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  1. #1
    yungone501's Avatar
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    26yr old- Anadrol/deca/Test 156lbs

    Okay guys, im by far a newbie to this website. Ive been laying low for 'bout a year now just reading. Decided that today I would officially join and make a post of my second cycle.

    26yrs old

    Test Prop 200/ml@ 1.5ml EOD---1-12wks
    Anadrol 50mg tabs@ 100mg ED---1-4wks
    Deca 250/ml@ 1ml every 3 days---3-12wks

    Currently have more than 7 years of training (up and down) and started at 123lbs. Built naturally to 150lbs than ran a "dumbass" cycle of Tren @ 50ml ED for about 8 weeks. Then again naturally from 150-156lbs. Hit a plateau so im ready to get serious now.

    Im currently at 3 weeks into the cycle. As of yesterday, I introduced the deca. The anadrol has given me alot of water retention, strength and suprisingly no other bad sides. My current weight is 168lbs and im sure most of it's water weight. Test has kicked my limbido up drastically and overall sense of well being for sure! So far I feel good about the cycle. I strive for atleast 4k calories of clean pure food. Work out regimon is 2-on-1-off. Just looking for any CONTRUCTIVE criticism here. Please, no grilling. LOL. I will post pics atleast once every 2 weeks. The first pic is of me before this current cycle at 156lbs. Thanks!

    PS- I know im mixing some long and short esters with the deca and test...any reccomendations as to what test?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 26yr old- Anadrol/deca/Test 156lbs-l_690cd61de3154670b50768698024aca2.jpg  

  2. #2
    proironaust's Avatar
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    hi i would run the deca for 12 weeks min and make sure you run the prop 2.5 weeks after you stop the deca.For your second cycle i would of ran the drol @50mg/ed and prob bump the deca to 400mg a week.I would of started the deca from the start as long have you been on 4 thou cals a day.With that many cals goin in and your cycle you should blow up.Good luck with everything i will be following the cycle.

  3. #3
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    Okay guys, im by far a newbie to this website. Ive been laying low for 'bout a year now just reading. Decided that today I would officially join and make a post of my second cycle.

    26yrs old
    156lbs RED FLAG! Right off the bat.

    Test Prop 200/ml@ 1.5ml EOD---1-12wks So youre gonna do 2400mgs in 14 days? Horrible... Enjoy HRT!
    Anadrol 50mg tabs@ 100mg ED---1-4wks
    Deca 250/ml@ 1ml every 3 days---3-12wks Why use Deca for only 9 weeks?

    Currently have more than 7 years of training (up and down) and started at 123lbs. Built naturally to 150lbs than ran a "dumbass" cycle of Tren @ 50ml ED for about 8 weeks. Then again naturally from 150-156lbs. Hit a plateau so im ready to get serious now. Cause your diet is likely horrible.

    Im currently at 3 weeks into the cycle. As of yesterday, I introduced the deca. The anadrol has given me alot of water retention, strength and suprisingly no other bad sides. My current weight is 168lbs and im sure most of it's water weight. Test has kicked my limbido up drastically and overall sense of well being for sure! So far I feel good about the cycle. I strive for atleast 4k calories of clean pure food. Post that up. Id love to see your 4K cal diet. PLEASE INCLUDE MACROS AND THE WEIGHT OF THE FOOD!

    Work out regimon is 2-on-1-off. Just looking for any CONTRUCTIVE criticism here. Please, no grilling. LOL. I will post pics atleast once every 2 weeks. The first pic is of me before this current cycle at 156lbs. Thanks!

    PS- I know im mixing some long and short esters with the deca and test...any reccomendations as to what test? Huh? Whats the question here?

    Also i dont see any mention of a PCT here?

    Not trying to flame you, but 1G a week of Test is insane. Especially for someone who has only ever done 1 other cycle, and for someone who is only 155lbs.

    Im getting other VETS in here to help...
    Last edited by WARMachine; 04-24-2009 at 02:50 AM.

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Welcome to AR

    If you have been laying Low for a year and reading, Where in the HELL did you come up with such a screwed up cycle?

    and WHY would you start it BEFORE asking about it?????

    Please tell us that you wrote it out incorrectly? as WARmachine already pointed out how terrible it already admitted to doing one DUMBASS cycle, do you really want to do another???

    WOW, where do I start????


    There is NO way you need 1050 mgs of prop/week, I have done 8-10 cycles in the past 10 years and have NEVER gone over 600 mgs/week

    10mgs/ed of the anadrol is overkill as well, you would be fine with HALF that

    Deca is a LONG ester and needs to build up in your system, so starting it on week 3 and ending it at the SAME time as the Prop is VERY BAD !!!!! it will be in your system for 18 days past the Test Prop the way you have it set up now. Can you say DECA DICK ??

    The problem isn't so much you mixing long and short esters, the problem is you are doing it ALL WRONG !!

    Are you willing to change this and do it correctly or are you gonna stick with your second DUMBASS CYCLE??

    and as WARmachine stated WHAT IS YOUR PCT for this cycle???

    let us know what you are willing to do, and we will help you straighten this MESS out !!

  5. #5
    yungone501's Avatar
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    LOL. oops, I meant 100/ml on the test. WAR, youre right on the deca . I should extend my deca for a min of 3 more weeks and what...test another 5? Yes, my diet was far from perfect whenever I hit the plateau but decided to clean it up for the cycle. Here is an example of my current diet:

    meal 1: 700 cal mass. shake (55g protein)
    meal 2: 6 scrambled eggs/LG wheat baggle (roughly 600cal., 45 protein)
    meal 3: whey shake, apple or banana (250cal, 40g protein)
    meal 4: baked chicken (6-8oz) and two fresh veggies (400cal, roughly 45g protein)
    meal 5: pre-workout whey shake with (3 tbl spoons of honey), apple or banana (300cal, 40g protein)
    meal 6: post-workout whey shake with (3 tbl spoons of honey) (200cal, 40g protein)
    meal 7: 6-8oz steak with 2 carbs dense veggies (potato/rice) (700cal, 55 protein)
    meal 8: Lg bowl cootage cheese and peaches (400cal 35g protein)

    I usually have a large container of mass gainer I sip on through out the day at work when hunger strikes. And lastly on the test thing, Im using test prop. Is it okayt for me to stick with prop for the remainder of the cycle.

    I will post another picture here sometime today hopefully. Im at work and a lil busy. T-mos, what do suggest on this?

  6. #6
    PittBoy's Avatar
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    I'd go over to the diet section and ask for a little help on that diet. You seem to have a lot of shakes in there. Best to get your cals and protein from real food.

    Getting that diet nailed down is going to make a huge difference for you.

  7. #7
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    way TOO many shakes in that diet....there should be ONE PWO and the rest REAL FOOD !!!

  8. #8
    Shurik's Avatar
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    Damn bro, that's a lot of shakes and not enough real quality foods. There is more than enough flaws in your diet. Hopefully phate or jammy will take a peek at this one to help out with diet.

  9. #9
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    I am still waiting for you to answer my questions in my post

  10. #10
    yungone501's Avatar
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    Yes T-mos, im definately open for change here. Okay, i know this is a mistake but i dont have a PCT set out yet. Im kind of doing it as i go. Pittboy says to many shakes...i agree. but with my line of work its either that or nothing. i dunno, maybe i could shuttle in some refrigerated items?

  11. #11
    Reed's Avatar
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    I was told by my friend War to come over here and bust a head.....

    Honestly this stuff no longer surprises me......

    Why at your weight and experience level do you feel you need so many drugs.... what you are doing is making up for your lack of training and diet knowledge..... Its apparent as I have friends I work w/ and have trained at the same exact height and our 180+ natural, they don't want to do drugs anytime soon once they realized the dedication that needs to be put forth once on.... No drinking, partying, just focused on diet and training every second of the day......

    Lets learn the basics of diet and training so that you may actually make solid progression......

    Well in the diet your first and MAJOR flaw is that there are no carbs..... Oats, brown rice, potatoes, pearled barley, etc. These are your body's primary source for energy, without them I wouldn't expect progression in your workouts or anything else for that matter.

    Also fats, you need fats to grow.... I can eat all the carbs and protein I want and without fats I won't grow muscle. Look into EFA's essential fatty acids like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and add a little bit of saturated fats which you can get in your red meat meals......

    What about your training regiment..... Hows that looking.... list it..... your exercises performed each day with weights.......

    *****VERY IMPORTANT What is your PCT??? You planned on one right??? Don't tell me after all this laying low you don't know or have the drugs on hand in order to combat sides and help with recovery of your HPTA once the cycle is over

    Hope your happy War


  12. #12
    Reed's Avatar
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    You didn't plan on a PCT???

    Thats the first thing you need to get together honestly.... look at our board sponsor to obtain the necessary compounds needed.... Research more, go to the PCT threads and look at the stickys....

    And yes pack a lunch box or whatever in order to bring whole meals into your work.... the same thing I do... Now if you CAN'T do that, look into purchasing casein protein as some peoples jobs may not allow for a full meal exactly ever 2-3 hours and I understand that but if you can take advantage of it eat whole meals.. I hate shakes there for the skinny kids

  13. #13
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    You didn't plan on a PCT???

    Thats the first thing you need to get together honestly.... look at our board sponsor to obtain the necessary compounds needed.... Research more, go to the PCT threads and look at the stickys....

    And yes pack a lunch box or whatever in order to bring whole meals into your work.... the same thing I do... Now if you CAN'T do that, look into purchasing casein protein as some peoples jobs may not allow for a full meal exactly ever 2-3 hours and I understand that but if you can take advantage of it eat whole meals.. I hate shakes there for the skinny kids

    PCT comes before anything else is even considered !!!

    Like EVERYONE else, you are not the only one that has a busy schedule, BUT we all figure out ways to COOK REAL FOOD

    I usually pick Sunday as my cooking day and cook up a dozen or so chicken breasts for the week, along with other food that i can store and just reheat quickly !

    THIS is where the dedication come in!!! You have to commit to wanting this bad enough to do WHATEVER it takes to do it RIGHT !!!

  14. #14
    Shurik's Avatar
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    Hey t-mos, this is off subject but does your chicken still stay good and fresh after laying around for a while? I coock every night and its a pain

  15. #15
    yungone501's Avatar
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    Tmos, very nice idea of the cook day man! I will definately incorporate that into my structure. As far as my workout goes, its usually 2on-1off. I say usually cause sometimes I will do 3on-1off. Muscle groups as follows: back/bi's, chest/tri's and legs/abs. I adopted the progressive resistance technique here recently and have found very pleasing results. I have all workouts charted and Im at work but I push for adding 5lbs or so to every exercise everytime I do them. Both weight and reps have moved up considerably. Oh, and 12 sets per session minumum. Typically doing 8 sets for larger muscles (chest,back) and 4 sets for smaller(bi's,tri's). Like most mentioned earlier, my biggest obstacle as of now is getting my diet in order. I eat ALOT. Im an extreme ectomorph and its very hard do keep a stable high calorie diet. Oh and Reed, cassien was a good suggestion. I will minimize my shakes throughout the day and usher in better foods. Ive noticed that my bf% has increased here lately due to the retention but still have nice vascularity. Strength is off the charts! Think you guys will like the pic from lastnight. Let me get my damn girl to email that! Thanks guys!

  16. #16
    yungone501's Avatar
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    Oh and shurik, do you coock everynight?

  17. #17
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    Yeah post up your routine and we can help you tweak it... you did post this in the log section.... so post the exercises you do along with the weight.... I for one and mature enough not to be a jackass and laugh at your weight your lifting if you feel embarrassed or whatever... DON'T!!!.... everyone starts someone where

    Yes diet is so very vital. Its best to have that in order waaaay before you even begin a cycle. What do you think you grow off, certainly not JUST pumping a hormone into your body. Nope adding muscle size in all areas of the body is contained in focusing on progressively heavier weight in order to break down the fibers so they may grow back stronger and bigger through giving the body its necessary tools to rebuild.... FOOD.. the bigger you want to get well the more you gonna have to eat

    it'd be best to keep a log as you can refer back to each workout and make sure you do at least one more rep or more weight each time in the gym so that way you KNOW your progressing.

    Also we gotta get going on that PCT.... Look into purchasing HCG along with either torem (best option) or nolva as your SERM and I'd recommend aromasin as your AI post cycle.... You need a strong PCT as deca is known to be "harder" to recover from.

    Its not that it shuts you down harder, as shut down is shut down, its the metabolites that linger in the body for prolonged amounts of time ( I believe, someone correct me if I'm wrong) Sorry been a while since I studied the drugs more thoroughly, I forget shit easy.... Been getting ready on my contest prep so studying more on that animal

    Good luck... keep a log and we or I can help along

  18. #18
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shurik View Post
    Hey t-mos, this is off subject but does your chicken still stay good and fresh after laying around for a while? I coock every night and its a pain
    Yes, i find a week in the fridge is fine, and they are in sealed containers so i have never had an issue with freshness. Dryness sometimes but what are we gonna do, we are bodybuilders.....If it was easy, everybody would be doing it and looking this damn good !!!.....

  19. #19
    alpmaster is offline Member
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    Unless you have the ballarina legs, that picture is not of you, at least at the stats that you have posted.

  20. #20
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Yeah post up your routine and we can help you tweak it... you did post this in the log section.... so post the exercises you do along with the weight.... I for one and mature enough not to be a jackass and laugh at your weight your lifting if you feel embarrassed or whatever... DON'T!!!.... everyone starts someone where

    Yes diet is so very vital. Its best to have that in order waaaay before you even begin a cycle. What do you think you grow off, certainly not JUST pumping a hormone into your body. Nope adding muscle size in all areas of the body is contained in focusing on progressively heavier weight in order to break down the fibers so they may grow back stronger and bigger through giving the body its necessary tools to rebuild.... FOOD.. the bigger you want to get well the more you gonna have to eat

    it'd be best to keep a log as you can refer back to each workout and make sure you do at least one more rep or more weight each time in the gym so that way you KNOW your progressing.

    Also we gotta get going on that PCT.... Look into purchasing HCG along with either torem (best option) or nolva as your SERM and I'd recommend aromasin as your AI post cycle.... You need a strong PCT as deca is known to be "harder" to recover from.

    Its not that it shuts you down harder, as shut down is shut down, its the metabolites that linger in the body for prolonged amounts of time ( I believe, someone correct me if I'm wrong) Sorry been a while since I studied the drugs more thoroughly, I forget shit easy.... Been getting ready on my contest prep so studying more on that animal

    Good luck... keep a log and we or I can help along

    Damn good posting! Like always!

    Hope your happy War
    Yep i am. Good job brothers!

    Didnt leave me with much else to advise him on... haha

  21. #21
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    Ya, good job Reed! Looks like you're ahead in the little advice competition, way to go! LOL. Anyhow... here's the pic I promised. I dunno, definately look much fuller, solid, wattery (ha),... So far im impressed with the transformation. This is only week 3 though, the deca probably wont come in for another week or so. Very happy with what the adrol did for me. Tried to take the pic in the same location of my house and the same pose just to give clearer idea of the result. Still at work. Went and bought some "REAL" food and just began my revalation of not so many shakes. I'll keep ya posted.

  22. #22
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    ^ Sounds good then bro...

    Any research on PCT yet?

  23. #23
    yungone501's Avatar
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    How bout that damn picture?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 26yr old- Anadrol/deca/Test 156lbs-p1010587.jpg  

  24. #24
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    Perhaps a bit more vascular. But that could be from a number of things...

  25. #25
    Shurik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    Oh and shurik, do you coock everynight?
    Ya man, I cook every night for the next day but I'm gonna try the way T-Mos suggested and see how that goes. It will save a lot of time thats for sure.

  26. #26
    yungone501's Avatar
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    Hey Tmos, do only cook the chicken or the veggies too?

  27. #27
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    Hey Tmos, do only cook the chicken or the veggies too?
    when i was competing and eating a ton of sweet potatoes, I would peel 10lbs of them, dice them and bake them in the oven with just some cinnamon, then portion them out in glad ware containers for the week.

    I own a TON of glad ware containers......I would take a cooler with me whenever I knew i would be out at a meal time and eat cold chicken strips and cold sweet potatoes

    I would make brown rice like that too and portion it.

    I used to have to crack and separate all my eggs , this was before they made just the egg whites like they do now

    ahhhhhh the memories........lolol

  28. #28
    Reed's Avatar
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    So lets not forget your cycle now.... what are you doing; lets have it in writing.

    this is what i have you planning on doing so far in your words

    wk 1-17 prop 150 eod
    wk 3-15 deca 500mg wk
    wk 1-4 anadrol 100mg ed

    then lets put your pct together....

  29. #29
    yungone501's Avatar
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    Been a few days since my last post. Givin' you guys a brief update here. These past several days have given a few noticeable sides: nipple sensitivity (minor), increased appetite (finally!) and lastly, feeling like Im always hot (temperature not looks,lol). Is that normal? Anyhow, woke up this morning feeling like im a little under the weather. Probably just a little cold. Weight fluctuating between 169-172lbs. Still havent seen any harsh anadrol sides yet that's discussed so much...However, I think my appetite increase may be due to the deca that was introduced about 1 week 2 days ago...possibly? My legs (only inject in my quads) are extremely sore! They've been taking alot of abuse here lately. Staying good on my one other kat said on his cycle log...I feel like im always chewing. Oh and cutting down on them damn shakes have made this cycle a little more challenging (Tmos, I got something for ya later). Overall, I think Im doing quite well and Im happy with what Im seeing. Oh and yes Reed, I'll be compiling a PCT for myself today. Im gonna probably need some advice (aka:flaming sessions) from all you damn veterans. anyways, feedback is encouraged and welcomed. Thanks!

  30. #30
    Reed's Avatar
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    You're probably feeling what is called the test flu, it will go away.

    But anyway this is freakin nice and all but instead of going on own your tangents why don't you answer the questions we have asked you....

    Put your cycle in writing (is my post what you're doing)

    Write out your workout routine, exercises performed, weight used, days you do certain parts etc.

    Lets write out the PCT once you decided on your cycle.

    And write out a new diet

  31. #31
    yungone501's Avatar
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    This is for Reeds persistant A$$.

    Cycles as follows:
    Test Prop 100mg/ml@ 1.5ml EOD 1-17wks (total=600mgwk)
    Deca 250mg/ml@ 1ml every 3 days 1-15wks (total=500mgwk)
    Anadrol 50mg tabs@ 100mg ED 1-4wks (total=700mgwk)

    PCT as follows:
    Nolva@ 40mg ED (2wks after compltetion of cyle)
    Clomid@ 150mg ED (2wks after completion of cycle)

    Current workout routine as follows:

    5 sets of wide grip pull-ups to failure
    Dumbbell rows @60lbs X12,11,9

    barbell curls @70lbs X12,12,10
    dunbell hammer@35lbs X10,9

    flat bench @205 X13,12,11,11,9
    incline dumbell @60lbs X11,10,8

    close-grip bench @170lbs X11,10,10
    dumbell kickbacks @25lbs X14,14

    3 sets lunges to failure
    barbell squat @175lbs X9,8,8,6 (theyre weak, i HATE legs!)
    calf raises 3 sets to failure

    3 sets crunches to failure
    3 sets of hanging leg lifts to failure

    Current diet (example) as follows
    meal 1: weight gainer shake (55g protein, 700cal)
    meal 2: 1 cup oatmeal w/tsp peanut butter, 12oz milk, banana (20g protein, 550cal)
    meal 3: 6oz beef w/ corn on the cob (25g protein, 350cal)
    meal 4: Lg bowl whole grain cereal w/whole milk and apple (20g protein, 300cal)
    meal 5: 1 1/2 chicken breast w/ sweet potatoes (55g protein, 650cal)
    meal 6: whole grain bagel w/ peanut butter and 12oz milk (25g protein, 600cal)
    meal 7: PWO--Whey shake with 3 Tsp honey (50g protein, 250cal)
    meal 8: Homemade Fajitas on flour tortillas (3 beef fajitas) (45g protein, 600cal)
    meal 9: cottage cheese w/ peaches (35g protein, 400cal)

  32. #32
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    This is for Reeds persistant A$$.

    Cycles as follows:
    Test Prop 100mg/ml@ 1.5ml EOD 1-17wks (total=600mgwk)
    Deca 250mg/ml@ 1ml every 3 days 1-15wks (total=500mgwk)
    Anadrol 50mg tabs@ 100mg ED 1-4wks (total=700mgwk)

    PCT as follows:
    Nolva@ 40mg ED (2wks after compltetion of cyle) How long?
    Clomid@ 150mg ED (2wks after completion of cycle) Drop to 100mgs. People generally experience bad sides over 100mgs.

    Current workout routine as follows:

    5 sets of wide grip pull-ups to failure
    Dumbbell rows @60lbs X12,11,9

    barbell curls @70lbs X12,12,10
    dunbell hammer@35lbs X10,9

    flat bench @205 X13,12,11,11,9
    incline dumbell @60lbs X11,10,8

    close-grip bench @170lbs X11,10,10
    dumbell kickbacks @25lbs X14,14

    3 sets lunges to failure
    barbell squat @175lbs X9,8,8,6 (theyre weak, i HATE legs!)
    calf raises 3 sets to failure

    3 sets crunches to failure
    3 sets of hanging leg lifts to failure

    Current diet (example) as follows
    meal 1: weight gainer shake (55g protein, 700cal) Garbage. Add another meal instead.
    meal 2: 1 cup oatmeal w/tsp peanut butter, 12oz milk, banana (20g protein, 550cal) Drop the PB. Add 6-8 egg whites.
    meal 3: 6oz beef w/ corn on the cob (25g protein, 350cal) Lean Beef? 95/5? Also, drop the corn, add 4-6oz of Sweet Potato/Yams
    meal 4: Lg bowl whole grain cereal w/whole milk and apple (20g protein <- Huh?, 300cal) Add 6oz of chicken, 4oz of mixed cooked veggies.
    meal 5: 1 1/2 chicken breast w/ sweet potatoes (55g protein, 650cal) Cool
    meal 6: whole grain bagel w/ peanut butter and 12oz milk (25g protein, 600cal) 6oz of fish/turkey. 4 oz of Brwn rice
    meal 7: PWO--Whey shake with 3 Tsp honey (50g protein, 250cal) 1 shake is fine
    meal 8: Homemade Fajitas on flour tortillas (3 beef fajitas) (45g protein, 600cal)
    6oz of meat (Beef, fish, chicken, or turkey.)
    4oz of Brn rice
    4oz of mixed veggies
    green salad 1 tbl olive oil
    300Gs of mixed berries,

    meal 9: cottage cheese w/ peaches (35g protein, 400cal) Thats fine. Casein shake works well too.

    That should help you along a bit. You needed more complex carbs, and your post indicated that it was possibly too high in fat. You need EFAs, not too much else.

  33. #33
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    Thanks for the critique Warmachine. Okay, firstly, PCT will be ran for 4 weeks after completion on both clomid and nolva. I will consider lowering the dosage on clomid if thats what u suggest. Dude...u want me to completely do away with the mass gainer? I tried to include as few shakes as possible into my diet but I guess only having two is still too many. I normally have a mass gainer shake as soon as I wake up due to convenience of time. Oh well, im listening. As far as everything else goes in my diet, I see what your mean. Maybe thats why 15 minutes after eating a meal my stomach start growling again...not enough fats and complex carbs. Gotcha! Keep ya'll posted. Later.

  34. #34
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    Well i mean i think youd be better off with more food rather than mass gainer.

    Check with the diet guys in the diet section. Look for Phate, Jamy and Nark. They will prefect your diet.

  35. #35
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    That training routine is need of improvement BIG TIME.... what are your goals???

    Where are the shoulders in your routine???? Hamstrings???

    And 2 on 1 off with those exercises??? How do you go about that, chest day 1; then back day 2, off day 3, legs day 4 and then back to chest on day5????

    Looks real screwy, not well thought out, and a half assed routine (especially w/ back) . You could benefit by adding in more exercises and splitting the routine up better.

    And deca is bitch to recover from for some.... Look into using HCG as you will be shut down for 4 months and can benefit from a solid protocol of such.....

    And War did a good job in helping you along with the diet, I'd follow his help or go down to the diet section and get some help

    Just my .02cents, meant to be constructive, take it or leave it....

  36. #36
    yungone501's Avatar
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    Okay, its been a while since an update has been posted. Ive made some pretty nice results. Im currently at 174lbs and looks like my bodyfat had went down so thats good...gaining muscle losing fat. Ive redone everything in my training. I moved to 3-on-1-off and have incorporated EVERY muscle group and chart EVERY workout in great detail. I believe my greatest achievement thus far is my bench. Two days ago I did 230lbs flat bench 14 reps! Hold shit! I couldnt believe it. Measurements are as follows: Bi-16in chest-44 1/4in forearm-13.5in quads-22 5/8in...sorry, no calves yet. I have completed my 4 week supply of Anadrol so now its just me,test and the deca . Diet has been exceptionally clean and large. Notably due to my increase in appetite. I plan on posting another pic in about another 2 weeks or so. See ya then.

  37. #37
    Nate_Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    LOL. oops, I meant 100/ml on the test. WAR, youre right on the deca . I should extend my deca for a min of 3 more weeks and what...test another 5? Yes, my diet was far from perfect whenever I hit the plateau but decided to clean it up for the cycle. Here is an example of my current diet:

    meal 1: 700 cal mass. shake (55g protein)
    meal 2: 6 scrambled eggs/LG wheat baggle (roughly 600cal., 45 protein)
    meal 3: whey shake, apple or banana (250cal, 40g protein)
    meal 4: baked chicken (6-8oz) and two fresh veggies (400cal, roughly 45g protein)
    meal 5: pre-workout whey shake with (3 tbl spoons of honey), apple or banana (300cal, 40g protein)
    meal 6: post-workout whey shake with (3 tbl spoons of honey) (200cal, 40g protein)
    meal 7: 6-8oz steak with 2 carbs dense veggies (potato/rice) (700cal, 55 protein)
    meal 8: Lg bowl cootage cheese and peaches (400cal 35g protein)

    I usually have a large container of mass gainer I sip on through out the day at work when hunger strikes. And lastly on the test thing, Im using test prop. Is it okayt for me to stick with prop for the remainder of the cycle.

    I will post another picture here sometime today hopefully. Im at work and a lil busy. T-mos, what do suggest on this?

    This is where the saying "Drop the shake and have a steak" comes in!
    <-- I had to edit this to make it larger and in red!

    THE MOST ANABOLIC THING HERE IS FOOD!... Don't forget that!

    First thing.. if I am to speak my mind openly (and I do not mean to offend), you need to learn how to eat. <-- Fullstop.

    Thinking all that gear will make you Ronnie ... well it won't. Do you know how much those big boys eat?

    Lets think about it this way -->

    You want to build a house.. you have the plans drawn up and you have an army of workers that are keen to wack up your house (aka. Training and Gear). BUT you don't have any materials... you have a pallet of bricks and a little bit of timber (Food). WITHOUT the raw materials, no matter how many workers you have, no matter how hard they work.. well you can't build it, it is impossible. SIMPLE.

    Sounds like you have plans for a mansion but you have the materials for a dog kennel or a little back yard shed at best.

    I don't mean to offend you, but seriously buddy, wake up and smell the protein (not the chocolate flavored shake). This is my No 1 thing to shit me.

    Secondly - (After you can put on another 25 pounds minimum naturally)

    First cycle - A-Bombs? NO! Why hit the hardest oral on your first cycle? WTF?

    I wont go into bitchies, not being to get a hard on etc in details basically - CORRECT CYCLE and PCT.

    Let me say that again PCT.

    Ok I am done ranting.. I don't want to offend you I just want you to wake up for your own good.

    Last edited by Nate_Dog; 05-16-2009 at 03:26 AM.

  38. #38
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    Let me do another anaology on this one..

    Your training is wack..

    Go read anything written by this guy - Charles Poliquin.

    If Luke Skywalker wanted to be a bodybuilder instead of a jedi, when he went to the Dagobah system to train.. instead of meeting yoda.. he would have met Poliquin. (CP in my mind is yoda of the industry)

    He is one of the few people in the industry that has the credentials to back up his claims. The guy is educated, out spoken and funny to boot.

    Go do his "German Volume Training" Program, simple, to the point and if will make you grow... IF YOU EAT ENOUGH! Make sure you watch the tempo.

    Time under testion is a variable that most people pay no attention to.

    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    This is for Reeds persistant A$$.

    Cycles as follows:
    Test Prop 100mg/ml@ 1.5ml EOD 1-17wks (total=600mgwk)
    Deca 250mg/ml@ 1ml every 3 days 1-15wks (total=500mgwk)
    Anadrol 50mg tabs@ 100mg ED 1-4wks (total=700mgwk)

    PCT as follows:
    Nolva@ 40mg ED (2wks after compltetion of cyle)
    Clomid@ 150mg ED (2wks after completion of cycle)

    Current workout routine as follows:

    5 sets of wide grip pull-ups to failure
    Dumbbell rows @60lbs X12,11,9

    barbell curls @70lbs X12,12,10
    dunbell hammer@35lbs X10,9

    flat bench @205 X13,12,11,11,9
    incline dumbell @60lbs X11,10,8

    close-grip bench @170lbs X11,10,10
    dumbell kickbacks @25lbs X14,14

    3 sets lunges to failure
    barbell squat @175lbs X9,8,8,6 (theyre weak, i HATE legs!)
    calf raises 3 sets to failure

    3 sets crunches to failure
    3 sets of hanging leg lifts to failure

    Current diet (example) as follows
    meal 1: weight gainer shake (55g protein, 700cal)
    meal 2: 1 cup oatmeal w/tsp peanut butter, 12oz milk, banana (20g protein, 550cal)
    meal 3: 6oz beef w/ corn on the cob (25g protein, 350cal)
    meal 4: Lg bowl whole grain cereal w/whole milk and apple (20g protein, 300cal)
    meal 5: 1 1/2 chicken breast w/ sweet potatoes (55g protein, 650cal)
    meal 6: whole grain bagel w/ peanut butter and 12oz milk (25g protein, 600cal)
    meal 7: PWO--Whey shake with 3 Tsp honey (50g protein, 250cal)
    meal 8: Homemade Fajitas on flour tortillas (3 beef fajitas) (45g protein, 600cal)
    meal 9: cottage cheese w/ peaches (35g protein, 400cal)

  39. #39
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    Nate, that was some pretty deep reality check. I think that your posts offended more than just him, but I like it. Lol

  40. #40
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    You think this one is good..

    Go over to this thread in the diet section and we have been bitching our asses off... well worth a read.. it has some funny ones in there.

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