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Thread: help with cycle, got no help on other thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Rockland, NY

    Post help with cycle, got no help on other thread

    Hey, im 5'7 160, ive lost alot of weight lately usaly im around 165 to 170, im lookin into takin a cycle and i have the one i wanna do , but i wanted to throw in some GH into it, i just wanted to know what u thought of the cycle and putin int he GH, and if you could help me wiht the amount of gh to throw in

    test Prop/1-10wks-EOD=150mgs

    if youve tried somthin like this befor or with some GH in it can u give me some feed back

  2. #2
    Hey marines bro what is your age ? and ur previous cycles ?
    As far as bulking cycle i would run something like this :
    1-10 500mg test enan 500mg/wk
    1-10 deca or EQ 400mg/wk
    1-4 Dbol 30 mg/ed
    7-13 Anavar 50mg/ed
    1-15 Arimidex .5 ed
    As far as cycle recovery goes the best one i've heard ( posted by Sust251) is this:
    Run hcg 500 iu every 10 days starting 2nd week through the lenght of the cycle ( wks 2 -10)
    As far as CLOMID wks 13-17 day 1 300mg , 2-7 150mg, wk2 150mg, wk 3 100mg, wk 4 50mg
    Also if u have family hair problem u can use shampoo called NIZORAL 2 % throughout the cycle and also I recommedn using LIV52 ( liver ditoxifiers) through the cycle and milk thisle and drink tons of water and cranberry juice.
    This cycle might cost u a little I would say around $600 , but sure it is worth the money.
    Hope this helps out

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing

    Re: help with cycle, got no help on other thread

    Originally posted by Marines202
    Hey, im 5'7 160, ive lost alot of weight lately usaly im around 165 to 170, im lookin into takin a cycle and i have the one i wanna do , but i wanted to throw in some GH into it, i just wanted to know what u thought of the cycle and putin int he GH, and if you could help me wiht the amount of gh to throw in

    test Prop/1-10wks-EOD=150mgs

    if youve tried somthin like this befor or with some GH in it can u give me some feed back
    Well I don't know how old you are, but if it's your first, i wouldn't advise GH.
    From the looks of your compounds, it appears your looking for lean keepable gains instread of blowing up huge.
    That is actually a pretty good cycle for a first provided you dont' mind the frequent injects; which in the case your looking for once or twice a wk you could switch to Enan.
    But anyway, this is how I would lay it out:
    Wks1-13 150mgPropEOD
    Wks1-10 300mg EQ
    Wks8-13 50mgWinnyED
    Clomid started 2days after last Prop/Winny dose.

    Props half-life along with winny are extremely short. Using Enanthate, you would stop at wk 11, but using prop you can go practically straight into clomid.
    EQ's half-life is roughly 17-21 days(or 3wks) so stopping it at week 10 is going to lead you to wk13 before it leaves your system. Thus the reason for continuing the short half-lived roids untill you can come off "cleaner" shall we say.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Rockland, NY
    im 19 i know for a fact im done growning , i went threw about 2 years of my life with heavey extacy acid and cocaine use(and many others)at the age of about 15 to 16, ive been waiting to do a cycle and i havent grown an inch in 3 years
    i work very hard, take care of myself and i think im ready to start up the cycle

  5. #5
    Well bro i'm like u man , just turned 19 i don't think i reached my peak of growung yet but doing my first cycle soon. Just remember treat juice like any other supplements lots of people abuse them . By anyways my cycle will look like this ( my first one also)
    my stats right now 6.0 190 lbs 8%bf
    planning 10 wk cycle
    1-10 Test Enanthate 500mg/wk
    1-10 Deca 400mg/wk
    1-4 dbol 30mg/ed
    7-13 Anavar 50/ed
    1-15 Arimdex .5mg/ed
    I will also be using ALA and from wks 1-4 and 7-13 500mg/ed
    along with that i'll be using Shampoo NIZORAL 2% ed .
    I'm aiming to keep most of my gains and I will run HCG starting second week at 500 iu every 10 days and clomid therapy post cycle for 4 wks
    day 1 300mg, day 2-7 150 mg ed, wk 2 150 mg, wk 3 100mg, wk 4 50 mg i did a lot of research on this and planned this cycle with help from all the great ppl on this board and other boards. So let us know what u have planned for ur cycle.
    Peace , hope this helps out a little.

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