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Back again with some updates. Glute injection went better up until the 24 hr mark and then I got really sore. This prop I have is painful. Injection in quad this morning and already lipping around from the soreness. I hope this gets better with each inject.
New preworkout method for me is to do my normal 2 scoops of whey mixed with water but instead of drinking the entire thing pre workout I chug half of it and then sip on the other half of the protein for the first 1/2 of my workout.
Anyways to the good stuff. I weighed in today....199 post workout. This was probably somewhat of a fluctuation of water but I have not hit 199 on the scale in sometime so something is working. Felt solid in the gym today. Worked through the glute soreness and the quad soreness from injection pre workout did not kick in until about 4 hrs after my workout.
Warm - UP : Bike high resistance 5 min.
Single Leg Press: 4 sets x 10 reps
Leg Extension: 4 sets x 12
DB Reverse Lunges: 3 sets x 10
Stiff Leg deadlifts: 3 sets x 12, 10, 10
Bench Step ups: 3 sets x 20 reps each leg(Its an explosive exercise I incorporate into my workout, put 1 leg up on a bench and press down into the bench with that leg to explode up as high as you can. Works really well to finish off the legos :-D )
Finally some hamstring curls a 3 sets x 10 reps
Tomorrow is no gym and no injection. I may do a slow jog to keep my legs from locking up on my from this prop but thats only if its possible. I am no going to take anything from the pain in my arse and legs b/c of the hindering of gains it causes but damn. Its pretty bad. I have to lip around every where I go and especially after being seated or laying down for a while getting up and loosening my legs up is a bitch. Oh well someone just tell me to man up and stop bit&hing and I'll do it!