Since the begining of my last winter/spring bulking phase I have put on 20 lean lbs of solid mass... I have increase my size arms, neck, shoulders, calf, waist, by 1" and my chest by an 1 1/2" and my legs by 2 1/2"... I just proves that a YOUNG ecto can gain naturaly!
THE upsides to my bulking phase was that I hardly gained any fat and my bench went up 40lbs and I am just starting to see some good mass on my upper body. and of course the people that notice you getting bigger.
THE downsides were that most of the muscle weight went to my legs
(its genitic) and that I have noticed that I have about an 1" in my chest separation. and the fairly common symmetrical problems.
But over all I am very pleased with myself and plan to make this just the begining of my bulking goal for this winter/spring B-Phase is to put on 20-30lbs of good quality mass and to catch my arms and shoulders up with everything else.
I would also just like to THANK everyone on the board for helping me to not do AS at least untill I am alot older![]()
PS- will try to get some pics up soon