First of all, I have been reading these forums on and off for about two years now. I apologize in advance if this post is a bit lengthy, but I am going to give you all the information needed for all you experienced members to give me good advice. Up until the age of 14 I was ok with going swimming at friends houses, or going to the beach/lake. At 15 I became chubby and was too embarrassed to take my shirt off, and after a year of depression, started an intense workout program. I weighed in at 190lbs 5'5 with close to 35% body fat. By the time I was 17 I was at 200lbs with 14% body fat, I had a 255lb bench and 485lb squat(I have incredibly large legs, and have always been naturally strong). I received best body award at my high school, and graduated top of my class. You truly succeed when you're confident in yourself. I joined the Army at 17, 205lbs. After BCT and AIT, I came home weighing 168 lbs. The dramatic change in diet and workouts devastated my body. In a frantic attempt at regaining weight, I ate a lot(albeit a lot of shit) and am now(7 months later) at 242 lbs.
I don't know my body fat, but I can only assume its in the mid 20's. My bench is at 225x6(havnet gone for 1rm yet) and my squat is at 350x6. I know it is probably too early to start a cycle, and I agree, I have a lot more natural gaining to do. That's fine. However, I recently stumbled upon a legit source(online) and want to capitalize on some gear to stock up on for later. My goal is to be around 10% BF at 190-210 lbs by august. 3 months. I am willing to do whatever it takes in these 3 months to attain my goal. I have read tons of posts, but I feel there are too many differences with other people and me, so I'm afraid to follow someone elses cycle.
By the time I have the advice I need, and order the gear, it'll probably be here and ready to go 3 weeks from now. I would use these 3 weeks to clean up my diet and clean my system. Maybe do strictly cardio to get rid of some of the fat on me and drop my unneccessary weight so my heart doesnt work too hard when i start the gear. Any and all advice is appreciated, and I expect to get some flames.
Thanks in advance for your time,