Hi guys, like the title says this is my first cycle. I'm 21 years old and have been doing research for about 6 months. I have some close friends that compete in bodybuilding and they have inspired me. Right now I am in great health. My cardio is sound and my bodyfat% is decent, also I'm 100% dedicated in my workouts and diet which has been designed for me by my buddy who trains and competes. I've decided to wait one more week to start my cycle. Over this next week I will be starting my planned "cycle workout/diet" as well as getting my sleep habits completely on track. I look forward to any input and comments anybody has.
So here are the details...
Body- 5ft 8in, 165lbs, 9% bodyfat ( I will post measurements/pictures on Day 1 )
1-12 weeks - Test Enanthate ( 2x 250mg shots. Mon+Thurs)
1-5 weeks - Dbol (25mg per day)
12-13 weeks - Winstrol (50mg per day)
10-12 weeks - HCG (500Iu per week)
13-16 weeks - Clomid/Nolva
13 - 100/40
14 - 50/20
15 - 50/20
16 - 50/20
After this I'll see where I'm at and look towards cutting.