So here i am, with a prepared cycle. The pic i have is from march of this year i have put on 12 lbs since then. But kinda of rouch indication of what i look like. Heres my stats
Age 20
Weight 201 as of today
Im looking to do some major bulking.
My cycle is as follows
Weeks 1-14 Test E 400 mgs a week
Weeks 1-12 Deca 400 Mgs a week
Weeks 1-4 Test Prop 100 mgs EOD
all taken twice weekly except the Prop
also taking Mdol 30 mgs a day for the first 4 weeks
The rest of my supplements
Multivitamin twice daily. SO i have plenty of vitamins
Fish Oil
I also have arimadex on hand for Gyno ( if needed)
My workout scheduale is as follow
Friday-Shoulders and Arms
Sat and Sunday-Rest
like i said the pic is 2 months old and i have gained 12 lbs since then
My diet is doing very well now
Im eating 3500 cal a day on training days
and 3000 on non training days
Protien is between 250 -300grams Carbs nothing less than 400 every day
fats 20-30 grams
Plse critque all.
I looking to lean bulk this cycle adding about 20 lbs after Pct
My pct willl be as follows
2 weeks following my last test e shot
Weeks 1-6 Nolvadex 20mgs a day
Weeks 1-3 HCG 500iu/day