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Thread: MSB's 6 week ANAVAR log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    MSB's 6 week ANAVAR log

    Age:20 Training:3 Years
    5'9 160 lbs BF% Reletively Low
    Goal: Gain 10 pounds muscle and lose BF till ab's look GREAT.

    Running Anavar Only
    Week 1 / 20 mg ed
    Week 2-6 / 40mg ed
    I know the dose is low but it is my first cycle, and i'd like to see how i'll react.

    PCT, I want to run Nolva 40/20/20.
    If I am feeling shut down, or feel I need it I will be taking the clomid as well at 50/50/50

    On Cycle
    Creatine CEE
    Tribulus 4g
    Vit C 2000mg
    Vit E 400iu
    cycle support by anabolic innovations.

    I will be getting bloodwork done 1 month after cycle which I will post, and am debating getting it done 2 weeks into cycle as well.

    Diet: Pretty consistent, I dont really count calories, but I would estimate usually between 3500-4500.
    Mostly every meal consists of meat and rice, or meat and pasta (brown and whole grain of course) I eat a ton of salmon and chicken.

    will update log very regularly. and post pics soon.

    Routine: My split goes like this
    day1: Chest/Tris
    day2: Back/Bi's
    day3: Legs/Shoulders
    day4: Off

    started today with 20mg and my chest/tri's workout.

    DAY 1 : 6/12/09

    Took 10 mgmorning dose with a protein bar and experienced extremely painful stomach cramps. went away after about 5 hours, and had a decent chest/tri's workout. Took second dose 10mg, 9 hours later this time with a meal of rice and chicken, and stomach was ok.

    DAY 3: 6/14/09
    Had a great back/bi's workout yesterday, I am a little more sore than usual but that could just be because I worked out with my trainer and he likes to crush me. So far no effects yet. stomach is better. Took a pic to see gains in a few weeks. these were taken last week.
    Last edited by MSB; 11-20-2009 at 11:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Gain 10 pounds of muscle and loose fat using anavar, cmon bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I did a six week cycle at 50/50/50/50/70/70mg felt a hell of alot more pumped than usual but didnt gain weight but lost unwanted bf and leaned out. Dont be expecting massive results. I found it to a good product but will use at the end of my next cycle stacked with test c.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    scott, what kind of diet did you use while running var? what were your favorite positives and least favorite negatives about it?

    DAY 4 : 6/15/09

    Just got back from Legs/Shoulders workout. Legs were tough, but had a strong shoulders w/o. So far havent noticed any effects of the anavar, positive or negative. Tommorow will be my last day at 20mg before I move up to 40 on day 6. I weighed in at 158 tonight. If anything I seem to be noticing a slight decrease in appetite. It was a little harder to stuff down as much food today as I usually do, but I forced myself to. (maybe it was just in my head)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    You arent gonna feel a thing at 20 mg per day. I wasted my money running an anavar only cycle because i could have gotten pretty much the same results without it. It is week and i ran it at 50 mg a day. I've now come to realize that needles arent bad and test is the best.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    incase anybody is curiouse this was my exact food intake today. It is not the same everyday, but very simiilar.

    damn near 3 gallons of water.

    Meal 1-
    2 scoops whey +1 cup milk+ 1 serving natty pb+2 servings oatmeal + 7.5 oz can of salmon

    2 eggs + roastbeef on a roll.

    2 chicken cutlets and a yogurt

    A half chicken+ several serving of rice + veggies. (a lot of rice)

    Other half of chicken

    Meal4- .75 pound filet of salmon + 1 serving brown rice.

    Meal 5- Post w/o
    Roast Beef and muenster cheese on a wrap + 2 scoops whey + 1 cup milk + 1 serving natty PB.

    it doesnt seem like a lot when I lay it out, but I feel like a human garbage disposal, and get strange looks all day from people when they see the portions I

    I have trouble counting calories because im at the office from 7 am to about 8pm so I eat out almost all meals except for the snacks and 1 meal I pack. I beleive I ate somewhere between 3000-4000 calories today.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Your diet needs some work go to the diet section and post and let jamy or someone else help you

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    thanks noles,
    did you notice any negative effects running Var only? or was all good?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    no sides really i just didnt see much gains from it. And for what i payed i wasnt happy. Diet is key to gaining get that right and maybe try upping your dosage to 50mg/day and you'll be good

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I decided I am going to bump it to 40mg starting tommorow. Noles you werent running test with the var right? Did you have any libido changes? I dont have test injections but I have Testim and a compounded cream just incase.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No var only. My libido was up. Next cycle run test e only. you will be amazed at the difference imo

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    DAY 5 : 6/16/09

    I bumped my dose up to 40mg today, and felt good. Today was supposed to be a rest day, but I couldnt stay away from the gym, I did some light upper body work, and definatly had a solid pump going on in my biceps, felt like a little more than usuall. Hopefully this is the start. Still no major noticible effects. On a side note I am kind of bloated but it is probably from all the creatine, rice and water i'v been taking in. Overall I feel good.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009
    good job posting man keep it up ima bout to start a var on cycle and im checking in withyou to see how its going thanks man

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    DAY 7 : 6/18/09

    Worked out Chest and Tri's today, went pretty light on chest because of an old shoulder injury, but hit tri's hard. I havent really noticed anything yet as far as strength or vascularity, but my tri's definatly had more of a pump than usuall, which subsided about 30 minutes post workout. I am eating a lot and I overall have a leaner feeling, but dont know if it is showing yet, I will take pics next week to see. As far as sides go I havent really noticed anything yet except for slight low back pain when I sit for too long but not too bad. The only thing I am a little nervouse about is libido, I just started bangin a hooters waitress and hope I dont run into any problems, but so far so good.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I'm doing an anavar only cycle started off at 80mg a day no sides at all at 3 weeks in. Having some real good strength gains I am def leaner but i'm exactly the same weight!!! as when i started

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    3 gallons of water a day?? are u nuts? lol

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    3 gallons of water a day?? are u nuts? lol
    lol, thats what my friends say, I work on the stock exchange and am screaming all day, and the water just goes down so easily. I usually fill up my gallon jug 2 more times after I leave the house.. Actually yesterday I started keeping it at 2.

  18. #18
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    Day 9 : 6/20/09

    Worked shoulders/abs today. Strength seemed to be up a little. I am definatly noticing a pump when I am lifting, and I also saw a new vein in my trap too. So far strength, pump and vascularity all up.. not much but its slightly noticible. I am the same weight on the scale. Other than that no new news to report.

  19. #19
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    DAY 11 : 6/21/09

    I took yesterday off because I felt like I was getting sick. Woke up pretty much the same today. Felt out of it. I was also getting some slight pain in the area of my old hernia surgery. I was tired and slept for 3 hours after I got home from work.
    I decided to go to the gym and hit some legs. Just got back. I still feel sick, but I had an awesome workout. My legs felt stronger than they've ever been. I didnt increase the weight, but my normal weight just felt lighter and instead of doing 4 sets 8-10 reps, I did 4 sets of 12 solid reps. My pump is great. While waiting for the calf machine I grabbed the barbell with some 10's on it and busted out 20 curls, my arms were pumped, almost painfull, I dont know how I will get through a full arm workout.
    I'v been eating a lot and was up to 163lbs on the scale, and I am definatly looking ******. I can see the striations and veins in my shoulders, abs are also slightly visually better.
    As far as sides go, I think I have this lower back pump that I hear about, except it's not really a pump, my low-mid back just kind of hurts.
    I am also getting some cystic acne on my back, but this is somthing I'v delt with before, it's probably not from the Var.
    Overall so far so good! When everybody said Var is weak,I know what you mean now. I feel like I have a little extra "kick" but nothing major, but so far it is exactly what I expected.
    wish me luck.. I hope I dont wake up sick tommorow. any thing I can do to help besides lots of C?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    DAY 13 : 6/24/06

    Been kind of tired last 2 days. Workouts have been strong though, and pumps are excellent.
    I went to the doc for a check-up today, and my BP was 168/108, I told him i'm taking creatine and he told me to stop, and come back in a week. Im kind of in a dilemna and dont know what to do. The first thing he said was it could be straining my kidneys and giving me high BP. In my head im thinking (shit Var is metabolzid in my kidneys). Should I drop the creatine? maybe taper off on the var to 30mg instead of 40?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    lol dont drop the var just stop te creatine. drink more water i dont know how much you drink but try it out. var is not that toxic

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I am thinking of running a similar var only cycle. I am anxious to see how this works for you.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I will be dropping the creatine for now and watching the fat intake in the diet, water is already 2 gallons plus. Will be getting checked again in a few days. and pics too at about day 20-25, I am starting to see a little change.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by MSB View Post
    The first thing he said was it could be straining my kidneys and giving me high BP. In my head im thinking (shit Var is metabolzid in my kidneys). Should I drop the creatine? maybe taper off on the var to 30mg instead of 40?
    No. Don't worry about it. Just continue on with cycle, and continue to cycle the creatine. It's COMPLETELY normal for your creatinine levels to increase & kidney function enzymes to decrease while on cycle. It's just because your kidneys are working harder to process the gear; and the excess protein, that it can suddenly intake.

    Don't bother going back to the doc, IMO. Just finish up the cycle, and then go. You'll be fine. And your kidneys are not going to be harmed whatsoever.

    I made the mistake of getting tricked by my doctor last cycle. He saw my bloodwork mid-cycle, and was mega concerned about my kidneys. It turned out to be nothing. And 6 weeks later, post cycle, my levels were completely back to normal range. It's all hype buds, don't even worry about it.


  25. #25
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    DAY 15 : 6/26/09

    So I dropped the creatine 2 days ago due to high BP, i'd like to get it down at least a little bit, I see the doc on monday. Yesterday and today I felt quite tired, work was hard, but my workouts are still very good. Lifted legs/shoulders today, and am squatting a few extra pounds for some extra reps. DB military press was also up 5lbs. As far as my pump goes it really was non existent today as compared to my last few workouts, and the vascularity wasnt as visible either. I weighed 166lbs on the scale last night and tonight, so I am up a few pounds. A few friends must have noticed a little change and asked me if I was taking any supplements, and my mom also made a comment. I will try to get pics up tommorow or sunday. As far as shut down is concerned, I dont really feel anything yet, except for being a little tired, what exactly should I be expecting??? Libido is strong but notice that my soldier doesnt want to stay up as long, and just wants to finish quicker.

  26. #26
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    DAY 16 - 6/27/09 -PICTURE UPDATE-
    took some pics this morning, I am up almost 5 pounds on the scale. Pics were cold with no pump, but you get the idea first pic is day 1, second to are today.
    Last edited by MSB; 11-20-2009 at 11:11 PM.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Keep up the good work

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    DAY 19 : 6/30/09

    just got back from back/bi's, my strength is way up! I am lifting heavier weights than i'v ever lifted before. All of my exercizes tonight I pyramidid the weight.. not because I wanted to, but just becuase the weights I normally lift, to be frank just felt way lighter. ex.. I usually lift 2 plates on t-bar rows, somtimes throw a 10 on. Tonight I lifted 3 plates for 4x6. alternating DB curls I usually lift 40's about 8 reps. tonight I lifted 50's for my last 2 sets, 6 reps.
    So tommorow is day 20 I will be half way through and I have broken down Anavar into 4 categories.

    STRENGTH: within about 5 days I noticed the drug was working but it just hit hard in the last few day. All of my lifts are up. I dont necesarily feel stronger but I am just able to lift heavier weights. Its a great feeling.

    VASCULARITY: I noticed new veins I had never seen before in my shoulder areas, only they arent raised above the skin, I can see them under the skin. The veins that were already raised such as the ones in my biceps have increased noticibly throughout the tops of my biceps into my shoulders. I feel if you dont have a very low BF Anavar will probably give very slight to no vascularity. on the flipside if you already have strong existing vascularity it will magnify it.

    BODY WEIGHT/FAT: I feel like this drug has very little effect on increasing body wieght so far. On the flipside I havent put on much fat and have been eating like a mad animal with an unlimited supply of food. I am 167lbs on the scale which is about 7 pounds so far BUT... i feel like this was all from diet. I have been eating in excess of 4000 calories every day. some days I top just over 5000. Almost all clean too. My boss actually yelled at me today for eating so much, and he said It's stopping me from working. I LOLD

    SIDE EFFECTS: I have some mid-back pain, which feels like muscle cramps and spasms.My blood pressure was 168/108 which is very high, but i discontinued creatine 6 days ago and pressure was 148/98 today which is still high, but better. For the first week or so my appetite felt supressed but it went away and now I am hungry as ever. Other than that I feel good, no acne, libido is fine.

    on a side note iv been following the comeback of Kevin Levrone, and watching his workouts and transformation has given me some motivation.. check it out!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You have used 40mg daily throughout the cycle, correct?

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    yes, 40mg ed except for the first 4 days where I ran it at 20mg

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I am gearing up for an identical cycle. I am glad to hear that you are having good results on 40 mg. A lot of people are saying that you need to run almost twice that or it will be a waste. You and I are similar in size, so you should be a pretty good example for me. Thanks for the detailed log.

  32. #32
    What kind of strength increase have you seen on main lifts like squat and bench?

  33. #33
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    Jun 2009
    I dont go heavy on barbell bench due to an old shoulder injury. I normally flat DB bench 60-65lbs for about 6-8 reps. a few days ago I pressed 70's for 10 reps. I havent really maxed yet or kept it in the low rep range, I am off to hit chest right now so I will update later.
    My squat has actually went up about 10-20 pounds and i also keep it in the 6-10 rep range.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    May 2009
    hey man thanks for posting i was gonna start my var cycle but i think i have a hernia now and im PISSED lol any way keep working hard and posting im intrested in your results

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Ouch, that sucks! Did it happen while lifting?

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    yea it does suck im pissed! well im not really suere how it happened but i know its there i played college ball for a long time so i prolly did something then and didnt relize it

  37. #37
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    DAY 24 : 7/5/09

    Last couple days havent been so hot. I threw my back out about 3 days ago, and took the last 2 days off. I was also on vacation, and my diet was no where near par. I will be back heavy in the gym tommorow, and will be dieting harder than ever. I really want to get the most out of these last 2 weeks.
    On a side note I when i woke up this moring, I was looking more vascular than I ever have.
    As far as negatives go, I had some trouble keeping a full hard on. I was sort of half hard, and it was real hard to finish. (kind of an embaressing experience). also havent had any moring wood in several days which is abnormal for me. I'm more tired than usual too, so maybe I am feeling what many describe as shutting down.
    I also noticed some hair falling out in the shower. Thought Var didnt do this, but hopefully it was just a coincidence or somthing.
    I have a compounded testosterone cream, and am debating using it, so I dont have any issues with the women. Do you guys think it would help, or just contribute to shutting me down more and a harder PCT recovery?

  38. #38
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    DAY 26: 7/7/09

    I felt real tired the last 2 days, but had a very strong chest tri's w/o yesterday. I flat DB benched 80's 10 reps which is a pr for me, and still felt like I could have went heavier. Didnt feel the best today so I just did some light leg work tonight, but will be back heavy again tommorow.
    I was 168 on the scale last night and tonight, so up another pound, but I think I am starting to put a little too much around my stomach. One effect I am noticing is that my muscles are much harder than they were 3 weeks ago. So far some comments I'v gotten from friends/family- " you look bigger than you did last month" / "are you starting to gain weight again" / "you feel hard as a rock" / "your traps are looking huge". It's funny because as far as looks go I dont really notice much, but apparently other people do.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    DAY 30 - 7/11/09

    Nothing really new to report. I have 10 days left to this cycle. My weight today was 170lbs which was more than I thought I would get to. My diet has also been in excess of 5k calories almost everyday though, so of course I put a little around the mid section too, but for the first time in almost a year I am actually putting some size on, and have been getting a lot of comments about it. For the next 10 days I am going to lighten up on the carbs a little and see if I can shed any BF.
    On another note I have been feeling pretty tired everyday. After I get off work I just want to come home and sleep. I dont want to go out with freinds on weekends because I am so damn tired.
    The gym has still been great. I am making big strength gains, especially in my back, My row, and pull down increased a lot, Bench press also went up a decent amount too. I was DB curling the other day, and wanted to see how many reps I would get with the 50's and got 6 in each hand. I dont think I could have even got 2 or 3 before I started this. Pumps are also still good, but were much stronger days 10-20.
    For those of you following along, I will post pics on day 40. and also blood work after PCT.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thanks for posting this I've been following it all along. I was thinking of starting with Anavar but I'm not sure if it will be the way to go. It sounds like you've made some pretty great gains which is fantastic. Is this feeling tired all the time something new? Do you think it has anything to do with the Anavar?

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