops. I missed that part.

    what were your 3 previous cycles?

    I mean, they are both weak compounds, and you're running them for a *long* time, bro.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by derek7m View Post
    I mean, they are both weak compounds, and you're running them for a *long* time, bro.
    I know that's my main concern. And that's the reason to go up and down the mg's of var and on and off of proviron. I might reduce the whole cycle in only ten weeks, but I want to use it for the longest period of time posible.

    My previous cycles were
    1. deca-8weeks, test E - 8weeks, winstrol - 10weeks
    2. test prop - 6 weeks, winstrol - 6 weeks
    3. Eqipouse - 10 weeks, test E - 10 weeks

  6. #6
    Waste of money.

    Your shutting your natty test down for 20-50mgs of anavar? You might as well train natural and save the money for more food. You would gain more.

    Don't expect any muscle gains from the proviron... Maybe at 150mgs+ you might experience some aggression / hardness. It's very weak aas.

    6'3'' 220lbs @ 14% BF , that is stats of a natural who attends the gym very little. Let alone who has ran 3 cycles.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Of those three cycles, the one I liked the best was #2.

    A short burst cycle of prop sounds good to me. throw in some clen or t3 if you want.

    but, honestly, seeing your stats after using all those compounds, I'd say diet should be your main concern.

    I just noticed you were planning on hcg for your pct? what was your pct in your other cycles?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    3 x 5000 HCG
    Nolvadex - about 30 day
    Clomid - 20 days
    clen - 2 months
    Vit C - 3-4g 3 months
    Tribestan - 1500mg for 20 days after the HCG shots

    That's the PCT that I've been using after the tree cycles.

    I have to add that till last year i didn't wanted any weight up - because I used to play volleyball and as I was 190 pounds I felt great - I also had much lower BF percentage. After I quit volleyball I hadn't used roids for gaining weight. But may goal now is cutting not gaining
    Last edited by lachezar_p; 03-05-2009 at 06:34 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I've made up my mind guys. I've decided to change my cycle. My plan is
    1-7 week - Test Prop of about 500-600mgs per week EOD
    1-8 week - Anavar about 60 - 80 mgs ED twice a day
    a Proper PCT - the same as posted in my previous post.

    This is going to be a cutting cycle - So my diet will be low in Carbs and fats - with only one loading day weekly - and high intake of proteins - mainly from food sources

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG_TRUCK View Post
    Waste of money.

    Your shutting your natty test down for 20-50mgs of anavar? You might as well train natural and save the money for more food. You would gain more.

    Don't expect any muscle gains from the proviron... Maybe at 150mgs+ you might experience some aggression / hardness. It's very weak aas.

    6'3'' 220lbs @ 14% BF , that is stats of a natural who attends the gym very little. Let alone who has ran 3 cycles.
    Much agreed! Through in test prop, up the var to 60mg ed and the prov 50mg ed, you might have a cycle.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by lachezar_p View Post
    I've made up my mind guys. I've decided to change my cycle. My plan is
    1-7 week - Test Prop of about 500-600mgs per week EOD
    1-8 week - Anavar about 60 - 80 mgs ED twice a day
    a Proper PCT - the same as posted in my previous post.

    This is going to be a cutting cycle - So my diet will be low in Carbs and fats - with only one loading day weekly - and high intake of proteins - mainly from food sources
    Looks like you got it backwards but still learning.

    weeks 1-8 test prop
    weeks 1-7 or even 8 anavar
    Dont run the var into pct, you know you should start pct next day after prop shot right? At least the 2nd day after last prop shot, not a full week.

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