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Thread: Batman's First Cycle Test E & Dbol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Batman's First Cycle Test E & Dbol

    About Me:
    This is going to be my first cycle ever. I’ll admit I’m kind of nervous of starting but I knew eventually this day would come. In fact when I started getting interested in bodybuilding at the age of 17 I would look through the ads to see if there were any steroids I could use. Visited a few forums and found out they are illegal and also that I wasn’t ready to start them since I was new to weightlifting. Now I’m 25 with 7 years of experience of trial and error. I’m glad I waited because I know what exercises work for me and how my body reacts to different foods. I have surpassed what I thought I would ever do naturally and I can’t wait to see what I can do on gear.

    Experience lifting weights:7 years
    Number of cycles done: None, this is the first.

    Starting Stats:
    Height: 5’7
    Weight 201
    Waist 33
    Hips 40 .625
    Chest/Back 46.5
    Shoulders 53
    Arms 18.125
    Forearms 13.25
    Quads/Hamstrings 24.375
    Calves 16

    Weight: 230+
    Waist Under 40
    Chest/Back 50
    Shoulders 56
    Arms 20
    Forearms 14.5
    Quads/Hamstrings 28
    Calves 17.5

    Current Lifting stats
    Bench 275 x 8
    Squat 275 x 8
    Deadlift 425 x 8

    Lifting Goals
    Bench 315 x 8
    Squat 350 x 8
    Deadlift 500 x 8

    Diet: Will vary but will eat Oatmeal every morning and lots of rice for carbs.

    Weeks 1-4 40mg Dbol
    Weeks 1-12 500mg Test E

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  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    south Florida
    Throw some Clomid as well in your PCT. Besides that, everything looks good to me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Day 1

    Day 1 April 17, 2009

    Took 15mg Dbol in the morning. I chewed them for better absorption, 5 min later I can feel some pain in my stomach. I injected 250mg test E in the evening. Decided to inject quad, first time ever injecting myself. I was nervous about sticking the needle in my leg and expected lots of pain. To my surprise I felt very little pain when I stuck myself and no pain as I was injecting. When I pulled out some blood came out. Now I have a bruise on my leg. So far all I notice in change is my face is very oily. Did chest/tricep day today. I hoped I would have superhuman strength today lol, but nothing yet on day 1.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    good luck man looks good, I'd throw in clomid like ****** was saying... ill be following

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Dont Trip


    Look pretty swole already bro! I know your probably bulking but id add in some cardio so you dont gain anymore fat so you can have a clean bulk unless your looking for an all out bulk? Nolva only for pct for anything other than a prohormone cycle is not nearly enough imo. Try to get an ai like aromasin for your pct, something like this:

    weeks 1-3 aromasin 25mg ed
    weeks 1-4 nolva 20mg ed
    week 1 clomid 300mg ed
    weeks 2-4 clomid 50mg ed

    The boost in clomid first week will give you a good boost. If you break out bad on pct then id lower the clomid to just 50mg ed for the full 4 weeks of pct. Clomid can make acne much worse. I think a pct like this would be pretty solid to keep most if not all your real gains you've made on cycle.

  7. #7
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Look pretty swole already bro! I know your probably bulking but id add in some cardio so you dont gain anymore fat so you can have a clean bulk unless your looking for an all out bulk? Nolva only for pct for anything other than a prohormone cycle is not nearly enough imo. Try to get an ai like aromasin for your pct, something like this:

    weeks 1-3 aromasin 25mg ed
    weeks 1-4 nolva 20mg ed
    week 1 clomid 300mg ed
    weeks 2-4 clomid 50mg ed

    The boost in clomid first week will give you a good boost. If you break out bad on pct then id lower the clomid to just 50mg ed for the full 4 weeks of pct. Clomid can make acne much worse. I think a pct like this would be pretty solid to keep most if not all your real gains you've made on cycle.
    Thanks for the comments and suggestions. I am bulking all the way for now but if I see myself gaining too fast i'll add some cardio to limit the fat. And about PCT, I thought it was at the end of the cycle or is that what your saying?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Day 2

    Day 2 April 18,2009
    The dbol isn't hurting my stomach anymore. I'm taking plenty of water. My leg hurts more today than yesterday where I injected, it's still bruised so I passed on doing leg day today like I planned. Did bicep day today. I was impressed with my strength doing E-Z barbell curl 125lbs for 12 reps, not the prettiest reps, but decent. I can't really give credit to the gear yet though, I gotta see a bit more to see that it's really working.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batman360 View Post
    Thanks for the comments and suggestions. I am bulking all the way for now but if I see myself gaining too fast i'll add some cardio to limit the fat. And about PCT, I thought it was at the end of the cycle or is that what your saying?
    Yeah, i mean weeks of pct. Sounds good.

  10. #10
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    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by Batman360 View Post
    Day 2 April 18,2009
    The dbol isn't hurting my stomach anymore. I'm taking plenty of water. My leg hurts more today than yesterday where I injected, it's still bruised so I passed on doing leg day today like I planned. Did bicep day today. I was impressed with my strength doing E-Z barbell curl 125lbs for 12 reps, not the prettiest reps, but decent. I can't really give credit to the gear yet though, I gotta see a bit more to see that it's really working.
    You gotta give it some time too bro.

  11. #11
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Yeah, i mean weeks of pct. Sounds good.
    Cool, I'll order some extra stuff then.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    if your gonna order clomid/aromasin, you might as well get some arimidex also, aromasin is the preferred AI for PCT but for on cycle arimidex is a good AI to have on hand in case you experience too much bloat or gyno related issues, so itd be wise to have both. you could just run aromasin on cycle also if you have any estrogen related problems, but its more expensive and arimidex works well b/c it wont block out the estrogen too much, i think its something like 80% where as aromasin is about 85% and letrozole is 97%..... ultimately you can use either one, but arimidex is cheaper... just make sure to have one of them for while on cycle.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    This thread is full of suspect advise.

    #1 300mgs of Clomid is insane. Anything over 150mgs will cause serious side effects. Stick with 100mgs for 2weeks, then down to 50mgs.

    #2 Taking Adex when signs first appear wont do a thing. Only Nolvadex blocks estrogen from the receptors in the brest, thus preventing gyno.

    #3 Aromasin is a great addition to any PCT, though in a light cycle such as this one, it isnt required. However, CLOMID AND NOLVADEX ARE!!!

    I will be following from hereon.

    Batman, read my sticky, and please, get to the PCT forum.

    Gyno Prevention, Gyno Treatment, and Letro Reversals Explained!


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Middle of a Cornfield
    Well since no one has done it yet, I'll be the first to congratulate you on waiting. You look great for not having cycled yet. Your bf% is a little on the high side, but your back is amazing. If you cut after this cycle, I have no doubt you will look great bro. Keep up the log, I will be following.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    This thread is full of suspect advise.

    #1 300mgs of Clomid is insane. Anything over 150mgs will cause serious side effects. Stick with 100mgs for 2weeks, then down to 50mgs.

    #2 Taking Adex when signs first appear wont do a thing. Only Nolvadex blocks estrogen from the receptors in the brest, thus preventing gyno.

    #3 Aromasin is a great addition to any PCT, though in a light cycle such as this one, it isnt required. However, CLOMID AND NOLVADEX ARE!!!

    I will be following from hereon.

    Batman, read my sticky, and please, get to the PCT forum.

    Gyno Prevention, Gyno Treatment, and Letro Reversals Explained!

    my thinking is itd be wise to have the arimidex in case gyno starts, you use 20mg nolva and .25mg a-dex a day until the gyno goes away and then continue the a-dex till the end of the cycle and drop the nolva... how is this suspect advice?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    oh and to the OP im with Jfew44 in saying you look swole as hell dude! keep it up

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    This thread is full of suspect advise.

    #1 300mgs of Clomid is insane. Anything over 150mgs will cause serious side effects. Stick with 100mgs for 2weeks, then down to 50mgs.

    #2 Taking Adex when signs first appear wont do a thing. Only Nolvadex blocks estrogen from the receptors in the brest, thus preventing gyno.

    #3 Aromasin is a great addition to any PCT, though in a light cycle such as this one, it isnt required. However, CLOMID AND NOLVADEX ARE!!!

    I will be following from hereon.

    Batman, read my sticky, and please, get to the PCT forum.

    Gyno Prevention, Gyno Treatment, and Letro Reversals Explained!

    Thanks for the advice. I'll keep reading on PCT and gyno prevention. PCT is so complicated because everyone has their own opinion on how it should be done. I'll order all this stuff anyways so I'm better safe than sorry.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jfew44 View Post
    Well since no one has done it yet, I'll be the first to congratulate you on waiting. You look great for not having cycled yet. Your bf% is a little on the high side, but your back is amazing. If you cut after this cycle, I have no doubt you will look great bro. Keep up the log, I will be following.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter-S-Thompson View Post
    oh and to the OP im with Jfew44 in saying you look swole as hell dude! keep it up
    Thanks guys. When I said I wanted to look like Arnold when I got older, I meant it!

  19. #19
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    Day 3

    Day 3 April 19, 2009

    Went to the gym for leg day today but went to the scale to weigh myself first. 207 lbs!!! 6 lbs heavier already 3 days in. I'll just assume it's water weight because it's to soon for that to be muscle, but still I like it. I was pumped after seeing that number on the scale. Started doing squats with the same weight (275) as last week and I did 10 instead of 8. I even felt I could have done more. Moved the weight up to 285 for 10. Moved the weight up another 10 lbs and got 295 for 8. Thats a 20 lb increase in my squat in 1 week. Now I'm starting to get convinced the gear has kicked in. The pump feels different than the pump when I was natural. The natural pump I felt my legs very tight and worn out and sometimes not able to continue on my next set. The unnatural pump is not tight and I'm able to push in a few more reps. I can't wait to do back day tomorrow.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Middle of a Cornfield
    Wait until you start getting the back pumps. Insane. I had to take like 5 minutes between sets of squats just so I could stand up again. Dbol is known for alot of water weight. I gained 20lbs in the first 3 weeks the first time I used it. If you're worried about the bloat, take an ai like adex or whatever, but the way you're talking it really doesn't sound like it matters to you. Either way, keep it up bro!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Good luck BATMAN360...

  22. #22
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by egbuilder View Post
    sorry for the hijack but i'm same height but 165lbs and really love to get to your size can u pleeze tell me your progress in weight over the years like when you started..1st year lifting......etc.
    you really inspiered me cause i feel i can get to 200lbs naturall.
    It's totally possible to reach 200 lbs. I've been all the way up to 217 lbs but a little chubbier than my recent pics. When I started lifting I was 145 lbs, same height at 17 years old. Over the years I lifted and got up to 180 lbs and never got above that. Then I lost some weight and fell down to 165 lbs. Believe it or not I was 165 lbs last October of 2008. I gained 35 lbs in 7 months. Some of it due to muscle memory got me back to 180 and I finally was able to break past 180 lbs and reach 200. It's no secret how I did it. Food and Hardwork. You won't get anywhere if one is missing. If your having a hard time eating do what I did. Eat stuff you like and lots of it. This is only temporary to get your stomach to crave more food. Then your stomach will beg you to give it food every 3 hours, but now you give it healthy food and lots of it. In the morning I make an Oatmeal shake. Then for my next 3 meals I eat lots of rice with some protein source like chicken or steak. After a workout I eat a meal first then I drink a postworkout shake immediatly after. Then I eat one more meal so I won't go hungry at night. Here is a pic of my recent transformation. Hope this helps.
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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    Good luck BATMAN360...
    Oh no. Another Batman!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    good luck on ur journey.

    what's ur b/f% ??

    keep us posted.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by charrif View Post
    good luck on ur journey.

    what's ur b/f% ??

    keep us posted.
    I never have my bodyfat tested, but another guy said I look around 15%.

  26. #26
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    Day 4

    Day 4 April 20, 2009

    I'm up another 2 lbs in 1 day. Now 209 lbs, total of 8 lbs gained in 4 days. Measured some bodyparts and they have gone up but won't post until the end of the week. Pull-ups were kinda tough because of my weight gain. I added 20 lbs to my deadlift and beat my previous 425 x 8 with 445 x 8. Very nice! My back was pumped! I'm not even one week in and I feel and look bigger. I hope my family doesn't get suspicious since they have already asked if I was taking anything before when I was natural.

  27. #27
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter-S-Thompson View Post
    my thinking is itd be wise to have the arimidex in case gyno starts, you use 20mg nolva and .25mg a-dex a day until the gyno goes away and then continue the a-dex till the end of the cycle and drop the nolva... how is this suspect advice?

    Again! Adex will not do anything once symptoms arise! Thats why its used to prevention not a treat gyno. Only Nolvadex will stop estrogen from getting to the receptors in the breast tissue.

    And also because Nolva reducess the effectiveness of Adex. 20mgs of Nolva with .25mgs of Adex is basically 20mgs of Nolva.

    Thats why your advice is suspect. Nothing against you personally bro. I just think you need to research a little more. As does Batman360.

    Both of you should read my sticky if you havent already.

    Again, i will be following.


  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    Again! Adex will not do anything once symptoms arise! Thats why its used to prevention not a treat gyno. Only Nolvadex will stop estrogen from getting to the receptors in the breast tissue.

    And also because Nolva reducess the effectiveness of Adex. 20mgs of Nolva with .25mgs of Adex is basically 20mgs of Nolva.

    Thats why your advice is suspect. Nothing against you personally bro. I just think you need to research a little more. As does Batman360.

    Both of you should read my sticky if you havent already.

    Again, i will be following.

    Ok so no Adex since I'm not sure if I'm gyno prone yet so no point in taking it. I have Nolvadex so it's good to know that will help if I run into trouble. I'll read up more on aromasin and letro to see if I should order those or not. I appreciate the help War and glad to have you following my log.

  29. #29
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    No problem.

    i dont think youll encounter ERSEs, but never too safe you know?

    Keep the Nolva on hand, JUST in case.


  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I'm excited to see the results of someone with already good natural build. Make sure you run adex.
    It sucks when you gain all that weight and see a lot of it come off in pct, due to most of the weight being water.

  31. #31
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    Day 5

    Day 5 April, 2009

    Today was my second injection. I was looking forward to it these past few days but I was nervous again because of the bruise I got on my first injection. I injected in my left leg this time. When I pulled out the needle no blood came out this time so no hopefully no bruise this time. Today I'll train calves since I'm sore everywhere else. I've never really taken my calf workouts seriously but I think I will now to take advantage.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batman360 View Post
    Day 5 April, 2009

    Today was my second injection. I was looking forward to it these past few days but I was nervous again because of the bruise I got on my first injection. I injected in my left leg this time. When I pulled out the needle no blood came out this time so no hopefully no bruise this time. Today I'll train calves since I'm sore everywhere else. I've never really taken my calf workouts seriously but I think I will now to take advantage.
    Good idea. For some reason when im on cycle my calves grow the most than they ever had and i keep that size and strength in my calves even after pct! AAS has done wonders for my calves among other muscles as well but mostly my calves for some reason. Good thing too cus those where lacking the most compared to everything else for me.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    Again! Adex will not do anything once symptoms arise! Thats why its used to prevention not a treat gyno. Only Nolvadex will stop estrogen from getting to the receptors in the breast tissue.

    And also because Nolva reducess the effectiveness of Adex. 20mgs of Nolva with .25mgs of Adex is basically 20mgs of Nolva.

    Thats why your advice is suspect. Nothing against you personally bro. I just think you need to research a little more. As does Batman360.

    Both of you should read my sticky if you havent already.

    Again, i will be following.


    I read ur sticky a while ago u have some good informative threads... I've read time and time again to do what I suggested w/the adex and nolva, and I've read they reduce eachothers effectiveness. but the reasoning I always thought between starting BOTH when symptoms arise would be to have nolva do it's work reducing the oncoming gyno, while at the same time u let adex build up in ur system a bit, so once symptoms are gone b/c of nolva use, u stop the nolva and
    you can continue the adex with it already built up in ur body so there's no time that your without any estrogen protection... if this is somehow not correct WARmachine, no prob I respect ur opinion/advice and would benefit from it also being that I'm on cycle myself, so thanks for any effort to clear things up for me...

    whatever the case may be, this is ur cycle log I'm not gonna start an AI/SERM convo in it lol, just keep at it bro good luck
    Last edited by Hunter-S-Thompson; 04-21-2009 at 01:53 PM.

  34. #34
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    ^ Hey thanks bro. I appreciate the compliments. Sorry if i came off as a dick earlier. I apologize.

    But anyway, i gotta say, once gyno has reared its ugly little head, Nolva is the only thing that will help. It will block the receptors and can possibly reduce (not reverse) gyno. Both of those things, Adex cannot do.

  35. #35
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    Crazy dream

    Just had a nightmare guys that felt like it was real. I woke up, went to comb my hair and noticed some yellow goo on the top center of my head. I started to clean it off and the noticed I had no hair on the top and a huge dent where I took the goo out. I was freaking out and didn't know how I was going to explain this or what to do! I felt like I was in a nightmare. Then I woke up and I'm glad it really was only a dream!

  36. #36
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    Day 6

    Day 6, April 22, 2009

    Decided to do chest/triceps yesterday. Was pretty dissapointed in my chest strength since I actually did worse than last week. Maybe I should have waited another day, but I'm trying to train everybodypart twice per week as long as it's not sore. I haven't had an off day in 7 days straight. Today I did biceps/calves. Pretty good workout. I may have to take EZ barbell curls out of my future workouts thought cause my forearms are killing me and I'm not talking about from the pump but feels like my bones on my forearm can't support the weight. EZ Barbell curled 145 lbs for 10 reps. Calves I pumped up pretty good maybe more than ever before. I had trouble walking. Another note I notice it has taken me longer to get sore after a workout. Usually I get sore next morning but now it takes longer like until the afternoon. Tomorrow is the end of week 1 so I'll be posting up stats.

  37. #37
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    Day 7

    Day 7 April 23, 2009

    Today is the end of day 7 so here are the changes I made in my first week on gear. These are not personal records (except forearms) but I've never been this size this lean. For example, the last time my arms were 18.5 my waist was 34.5 (1 inch bigger). Biggest my arms were ever, were 18.75 so I'm hoping to be there by the end of week 2. I'm taking the day off today from training.

    Week 1 Results
    Weight 210 vs 201 last week Gained 9 lbs
    Waist 33.5 vs 33 last week Gained .5
    Chest/Back 47.5 vs 46.5 last week Gained 1
    Shoulders 54 vs 53 last week Gained 1
    Arms 18.5 vs 18.125 last week Gained .375
    Forearms 13.75 vs 13.25 last week PR! Gained .5
    Quads/Hamstrings 25.25 vs 24.375 last week Gained .875
    Calves 16.25 vs 16 last week Gained .25
    Last edited by Batman360; 04-23-2009 at 09:06 AM.

  38. #38
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    Day 8

    Day 8 April 24, 2008

    3rd injection was today, used a different brand of test e this time. No blood, no bruise. Did back/shoulders today. Deadlifted 455 x 8. Up 10 lbs from last time. I had trouble with the upright rows. Last week I did 170lbs x 8. Today I stopped on the 4th rep because my shoulder joints were hurting. Maybe I'm overworking my shoulders too much from all these training days non stop? I've noticed that I require less sleep than I used to, I'm waking up about 2 - 3 hours earlier.

  39. #39
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    You should try to get more sleep bro. You need time for your muscles to rest. Same with spacing out workouts.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Hi to all,

    Joined this thread as i have also just started a similar cycle as Batman360 on the 23rd of April 2009.

    I am going to be doing 500mg a week on Test E (norma) for 12 weeks and 20mg of Wildcat dbol ED for 4 weeks.

    Already have taken my first shot of TEST E 250mg in the buttocks. Took ages for it to go in, and was sore afterwards. Found out that my injection was too big! lol. i used a 21 gauge by 2 inches. ouch!!! must get smaller ones. (atleast a 23 gauge by 1 1/2 inch or 1 1/4 inch next time).

    I also have been natural like Batman360. 26 years of age, weight is 210lbs and been training for 5 years.

    I have tamoxifen (aka nolvadex) on hand, including clomid. I have been told its good to use HCG afterwards subcutaneos injection for 9 days, do you guys think its needed at the end of this cycle?

    So far i have seen an increase in weight about 5lbs but might be water retention. Like Batman360 gains in strength too, especially in bicep workout.

    I have noticed that I have been sweating in the night when sleeping, is that normal?

    I have 10mg tablets, and i am breaking them so i can keep an even blood flow. So trying to get 5 mg in 4 times. Is it ok to break them in half?

    Anyways thanks in advance for the response. Will keep following and posting my results and will report anything unusual! Good luck to all on their cycles especially Batman360.

    Thanx. (time for my second shot now, see ya)


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