Well lets see.
Over the past week I have been watching videos over and over and documentation on how to do the injections.
I have a fear of needles, well not a fear but I forgot the name.
I get all light headed and sweaty.
Anyways I woke up ate, took a shower loaded the stuff.
Sat there swab my ass cheek, hope I can do squats tomorrow.
I sat down and was unable to do it.
It was was to the point of poking it in. (NO HOMO DSM)
Then I got all light headed and what not.
Anyways I had someone else do it, used a 22g 1 1/2" 1ml
It didn't hurt at all honestly, but the smell of the alcohol made me all light headed again.
I went to lay down for a bit again.
Next shot will be quads or delts, just hope it doesnt screw up my workout.
This is the diet I will be using, might modify it a bit
This will not be a very detailed log until the 4th or 5th or 6th week.
Regardless this is the log
here are some old threads with photos when I first started out
here are the most recent with a last natural bulk