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Thread: 2nd cycle dbol/t400/deca need Advice on if this Is the right way to run IT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Question 2nd cycle dbol/t400/deca need Advice on if this Is the right way to run IT

    week 1-4 25mg dbol
    week 1-10 400mg test400
    week 1-10 deca 200mg
    trying to get clomids. current stats 29 yrs, 511,223,arms 173/4
    last bench 365. about 17%bf, want to gain about 20lbs of solid musle,
    and lowerbf. because of the water retention while Im taking the dbol,
    should I throw in some cardio?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    any advice is appreciated

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    T400 has Prop as part of the make up. T-400 is for more aggressive users of Testosteone. Were you planning on using .25 mL EOD? Throw it out get some Enthanate or Cypionate... or run Prop EOD.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    not quiet sure what you mean?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Okay... T-400 is a blend of Testosterones: 187mg of Test Cyp, 188mg of Tst Enth and 25mg of Test Prop. You would have to run it at it's shortest half life - which would be the Prop (half life of 2-3 days). And Prop requires EOD or at least every two days for even androgen levels. Considering it is 400mg per mL - EOD would be a weekly total of about 1300mg of test per week. Too much for you brah...

    So I asked are you planning on running less than a mL EOD or something - to keep your androgen levels even?

    I can tell you right now you got a prescription for something that you don't need You need Test Enth or Cyp... or even Sust250 (about half the dose of T400 with a similar blend of esters).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    eod means every other day right? first cycle was sust, so even at 1cc
    per week no good

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Every other Day (EOD).

    1 shot of Prop per week makes no sense. Did you have acne or other noticable side effects?

    BUMP for Rickson, JetBlack, _nj, vets on any comments on what a once per week shot of Prop and weekly fuctionations in Testosterone levels would do to gains or side effects.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    I agree with Warrior. I am an advocate of don't use sust unless you can shoot it EOD preferably. I'd say drop the T400 and get some good enanthate or cypionate (the half life is pretty similar in both) and shoot 400mg/wk of that, your blood levels will be more constant. T400 hurts like fuck anyways. KOT 700mg/ml is where its at

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    prop once a week is senseless, your likely to recieve lots of sideaffects and hardly any gains, its kinda like taking andro, you get a very weak if any at all bounce in test (from andro) and then your left with less if any (which is where the side affects come in from spikey test levels or high test levels), so heres the deal, your injecting prop once a week, you get your test-prop levels for a day or two at the most, and then you its been said plenty already, prop needs to be injected ED (at best) or at least EOD...good luck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    if you could inject the t400 2-3x weekly, at .5cc each time, this might be ok...youd get total 600mg (actually probably around 500 with the esters taken into account), but still its kinda pointsless because your getting so little prop each time, all its doing is keeping your enant/cyp levels more constant(i inject enant 2x weekly), however this is still uneccesary because their similar(cyp and enant) and at the same time they are meant to be injected less frequently[long acting esters] (bottom line is t400 is kind of a shitty product when you look at the spectrum of products to choose from) again already said, try to get some cyp or enant by itself, or just get some prop by itself and shoot it like already mentioned...sorry if this is long and ambiguous, good luck

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Thx for the info bro traded my t400, got some t200, I can run that at 400mg per week

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Tuck, don’t get rid of the t400 yet... Think about it in a logical manner. T400 is comparable to the SOS but has a much higher mg/ml ratio. The sole purpose for that mixture is because of the life cycle of each individual test. The prop will be out of your body by the 2nd day but the cyp and the enanth. will be there much longer. purpose is to jump start you with the propionate, you will feel it right away, by the time is gone the cyp and enanth. will begin to un-localize and circulate.
    Most people cant stand the pain of t400, that’s why its mostly used in master mixes, small mix ex.(take and old 50ml bottle you got, 10ml of t400/20mlof deca) You can still use it just know that the prop. isn't there for the same purpose as the cyp or enanth. You need to keep your diet clean with this one though. get your <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a>s high 2g per lb, carbs .5g per lb and under .25 of bad fat. keep your monounsaturated above .25g per lb (hope you know what I'm saying brother...) fix your diet and train like you fuck and the juice will reward you...
    ...just me-I use prop religiously. I am not a trainer that believes in gaining a lot of fat with my lean muscle. I gotta stay fast... prop is fast acting cleaner that the other tests and you retain less water. a favorite of mine it grabbing a t100/brovel and a 10ml of d200/brovel and hit it 2-3x a week
    diuretics are a huge benefit if you’re going with the t200 enanth. you should gauge your growth, don't get big and puffy and say to yourself I'll do a cutting cycle. That’s a joke unless you know your body and can diet properly.
    Just me talking but I don’t want 5lb of water and 10lb of fat on my ass. at any given time. Clean diet, day in day out, is the only way if your a serious athlete- I gotta know that lean muscle is what is changing my weight.

    I am also a stagger not a stacker. my cycles will last 6mo to a year, but You need to look at what your goals are and how discipline you are t400 is not for babies, and for the average guy it should not be stacked with anything. you should also have some HCG admin. in the middle and end of you cyc.
    sorry for the novel...
    just a question, have you figured out how each test works with your body. no joke! I have my circle of friends and we all have different test levels one buddy is under 300!! listen bro I'm test machine I'm in the 600-700's,(in high school 5'11 @ 195 benching 355 for 8reps, evil, huh)
    so just to let you know I learned the hard way about taking to much test, I don’t need a lot of it, rare in my circle, out of my friends I take the lower mg's of juice and I see more results that any of them(my 5th year on) If you can't get your blood work done and have a your test level avg. (just some learned advice) try each, one at a time to see the effects. and read, read, read. I use t200 when $ are low 200mg a week, that's crazy huh. but true. these days I only use d-bol( I'm starting to like the riforvit more than the pill now, I stay really lean, I'm @ 6% BF, year around now),deca, winny, and prop.
    !!!Again sorry for the novel, I haven't written in a long time-no PC @ home for a while. Must go the wife is calling.
    Last edited by mmaximus25; 12-07-2002 at 10:15 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    One more thing get Bill's (Bill Phillips-before he got soft and limp, excuse me... really soft) 6th issue Anabolic reference guide. First book I had ever got. it will give you a little knowledge of bio chemistry and really help you get to where you want to be as a beginner. Dan D is the man but frankly the man is out dated now, there just more science research these days...- don’t stone me if there are any old school hardcore's reading-sorry Mr. Duchaine

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    thx for the info bro...

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