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Thread: First cycle, I need bros comments.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Los Angeles/ Downtown

    First cycle, I need bros comments.

    I¡¯m 31 y/o guy who trained 5 years.
    I¡¯ll start my first cycle in Jan.
    Below cycle is what I made and I need you bros comments.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated !

    wks 1-8 - Dbol 20 mg/ed
    wks 5-12 - Sust 250 mg /w
    wks 9-12 - Deca 250 mg/ w
    wks 1-12 - Nolva 20 mg + Proviron 50 mg
    wks 13-14 - Clomid 100 mg/ed
    wks 13-22 - Clen 120 mcg/ed

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jerzey, USA
    10 weeks of clen back to back? Not a good idea, you get immune to clen, do eca for 2 weeks and clen for 2 weeks alternating.

    Unless you got the clen with ketiofen.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    wks 1-5 - Dbol 25 mg EOD
    wks 1-8 - Sust250 EOD
    wks 10-12 - Test Prop 100mg EOD
    wks 1-10 - Deca 400 mg/ wk

    wks 13-16 - Clomid therapy

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Dirty South
    I agree with Rock, you gotta alternate them or your body will just get used to them and they will have no effect

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Los Angeles/ Downtown


    Originally posted by RockSolid
    10 weeks of clen back to back? Not a good idea, you get immune to clen, do eca for 2 weeks and clen for 2 weeks alternating.
    I've been using eca everyday basis for several years.
    eca 2/ clen2/ alternating is ok with this situation?
    I'm little bit worry that my body works not well with eca cause I've done it so many years.
    Any suggestion ?

  6. #6
    NO NO don't run dbol for 8 wks bro run something like this since it is ur first cycle
    1-10 test enanthate 500mg/wk
    1-10 deca or EQ 400 mg/wk
    1-4 dbol 30 mg/ed
    Also don't forget about about Anti e's such as Armidex or liquidex and post cycle HCG and clomid
    JUST my opinion

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    bro you should listen to proviron and warrior they have the perfect cycle based on AS that you have. the cycle you put together..... dont mean to flame you but looks like you DIDNT DO ANY RESEARCH IN THE MATTER. not good at all bro.. plan a little better to get the best results.. if you are going to risk your health and spend all that money. IMO

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Los Angeles/ Downtown

    Thumbs up

    Thanks for comments !

    After read your replies, I re-arranged cycle as you suggested
    So it should be something like....
    1-4 Dbol 25mg/ed
    1-10 deca 400mg/w
    1-10 sust 250mg/w
    1-10 - Nolva 20 mg + Proviron 50 mg
    11-14 clomid teraphy
    11-20 Clen 2 weeks / ECA 2 weeks - Alternating
    Also I'll add HCG at the end of cycle.
    So it should be sufficient ? or need more adjustment ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    That cycle is screwy for two reasons:

    1. Sust250 is not a beginners testosterone - it is for EOD (every other day) admin because it has Prop in it, it s a combination of test esters. Do yourself a favore and get some Enanthate or Cypionate and run it at least 400mg per week. Part of this reason is so you still maintain a healthy sex drive (ie, Deca Dick).

    2. You need some estrogen conversion. Drop the Nolvadex and keep it on hand in case you get a build up and unwanted estrogen side effects (which at less than 500mg of test per week is pretty unlikely). Run the Proviron 50mg ED - you should get added androgen activity with the anit-estrogen too.

    If you don't want to take the Sust250 EOD, or at least Mon-Wed-Fri then run your cycle like this:

    1-4 Dbol 25mg/ED
    5-10 Proviron 50mg/ED
    1-9 Deca 400mg/WK
    1-10 Test Cypionate 500mg/WK
    12-14 Clomid Theraphy (200/100/100/100/100/100/100/50/50/...)

    - Nolva on hand

    I cut the Deca on week short to match up with the Cypionate. Cypionate will be easier to manage Test levels and some report less water retention from the shorter esters.

    We will switch the Dbol for Proviron at a time when estrogen build could be beginning and to keep a consitent androgen level through out the cycle.

    Use the Clen/ECA as you wish - just alternate to keep each effective. Personally I would forget them and consecentrate I getting you bodywight up to 200lbs before cutting. Muscle is a powerful fat burner. Put on the beef - then get lean.

    Good luck brah - you're about to feel 21 again

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Very true about the sust250, ranit my first cycle. Test levels like a rollercoaster.. Just my thoughts bro ..

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