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  1. #1
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    Comments Please on this cycle....

    After I finish my current "off" phase, I plan on going into a rather heavy cycle (if you know me, this is how I always do it).

    Starting mid January, I am planning to go on the following:

    wks 1-4: Dbol 100mg/d
    wks 1-14: Test Prop 100mg/d
    wks 1-14: Test Susp 100mg/d
    wks 1-12: Test Cyp 1000mg/w
    wks 1-14: Arimidex .5mg/d
    wks 1-14: Insulin 10ius Post-Workout
    Start clomid 3 days after last prop/susp shot.

    Also considering throwing in some fina.

    What do you all think???

  2. #2
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    Oh, I forgot to mention stats. Currently I am at 225lbs ~14% bf. I am on DNP as we speak and hope to get to around 200-210lbs by the time I start the cycle. Goal is to get back up to around 225-235 range with much less bodyfat than I have now, maybe around 8-10% or so.


  3. #3
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    Considering dropping the cyp and adding durabolin (fast ester deca ) in at 100mg/d as well. The Prop and suspension are mixed together (oil based) and is at 200mg/ml (100 of each), so with the durabolin, I will only be injecting 2mls total. I am also contemplating forgetting about the durabolin, and running fina instead? I like the idea of all fast acting juice vs. a mix of slow and fast like I had originally planned (cyp).

    Please give me your opinions on this. They are greatly appreciated. If I go with all fast acting, I may try running a 5/3 blitz pattern (5 weeks on, 3 off w/clomid & hcg , then back on for 5 weeks, etc).


  4. #4
    poantrex is offline Junior Member
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    95 comment: You're frickin' nuts to use that much shit man

  5. #5
    GREEK is offline New Member
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    not to sound stupid but what is DNP ...and also how will the insulin help your cycle?...i know its used with GH alot but if used alone what does it do?..not being sarcastic jsut asking cause i dont know


  6. #6
    The Butcher's Avatar
    The Butcher is offline Member
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    Holy crap!!! And I thought I took alot of shit. No flame, but I think you are probably using more shit (and thus spending more $) than you need. I am certainly an advocate of using enough gear, but you realize that you will be using over 3 grams of shit for the first 4 weeks. I'm 290 lbs and I rarely go over 2 grams a week. One thing I might suggest is that you cut your dbol to 60 or 70mg/day and spread it out for a longer period, and perhaps dropping the cyp and adding durabolin would be good. Or, drop the prop/suspension mix and add durabolin. Or, add fina and drop one of the tests. I'd be interested to see what you decide to use, and the results you get from it.

    One other thing, I have heard of the prop/suspension blend before, but never understood it. Testosterone Suspension is called Testosterone Suspension b/c it is a testosterone with no ester, and it is suspended in water. Thus, if this product is oil based (and not crystalline(sp?)), how can it be Testosterone Suspension? Is it a blend of prop and a non-ester testosterone? By the way, who is the manufacturer of that product? Thanks.

  7. #7
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    The dbols I will be using are Reforvits which tested around 17.5mg per tab (instead of 25), so 4 a day is really only ~70mg/d not 100.

    I am considering dropping the cyp (actually I already decided that I'm dropping it, just don't know if I want to run fina or durabolin ).

    I am using the insulin because I am on insulin year round (I am diabetic) and when on a cycle, sometimes I start playing with my dose post workout to aid in a few extra pounds of gains (worked well in the past for me).

    The maker of the prop/susp is **, I have never used it before, and his oils are generally underdosed, so 1cc (100 of each) is probably not really that much. I am sure it is just no-ester test in there instead of real suspension, but as long as it acts quickly its fine by me.

    I think I may run it as prop/susp/dura and possibly ask for a few kits of growth for christmas+bday from my parents (my bday is only 19 days after xmas). If they get it for me, then I will run 4-6ius of hgh along with everything else.... (damn, that would be nice!!!)

    Let me know what you think.

  8. #8
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    daumm bro, that is alot of test.. hope your prostate doesn't end up in the toilet.. Just kidding Gonna.. you really are wanting to live up to your name eh brother??
    Whew I don't know what to say except you are brave my friend.. LMAO...

  9. #9
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    6,696 speechless.........

    please pretty please with test on top post some before and after pics.

    I gotta see what that much juice will do to a guy!!

    peace and good luck

  10. #10
    BigMike J's Avatar
    BigMike J is offline Anabolic Member
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    MOTHERFUCKER!!! dude that is alot of shit.

  11. #11
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    All I can say is you have BIG BIG Balls my friend.... Well at least for now until all that test kicks in.. Damn that's a huge cycle!

  12. #12
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    Ok, I've been thinking it over and this is what I have come up with. I want to do all fast acting esters for 5 weeks, then go to 3 weeks clomid/hcg and start all over again. Two cycles back to back.

    wks 1-5, 9-13: Reforvit Dbol @ 75-100mg/d
    wks 1-5, 9-13: ** Prop/Susp combo @ 1cc/d (100mg of each)
    wks 1-5, 9-13: Durabolin 100mg/d

    Insulin throughout @ 10ius post-workout ed
    (Maybe--->) 3-6 months of HGH @ 4ius/d (2iu AM, 2iu PM)

    wks 6-8, 14-16: Clomid 150 day 1, 100 for next 10 day, 50 for last 10 days

    HCG in week 5 or 6 and 13 or 14

    What do you guys think of that? What are some personal experiences with the ** prop/susp combo???

  13. #13
    GREEK is offline New Member
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    when i used **;s mixture with the prop/ hurt like a b*tch..worked good but i spent so much time working out the lumps in my shoulders and tri"s

  14. #14
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    How much were you using? 0.5cc or 1cc a day? I am hoping that cutting it with 1cc of durabolin will reduce the pain, or maybe even add a ml of sesame oil to make a total of 3ccs, and reduce pain???

    Any suggestions?

  15. #15
    The Butcher's Avatar
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    Sounds like your new plan is going to be pretty effective. If you can get the hgh, by god do so. Insulin and gh are the growth promoters of the Gods!!! I'll be interested to see how your gains differ, if at all, from doing the same cycle somewhat back to back. Make sure and keep us updated with your progress. Good luck. Oh yeah, as far as the pain goes, why don't you do .5cc of durabolin mixed with .5cc of the prop/suspension combo. Since you have to shoot 1cc/day of each one, you will be able to split it that way every day. That should be sufficient to cut the soreness. If not, perhaps diluting it with the sterile oils you suggested would work.

  16. #16
    GREEK is offline New Member
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    1 cc twice a week

    i was shooting 1cc twice a definately hurt but to be honest i shot it with fina but never before did i feel that pain with fina

  17. #17
    nj_'s Avatar
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    Originally posted by Gonna Be HUGE
    Ok, I've been thinking it over and this is what I have come up with. I want to do all fast acting esters for 5 weeks, then go to 3 weeks clomid/hcg and start all over again. Two cycles back to back.

    wks 1-5, 9-13: Reforvit Dbol @ 75-100mg/d
    wks 1-5, 9-13: ** Prop/Susp combo @ 1cc/d (100mg of each)
    wks 1-5, 9-13: Durabolin 100mg/d

    Insulin throughout @ 10ius post-workout ed
    (Maybe--->) 3-6 months of HGH @ 4ius/d (2iu AM, 2iu PM)

    wks 6-8, 14-16: Clomid 150 day 1, 100 for next 10 day, 50 for last 10 days

    HCG in week 5 or 6 and 13 or 14

    What do you guys think of that? What are some personal experiences with the ** prop/susp combo???
    Cycle looks good. I was going to initially question why you were running slin for 14 weeks instead of cycling it to avoid becoming diabetic, but since you are diabetic that is not a concern. If you can get the GH I would STRONGLY advise throwing it in there, you will see stellar results from it when combined with slin and test. Good luck.

  18. #18
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    I am having a hard time deciding if I want to run durabolin or fina as my last compound????? Any suggestions? The Prop+Susp mix will definitely be included, just can't decide which of the other two to add in. I am starting to lean towards fina because of the price, which will free up that much more cash for more Anti-e's (I want to keep estrogen at next to nothing this cycle, also plan on increasing armdex to .5 ed or switching to femera at 2.5mg/d).

    What do you guys think? Durabolin or Trenbolone ?
    Also, considering dropping dbol for winny??? I think it makes more sense this way when combining with tren .

    I am starting to think I like this:

    Wks 1-8: Arimidex 0.5mg/d or Femera 2.5mg/d
    Wks 1-8: Tren 75mg/d
    Wks 1-8: Prop 100mg/d
    Wks 1-8: Susp 100mg/d
    Wks 1-8: Winny 50mg/d
    Wks 8-10: HCG 5000ius every 5th day
    Clomid starts 3 days after last shot

    Also considering adding clen as anti-catabolic during post-cycle, as well as Nolvadex to keep estrogen low during recovery....

    Comments on this? I still have plenty of time before I start this cycle, so I don't mind changing it around cuz I haven't ordered any of the gear yet.


  19. #19
    poantrex is offline Junior Member
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    STILL TOO MUCH SHIT..CHRIST...your question depends on your goals....generally deca will bloat you like crazy so I don't like using it

  20. #20
    nj_'s Avatar
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    I'd choose Tren over Deca . Instead of shooting 5000iu E5D, I'd shoot 500iu/ED for the 2 weeks, less chances of gyno from that. You can run the femara through post cycle instead of switching to Nolva. Are you prone to gyno or bloating? If not I would lower the femara dosage to 2.5mg EOD to hinder gains less. If you are prone to fina gyno I'd get some bromo for that. Are you still planning to run slin and/or GH alongside this cycle?

    Also, if you are not prone to gyno, consider using proviron as your anti-e instead of femara, proviron has an affinity for binding to SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) which is what reduces the amount of free test in your system. Meaning if you have low levels of SHBG, you have higher levels of free test available (from the injections) and you will grow more. Just food for thought.

  21. #21
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    I am not prone to gyno at all, I just hate bloating (and I hold A LOT of water on cycle). I think I like the proviron better, I just read a thread on bolex about the freeing up of test. It sounds solid. What dose is good for proviron? 25mg/d?

    I don't even hint at gyno from tren either, but I have bromo lying around anyways.

    I was never considering DECA . I was considering DURABOLIN (nandrolone phenylpropionate). There is a difference. Durabolin has a half life of 2-4 days (or pretty close to that), so every day injections are ideal. You don't bloat on it as much as deca, just like you don't bloat as much on prop as you do on enanthate .

    Why is that too much juice? I am only using a susp+prop mix and an androgen? This is not even close to being my first cycle, so I don't see the problem. I do have a problem with lower doses not working (but that article on SHBG helped explain this, so that is why I am so eager to add proviron and avita sevita to this cycle). For example, my last cycle was 1000mg Enanthate a week, 800mg Deca /w, 100mg Dbol a day (for first 4 weeks), 30mg Anavar /d throughout, and 100mg Winny a day (for last 6 weeks).

    So this cycle seems kind of light to me, but I am trying to keep water retention to an absolute minimum and fat accumulation even lower. I want only lean, hard gains from this one. That is why I am in favor of switching from dbol to winny, and from durabolin to fina.

    I just need to figure out how much proviron I need, and how to use it in conjuction with arimidex or femera (I don't think the proviron itself will be enough to keep water retention down... will it?)

    I am not using anti-es for fighting gyno, I am using to keep myself as tight as possible, so anyone with experience with this use of them, please help me decide my anti-e regimen.

    Thanks for all the input guys, I appreciate it.

  22. #22
    nj_'s Avatar
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    50mg/day Proviron should do the trick. Sorry, I meant Tren over Durabolin , not Deca . My bad. As for the anti-e, when you used arimidex or femara in the past, at what dosages did you run them? Proviron + femara might become overkill, so I'd start to lean towards arimidex. Or you might be able to get by on 1.25mg EOD of femara instead of 2.5mg since you have the proviron in there. I know you said you are prone to bloating, but well..your last cycle was enanthate /deca, that will make you hold a TON of water, susp+prop/fina isn't going to make you hold close to as much water. As for avena sativa, finding the real good stuff with the avenacosides is rare or now impossible. From what I have heard all the available avena sativa now is oat straw extract and garbage. It ain't too expensive though from BAC so I figure it might be worth giving a shot.

  23. #23
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    I talked with a few other bros on some other boards, and I came up with a major revision. I decided to reduce the doses a little, and change a few other things around.... See what you guys think of this

    (Prop and Susp are ** combo, 0.5cc/d will provide the 50mg+50mg)

    wks 1-8: Fina 75mg/d
    wks 1-8: Prop 50mg/d
    wks 1-8: Susp 50mg/d
    wks 1-8: Winny 50mg/d
    wks 1-11: Proviron 25-50mg/d
    wks 8-9: HCG 500iu/d
    wks 9-11: Clomid 300mg x 1, 100mg x 10, 50mg x 10

    I don't know wether I will need 25mg or 50mg Proviron a day. The doses aren't too high, and I am not worried about gyno anyways. I guess I am primarily using it to lower SHBG levels as much as possible and stay tight and hard throughout.


  24. #24
    nj_'s Avatar
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    Cycle looks good to me. Can't wait to see the results. Most people say to use 50mg/day proviron to get the SHBG binding results. I guess you could start at 25mg/day and move up to 50mg/day if you want but you are still running 700mg/wk total test which should be enough to warrant 50mg/day.

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