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Thread: Cjc 1295 & ghrp-6

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Cjc 1295 & ghrp-6

    I am starting a peptide cycle with about 2 or so weeks left in my aas cycle.

    My aas cycle went as follows

    prop 150 weekly
    tren ace 700 weekly
    eq 600 weekly

    I am doing the peptide cyle to maximise gains from this cycle, and to help keep weight on when going back to a whole lot of cardio during PCT. I plan on running this 2-4 months total. I am running right now

    166 mcg ghrp-6
    100 mcg cjc1295

    both a 2x a day. I am open to suggestions for dosing times, but for now plan to go first thing in the morning and then afternoon/ early evening. This dosing may be lower than some have run, but this is m first time using these 2 at the same time and i can always bump it some once i feel comfortable.

    I weighed 231 today. My bf is about 10, i have upper abs showing if my stomach is empty ( which is only first thing in the am, i shovel food down all day, lol)

    I have been sleeping very, very poorly this whole cycle. I know a lot of that has to do with the trenbolone. It did it to me the last time i ran it. Last time i took OTC sleep meds 2-4 times a week and was good. This cycle i got a script for trazadone ( i think thats what it is) and i still dont sleep well. I am looking forward to seeing if i actually do sleep better.

    I have run ghrp-6 before, by itself during pct at 500mcg IM PWO. I cant tell the difference between the 166 mcg i am using now and the 500 mcg, for whatever thats worth.

    After then inject i can feel my heart rate slowly increase, and in about 20 mins i am super hungry. In fact, my appetite has been up all day yesterday and all day today. I stated it yesterday morning.

  2. #2
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    Apr 2007
    I may be imagining it, but I may have slept better last night. Since the gh pulse comes out right away, i dont imagine there is too long of a time for "kick in". Another guy on this board says he started seeing fat loss in 2 weeks.

    I have a digital scale with "bodyfat analysis", but its way off, thinks its based on BMI because it says i'm usually between 37-43 % bf. I can run a mile in 6 flat. I am not over weight a bit. My bmi is supposed to be 194 i think at my height, so go figure.

    Whats a reliable way to get my bf numbers?

    I wonder in i will get strength increases? Or at least keep more of the strength longer after PCT?

  3. #3
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    Apr 2007
    I slept amazingly well last night. I can only attribute this to the peptides as I almost never fall asleep within the first hour and I was out in 5 minutes from what my girlfriend told me. Woke up for trips to the bathroom twice as I always drink a lot of fluids, but other than that I was dead to the world.
    I was a tad groggy this morning and it took a cup of coffee to shake loose the cobwebs, but then had good energy all day.
    Some of the shots the hunger hits me in 20 minutes, the one I did right before bedtime last night did in less than 2 minutes. Guess there is a good blood supply when I pinned.

    I still weigh 230-232.

  4. #4
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    Its almost 2 weeks in now. I have noticed significant "dryness" in my wrist and ankle joints. The only time this ever happened to me is afetr about 4-5 weeks of letrozole, and it feels about the same. My wrists have slight pain sometimes and feel generally dry and unlubricated. They pop more. Its not terrible.
    I have stayed about the same fluctuating on a daily basis from about 227-232. I have noticed quite a bit of fat loss, especially in my abdomen. I didnt have much fat there to begin with, but i did just come off of a bulker and i seem to be leaning out some. I have noticed more veins in my arms and forearms, deeper cuts on my shoulder area, and a leaner and more defined abdomen. '
    I have alsi been sleeping better.

    I have upped my dosing to 3 shots a day, same dosing, 166 ghrp-6, 100 cjc 1295. Some days (maybe 1-2 a week) i only get 2 shots in bc of work scheduling and or my live in GF.

    I have read that carbs and fat inhibit GH release, so i shoot on an empty stomach, then eat a normal meal around 30 minutes later of about 50-70 grams of protein and 50-70 grams low glycemic index carbs.

    I am taking 3 pills of Hup A a day, 600mcg total.

    I am going to try to up my water intake, i bring a 2 gallon jug with me to work everyday, so i will try to finish it.

  5. #5
    Very interested in this log bro. Thanks for the updates.

    I'm not sure if I'm missing it... but are you currently on GH? Or are you just running these peptides solo?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    Very interested in this log bro. Thanks for the updates.

    I'm not sure if I'm missing it... but are you currently on GH? Or are you just running these peptides solo?
    No, no GH. I am on 150 mg prop this week and next, its the tail end of my tren/eq/prop lean bulk cycle.

    I am going to run these peptides through PCT and beyond.

  7. #7
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    I still have "dryness" in my ankles and wrists. Its not too painfull, but i can feel it, and i am reminded of the peptides several times and hour all day because of it.

    My weight has stayed right at about the same, 226-232. I do seem to have lost some fat though. I have more veins in my arms and forearms, more definition all around. I am sleeping better than normal, some nights not even waking up once! ( this is a big deal for me, i dont sleep well)

    I am most excited about hyperplasia. I have read GH causes it, and since i seem to have the sides in full swing now two weeks into the peptides, i imagine i am getting some hyperplasia. I dont imagine i will notice much, judging from what i have read, but i expect to get better resuts next cycle.

    I most definately will includes these peptides at this dose for my next cutter, maybe starting them half way through the cycle and running them 6 weeks or so past.

    How long is a good length for peptide cycles such as this one?

  8. #8
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    I forgot to add, my hunger is still off the charts after a shot. I wait 30 minutes to eat, and try to eat a good 60 grtams protein and low g.i. carbs.

    The cjc1295 i am using is supposed to be the D.A.C. kind, the drug affinity complex, basically the long lasting version. Is there a way to tell if it is vs the non DAC? \

    I have read about some guys doing .5 mg (500mcg) at a shot and feeling flushed and hot. Would that also happen with DAC cjc 1295?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    keep us updated , id like to know more about ghrp-6, Ive heard its similiar to hexa but ghrp-6 does spike the insulin high and it increases your appitite..

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Alberta, Canada
    How's it going Murph? Any updates? Good to see you getting some results from the peptides.

    Is there a reason your taking your second dose in the afternoon and not before bed?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCannon View Post
    How's it going Murph? Any updates? Good to see you getting some results from the peptides.

    Is there a reason your taking your second dose in the afternoon and not before bed?
    yes, there is. Remember the PM i sent you? Its easier for me to do when my GF isnt home.

  12. #12
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    Everything is going great guys!

    I have upped my dose to
    100 cjc
    166 ghrp
    both 3 x a day ( sometime i miss the night one)

    I am still right about 231. I am starting pct today. So the next 2 or so weeks will be the test of how much weight i keep on. I have been cruising 150 a week prop for the last 3 weeks to get all the tren out of my system and while waiting for my AI. ( already have my serms)

    Random: i have had at least 10 people i dont know comment about how huge i am in the last 3 weeks. Normally, this doesnt happen.

    I have been seeing consistant fat loss, especially in my upperbody and abdomen. I am still kind of eating for bulk. I eat clean, but still 350-400 protein and as many carbs and some fat too. I figure around 5000 calories a day pretty easy. Havent been doing very much cardio at all, but i do do physical work most days.

    I am getting reaqdy to up my cardio for various reasons, so the fat loss should really kick up a notch.

    I want to say that although i would kind of like to be ripped now, i am not taking thios stack for any other reason that to keep mass and to gain mass ( now or some say you gain it next cycle). I am not going to look to cut too hard or diet down in calories until maybe april of next year. Although i speculate this stack with some t3, 150 prop 700 mast and 700 winstrol weekly will be a hell of a cutter.

  13. #13
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    My weight is still dropping some. I dont know if the scales i am using are off or what. My cycle of tren, eq and prop (prop at 150 mg a week) shouldnt have made me retain much water. I certainly didnt feel like it. But i have dropped at least 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks, but i feel like a few of my shirts fit alot tighter. I wear the same shirts for work everyday, a uniform, and they are much more snug around my shoulders and neck.

    I still feel good overall, the huner thing hasnt died down at all. I read that around the 2 week mark it would slow some.

    I got shorted on my last order of my ghrp-6. I am still waiting for a reply from the guy for him to reship 3 more vials of the ghrp-6. I am a bit worried, but i have 1.75 vials, and they last about 10 days at 166 mcg 3x a day each vial so i should be ok i think.

  14. #14
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    I have noticed the need for a bowel movement, sometimes fairly urgently. I do the shot, wait 30 mins and have a meal. Then 20-60 mins later i get bopth hungry and the need to use the bathroom (2). I have read some about gastric emptying, but dont know exactly how this works. Anyone else have this issue? It doesnt happen everytime. I certain have been passing more each time i do go, and i seem to be going more frequently, though i havent changed my diet any.

  15. #15
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    I never noticed any change in bowel movements. I do remember reading about how ghrp-6 increases gastric emptying, but I assumed that to mean it emptied your stomach, which caused the hunger. Hopefully someone else knows more.

  16. #16
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    I am still getting incredibly huingry after each shot, i am finishing my furth vial of cjc1295. My supplier goofed on my last order and it was fixed in 4 days.

    My weight has stayed the same. I still seem to be leaning out. I feel like i am still losing fat, although i am not trying to at all. My legs are very cut, in fact, this is the most defined they have ever been.

    I am sleeping without sleeping pills now. I think this has to do with the fact that i am always tired for a few weeks off cycle, i sleep a lot more. I can nap at anytime. Alsi, i am off the tren, which kills my sleep.

  17. #17
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    Alberta, Canada
    It's good to hear your sleeping without sleeping pills.

  18. #18
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    I am really losing abdominal fat. I am eating to bulk. A clean bulk, but quite a few calories.

    I do 350-450 grams of protein, and i'd guess at 400-600 grams of carbs ( i really only count protein) and some fat too, mostly from flax seed oil , but some from the chicken, turkey, fish and egg whites.

    thats at least 4000, if not 5000 alories a day. And somehow my legs and abs are getting ripped. I am mostly doing 2 shots, 1 first thing in the morning, and 1 after work preworkout, both on empty stomachs, after both i wait 30 mins to eat.

    I anm doing 100 mcg cjc1295 166 mcg ghrp-6 each shot still

  19. #19
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    Alberta, Canada
    Have you done any blood work to check your IGF-1 levels? I'd be really curious to see what your levels are at.

    It's nice to be able to eat so much and still lose fat.

  20. #20
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    I havent gotten blood work done as i know its going to be all messed up as i"m like a month out into PCT. I'm going to wait until 3-4 months out from the cycle and then do bloodwork. That wont show igf leveles though! Not by then

  21. #21
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    I have 1 full vial of cjc1295 and 4 of ghrp-6. I am not positive i am going to do another round, as it is as expesive as i a cycle of aas. I messed up and thought i had 2 bags of pins left, and i only had about 7. So i am doing one shot a day of 150mcg each until this weekend when i get more pins.

    I havent "gained size" per se, my weight has gone down some. But in my workshirts, and gym shirts, they all feel a lot tighter around the neck and shoulders. I know this cant be from shrinking as these shirts are all older and all made of different materials.
    My delts look bigger than they ever have, so do my legs.

    I havent been lifting for size for the last 2 weeks, as i am 2 of 6 weeks into my high rep low weight explosive strength workout routine. I figure i can build some srength and some muscular endurance and it shouldnt affect my size negatively too much, and then probaly make better gains when i go back to lifting for size and mass

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