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Thread: Sad day tomorrow...... last shot... recovery time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Sad day tomorrow...... last shot... recovery time

    Well boys, took off over 20lbs of fat, gained over 20lbs of muscle. Started some clen yesterday, and I'm taking my last fina shot tomorrow. Great cycle. Just gotta make myself stay off for at least 6-8 weeks. Gonna hit the clomid here soon, just finished two weeks of 500iu ed hcg. balls are commin back strong. I just wanna maintain what I gained and continue to grow. Cycle was 14 weeks total. 10 weeks of sust 500, 10 weeks of deca 500, 6 weeks of fina 100 ed, and 4 weeks of some cyp 200-400 (Threw that in at the end). Feeling great, just hope the clomid dosent mess with me too much. Thanks for all the support, suggestions, and encouragement. Nuke, OG, MikeXXL, Abstrack, You guys have really helped me achieve my goals. Still have more improvement to go though. Thanks bros!

    Any additional suggestions would be great. Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Just did the last fina shot, I'm gonna miss sticking myself everyday! There's nothing sadder than an 40ml empty bottle of fina. Clomid here I come!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Great gains bro. Did you have any sides? Did you have to take any anti-e's? Seems like the end of a great dream when your done with the cycle don't it. Well its all part of the game. Keep us posted and let us know haow much of that 20lbs you keep.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Fina sides were about it. I had some night sweats, but I got used to that. took nov the entire cycle and will continue for 3-4 more weeks. I have had gyno symptoms in the past and this cycle I had none. I would recomend nov for everyones entire cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    FL to NY
    congrats bro on your cycle. you said try to stay off for 6-8 weeks, you said your cycle was 14. time on = time off. good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Talk to my Lawyer
    How much nov each day bro?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    hey bro!! where is the pics??? i have seen the before pics and now lets see some results!!! good job on the cycle!!!! keep up with that diet and your training and you should be good!!!! the old lady probably cant keep her hands off you wtf??? those pics????? good job bro!!! keep us posted!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    MDMA- 20mg ed, Abstrack did u get my emails bro??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    naw bro, did not get your emailsin either of my email accounts not unless i am deleting them without checking the senders?? but i am pretty damm shure i did not get them. I dont know what to tell you??

  10. #10
    Jdawg50 would love to know how the Clen worked out...did u loose any muscle mass as a result of the burn from clen or just body fat. Wouldn’t it of been better to do the clen after your own test levels kicked?
    Anyone else want to answer this also would be great. Would hate to loose and hard earned gains as a result of clen

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I read somewhere that Clomid, Clen, Tribulus, DHEA,maintaining a consistant workout, good diet high protien, and HCG are the best combos for retaining gains after a cycle. If I find that article I will post it for ya. I have been on the clomid for about 5 days so far, and feeling great. I did hcg 500 iu's for the last two weeks I was on Fina. I've been off test for almost 4 weeks now, off fina for a week. Sex drive is still great (Getting after it every day ussually a couple times) Loads are huge!!!!!! My baby loves that! The clen has helped because it has kept my energy way up. I really like the clen a lot, but keep in mind I had a good amount of BF to loose, so some loss in gains with me is not a big deal to me. If I can retain 80-90% of my gains I will be very happy. My goal is to retain 95-100% and keep growing. So far I have not lost any gains at all. I have increased my cardio since starting the clen, because I wanna loose the rest of this fat. When I started my cycle I was at 23.4% BF, I'm around 11-12% now and its still coming off. I went from a 44 inch waist this time last year to a 34 inch waist right now. So I am a happy camper!
    So far I am very pleased with the clen, but I have only been on it for a week. I have had really bad night sweats though... worse than on fina X2 worse. I have to sleep in a shirt and on a towel. I'll keep ya updated. Have a good one
    Last edited by Jdawg50; 12-24-2002 at 12:40 PM.

  12. #12
    Jdawg50 i’m glad to hear that u have not had any muscle loss from the clen. I am very interested in this post because I plan on doing clen at end of my bulking cycle and don’t want to loose hard gains. I also have HCG and clomid on hand to and like u I have some Bf to loose myself so I will keep up with your post....please keep us informed Good job on the bf by the way

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I also started Creatine right after my cycle, I'm staying on glutamine, Started taking ZMA, and still taking ALA, CLA, and Flax see oil. I dropped my protien a little from 300grams ed to 200-250grams. I'm 198 6'0, next cycle I plan on being 225 6'0 ;-). i'll keep ya updated. Good luck bro!!!!!!!!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


    w 1 ?
    w 2 ?
    w 3?
    w 4?
    w 6?
    w 7?
    w 8?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: ?

    Originally posted by sweden
    w 1 ?
    w 2 ?
    w 3?
    w 4?
    w 6?
    w 7?
    w 8?
    Whatcha lookin for bro?? my cycle??
    1-10 sust 500mg ew
    1-10 Deca 500mg ew
    7-10 Test Cyp 400mg ew
    7-14 Fina 100mg ed
    13-14 Hcg 500iu's ed
    15-18/19 Clomid 300/100/50
    14-15 Clen 12mcg ed
    16-17 NYC 6 tabs ed
    18-19 Clen 12mcg ed
    20-21 NYC 6 tabs ed

    Does that help bro??

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


    Fina 100mg ?

    are this finaplix 100mg valopharm?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Homemade bro. A buddy of mine made two 2g kits for his cows with with two carts in each kit. Came out to about 130-140mg per ml. He was doing 3/4's of a ml ed. Does that answer ur question???

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    are easy to make fina? or d.....?

    are this finaplix h you make fina...... .......????

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jerzey, USA
    Jdawg I was wondering why you picked NYC over ECA?

    Cycle looks good.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    NYC- No asprin. I dont need 1800mg of asprin in my body ed. Hydroycut/ECA stack has too much asprin for me. I dont wanna stomach bleed. Just my preference. They all work good.

  21. #21
    This is what i was refering to!
    Whatcha lookin for bro?? my cycle??
    1-10 sust 500mg ew
    1-10 Deca 500mg ew
    7-10 Test Cyp 400mg ew
    7-14 Fina 100mg ed
    13-14 Hcg 500iu's ed
    15-18/19 Clomid 300/100/50
    14-15 Clen 12mcg ed
    16-17 NYC 6 tabs ed
    18-19 Clen 12mcg ed
    20-21 NYC 6 tabs ed

    and then this one: ( u answered this Swedish guy about the fina)

    Homemade bro. A buddy of mine made two 2g kits for his cows with with two carts in each kit. Came out to about 130-140mg per ml. He was doing 3/4's of a ml ed. Does that answer ur question???

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