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Thread: My Cycle LOG

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    My Cycle LOG

    So here i am, with a prepared cycle. The pic i have is from march of this year i have put on 12 lbs since then. But kinda of rouch indication of what i look like. Heres my stats

    Age 20


    Weight 201 as of today

    Im looking to do some major bulking.

    My cycle is as follows

    Weeks 1-14 Test E 400 mgs a week
    Weeks 1-12 Deca 400 Mgs a week
    Weeks 1-4 Test Prop 100 mgs EOD

    all taken twice weekly except the Prop
    also taking Mdol 30 mgs a day for the first 4 weeks

    The rest of my supplements
    Multivitamin twice daily. SO i have plenty of vitamins
    Fish Oil

    I also have arimadex on hand for Gyno ( if needed)

    My workout scheduale is as follow

    Friday-Shoulders and Arms
    Sat and Sunday-Rest

    like i said the pic is 2 months old and i have gained 12 lbs since then

    My diet is doing very well now

    Im eating 3500 cal a day on training days
    and 3000 on non training days

    Protien is between 250 -300grams Carbs nothing less than 400 every day
    fats 20-30 grams

    Plse critque all.

    I looking to lean bulk this cycle adding about 20 lbs after Pct

    My pct willl be as follows

    2 weeks following my last test e shot

    Weeks 1-6 Nolvadex 20mgs a day
    Weeks 1-3 HCG 500iu/day
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	my edited pic.JPG 
Views:	169 
Size:	23.8 KB 
ID:	100310  
    Last edited by Navy-boi-kai; 06-16-2009 at 11:39 PM. Reason: To little info

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    So today i did chest.. i pinned last nite.

    today workouts was pretty good i feel left tired as hell.

    Flat bench 4 sets
    Incline bench 3 sets
    Dips 4 sets with 90 lbs added 8 reps for all sets
    Incline Chest Flyes 3 sets with 4 second deep stretch at bottom
    Machine press 3 sets of 15
    Fly machine 3 sets of 12

    when i left i had thrown up in the parking lot im sore as hell now so i know i hit it hard.

    Plse read and let me know what ya think.

  3. #3

    how come you have so little fats, and so much carbs? I thought the goal was to aim for as much protein as possible, thus using less carbs (or at least an equal amount) and generally more fat. I may be wrong though. On non-training days you seem to only be 500 calories over average maintenance... that's all that jumps out to me though, but I'm no expert.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    On the Moon
    BF% and how long lifting please?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Im not sure of my bf can u tell by the pic?

    Lifting for about 2 and half years

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