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Thread: Juturna's First Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Juturna's First Cycle

    What's up everyone - hope your all doing well. Running my first cycle starting today (Wednesday, Saturday injections), all stats and info is below;

    Age; 21
    Height; 5'8''
    Weight; 186 (Dry, this morning)
    BF%; 8-9% (Maybe?)

    WK 1-5 -- DBol 50mg/ED
    WK 1-12 -- Test En 500mg (250mg Wed, 250mg Sat)
    A-dex .5 during cycle

    Nolva; 40,20,20,20
    Clomid; 100,50,50,50

    W/O Regiment;

    Sunday - Chest
    DBell Press 4 sets 10,10,8,8
    Dbell Flies 3 sets 10,8,8
    Dbell Incline Press 4 sets 10,10,8,8
    Weighted Dips 4 sets 15,12,10,8

    Monday - Arms
    Dbell Curls 4 sets 12,10,10,8
    Tri Cable Extensions 4 sets 12,10,10,8
    Hammer Curls 3 sets 8,8,8
    Straight-bar Curls 4 sets 12,10,10,8
    Dips 4sets until burn out

    Tuesday - Legs
    Leg Press 4sets 12,12,10,10
    Squats 4sets 12,12,10,10
    Leg Extensions 3sets 12,10,10
    Calf Raises 4 sets, 20,15,15,20

    Wed- OFF

    Thursday- Shoulders + Back
    Pull-ups 4sets of 15
    Bentover Dbell Rows 4sets 10,10,8,8
    Pulldowns (front) 2sets 10,8
    Pulldowns (back) 2sets 10,8
    Custom* Cable crossovers 4sets 10,10,10,10
    T-bar row 3sets 10,10,8

    Friday- Stomach, traps

    Saturday - OFF

    My diet can be viewed here;

    Injected left glute today... little painful, but would I expect anything else haha. I guess that's all she wrote for Day 1. I opted to have my off days on the days of my injections - due to pain.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    couldnt wait till

    u really have become a student of the game bro. i will watch this thread as i know u are going to grow like a weed.

    good luck, and welcome to the darkside brother.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    It's not that I couldn't wait - it's just that I plan on doing injections upper body (once new needles come in) so I had to plan new days because I'd rather not change-up my W/O schedule, you know?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    What's up everyone - hope your all doing well. Running my first cycle starting today (Wednesday, Saturday injections), all stats and info is below;

    Age; 21
    Height; 5'8''
    Weight; 186 (Dry, this morning)
    BF%; 8-9% (Maybe?)

    WK 1-5 -- DBol 50mg/ED
    WK 1-12 -- Test En 500mg (250mg Wed, 250mg Sat)
    A-dex .5 during cycle

    Nolva; 40,20,20,20
    Clomid; 100,50,50,50

    W/O Regiment;

    Sunday - Chest
    DBell Press 4 sets 10,10,8,8
    Dbell Flies 3 sets 10,8,8
    Dbell Incline Press 4 sets 10,10,8,8
    Weighted Dips 4 sets 15,12,10,8

    Monday - Arms
    Dbell Curls 4 sets 12,10,10,8
    Tri Cable Extensions 4 sets 12,10,10,8
    Hammer Curls 3 sets 8,8,8
    Straight-bar Curls 4 sets 12,10,10,8
    Dips 4sets until burn out
    i'd add skull crushers - you can go pretty heavy on those

    Tuesday - Legs
    Leg Press 4sets 12,12,10,10
    Squats 4sets 12,12,10,10
    Leg Extensions 3sets 12,10,10
    Calf Raises 4 sets, 20,15,15,20
    i'd add leg curls for hammy's

    Wed- OFF

    Thursday- Shoulders + Back
    Pull-ups 4sets of 15
    Bentover Dbell Rows 4sets 10,10,8,8
    Pulldowns (front) 2sets 10,8
    Pulldowns (back) 2sets 10,8
    Custom* Cable crossovers 4sets 10,10,10,10
    T-bar row 3sets 10,10,8
    what exercises for shoulders? Military press, front/side/rear laterals? Not sure i'd do them on back day..... probably with traps

    Friday- Stomach, traps

    Saturday - OFF

    My diet can be viewed here;

    Injected left glute today... little painful, but would I expect anything else haha. I guess that's all she wrote for Day 1. I opted to have my off days on the days of my injections - due to pain.
    *Responses in bold*

    Welcome to the darkside man! Congrats! I'll be following your log closely.... you've made good progress so far..... i'd expect you to blow right the eff up on this cycle.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Hmm I rushed a little bit on the W/O typing I guess;

    I do Skull Crushers - 4 sets, 10,10,10,10 (After each set, bench out for 10 reps)

    I'll definitely add in Leg Curls, good advice.

    I do Military Press w/ dumbbells - 4 sets, 10,10,8,8.

  6. #6
    You shouldn't need to inject on your days off... especially with Test-E

    After the first one or two injections you won't even be able to feel it anymore!

    I wouldn't necessarily use the arimidex from the beginning of the cycle either. Especially at 0.5mg ED.. that's quite high. IMO, save the a-dex if gyno symptoms should appear.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I wouldn't necessarily use the arimidex from the beginning of the cycle either. Especially at 0.5mg ED.. that's quite high. IMO, save the a-dex if gyno symptoms should appear.
    I was going to do .5 EOD. But I'll hold off tomorrow and just use it if I have Gyno problems.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    gyno is the worst, why wait for symptoms or problems.
    i disagree with the thought process behind this, why wait for a problem before action is taken.
    once it is there, the only way to get rid of it is surgery.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Juturna, on your diet plan it says "2cup chicken". Is that just diced up chicken breast??

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Yes, diced into small pieces. I find it easier to measure it out.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    Yes, diced into small pieces. I find it easier to measure it out.
    Good luck on your cycle

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    After the first one or two injections you won't even be able to feel it anymore!

    I have read and been told that on more then one circumstance and its always been the OPPOSITE.
    Also for a couple other people I've cycled with before so I have no idea whos perpetuating this myth.

    Nerves DO NOT desensentize to trauma.
    Imagine a needle going in to your muscle EOD or twice a week, the depot forms, the crystals aggravate nerves, you feel pain.

    You inject AGAIN, the nerves/muscles are ALREADY inflamed by the last injection, pain gradually gets worse.
    For me, I have to make use of almost every injection site possible just to get through a cycle. Because it never gets better as I go on.

    Not saying this to anger you, but I do think this myth needs to end some point soon, I've never understood the logic it springs from..

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Good Luck man..ill be watching this one closely

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Alright J you know I gotta put my 2 cents in.For starters the gains you've made are drug like gains bro you don't need the gear yet.There's people on this board and all over the world who can't develop as fast as you have from just eating and training and have jacked them selves with crazy amounts of shit.With only 6 months of training you have years and years to make gains naturally at which point starting gear would make your body that much more exceptional.I know you've made up your mind but as the ambassador I try to be I'll finish with this.

    6 months of training and eating properly has taken your body on a level you didn't believe was possible without drugs.Imagine what 2 or 4 years of more training,learning and growing could do for your body,moral,physique without the faculty's of injections and pills that cause you to glow in the gym leaking oil rather then sweat with pimple's you can't hide that tell the tale of your physique robbing you of all your your natural efforts,the kind of irritability that will not go unnoticed.At which point you then begin a couple starter cycles and then be the biggest baddest mofo in your town,gym,job,whatever,if that's why you want to use gear and it's not my place to judge anyone for there own reaons to do anythingmthe point is you were educated in the begining of your training days and had the presence of mind too listen to someone who was once eager at a young age to blast off and see what juice is all about BUT there's a cost that must be paid by walking the yellow brick road to oz brother and you could either learn by listening or learn by living.Is this something you really need that bad at this very moment?

    All the responses I see are all excited to see you use drugs.Kinda fuked up you ask me not one person stated anything to provoke thought in your decision.
    Remember I'm only looking out for your best interest.You have too much potential to rush into gear with 6 months training under your belt.
    Last edited by dedic8ed1; 08-19-2009 at 08:40 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I appreciate it dedic8ed - I wouldn't respect you if you didn't help me all along and have that opinion. I think we both know I've listened to your advice whole-heartedly and trust I will CONTINUE to do so even through this cycle and afterwards. This could be my first and last cycle - who knows.

    Hopefully you'll follow, help and lend your support even though you'd recommended me not do the cycle.

  16. #16
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    in the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    I appreciate it dedic8ed - I wouldn't respect you if you didn't help me all along and have that opinion. I think we both know I've listened to your advice whole-heartedly and trust I will CONTINUE to do so even through this cycle and afterwards. This could be my first and last cycle - who knows.

    Hopefully you'll follow, help and lend your support even though you'd recommended me not do the cycle.
    Alright then.First don't take the Armidex until PCT,estrogen plays a large role in making gains so as long as you have it on hand in case of nipple sensitivity your prepared for it.Where are your injection sites?Take milk thistle and drink a ton of water if your gonna use D-bol.Also food intake needs to be adjusted if your gonna run gear and when I say adjusted I mean it's time to eat.

  17. #17
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    Jul 2009
    I'm starting off with Glutes and Quads for now - if they become too bothersome and effect my workout regiment, I'll be prepared for upper body injection sites. I'm debating Delts, Lats and Pecs if my legs become too counter-productive.

    I'll be adjusting my meals every 7 days - hopefully you can lend a hand in that department haha.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    I'm starting off with Glutes and Quads for now - if they become too bothersome and effect my workout regiment, I'll be prepared for upper body injection sites. I'm debating Delts, Lats and Pecs if my legs become too counter-productive.

    I'll be adjusting my meals every 7 days - hopefully you can lend a hand in that department haha.
    Here's my take on site injections.

    #1 Delt injections equal backne and pimple's on traps and delts
    #2 Quad injection = Pain while walking for the following 3 days and forget training legs
    #3 Glut injections= Pain while driving,sitting.
    #4 Bicep injection=I made the mistake of doing that once ONCE.Big time pain couldn't extend my arm for a week.So I tried the other one thinking I just hit the wrong spot that was a mistake.
    #5 Chest never even considered it.
    #6 Lats never considered it.

    In the greater scheme of things there is no site enhancement possibilities with steroids so your best bet would be to just hit the glutes.With your thumb on your hip bone extend your pinky to the middle of your glute and that's your target.

    Adjusting your meals every seven days ?Explain

    Also after injection be sure to pull back on the plunger to make sure no blood come into the needle this would mean your inside a blood vessel do not inject there.Pull out reset and repeat the process only inject when you see no blood pulling into the syryinge.
    Last edited by dedic8ed1; 08-19-2009 at 09:44 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    I'm starting off with Glutes and Quads for now - if they become too bothersome and effect my workout regiment, I'll be prepared for upper body injection sites. I'm debating Delts, Lats and Pecs if my legs become too counter-productive.

    I'll be adjusting my meals every 7 days - hopefully you can lend a hand in that department haha.
    Believe it or not my least painful site has always been my abs.
    The delts gives me a tingling feeling in my fingers and arm usually the next day, especially if I sleep on the depot wrong.
    The ass sometimes makes it difficult to walk or run.

    But just to offer something that actually helped me.

    TAKE NOTE of specifically where you inject and how it feels everytime you inject.
    Its really weird but I was noticing a pattern where if I hit one spot in my glute I'd get tons of pain, but if I shot 3cm above, the pain was A LOT less, and it was always like that.

    You can even get a permanent marker and literally put a dot on your ass so you know where to aim next time. But I did notice a huge inconsistency in pain just by moving a couple cm up/down, left or right.

  20. #20
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    Jul 2009
    Adjusting your meals every seven days ?Explain
    Well I figured (also advice from Jamy) that especially while on DBol I'll probably gain a very large amount of weight - which would mean my diet needs to be reconfigured to compensate with that, I figured weekly (I prepare my meals for 6 days) would be the easiest and best way.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    Well I figured (also advice from Jamy) that especially while on DBol I'll probably gain a very large amount of weight - which would mean my diet needs to be reconfigured to compensate with that, I figured weekly (I prepare my meals for 6 days) would be the easiest and best way.
    Don't get caught up in the science craze of it all just be sure to get 2 beef meals in everyday and at least 1/3 more protein your taking in now.I'd have to look at your diet to do it rite but that's about as simple as I can make it for now.Also D-bol is better absorbed with a fatty meal so be sure to take it with your beef meals.

  22. #22
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    There wasn't many people that new as much about gear as David and many others from the same school of bodybuilding.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Day 2

    Weight; 186
    Now: 188.4 (Morning)

    Bentover Dbell Rows:
    70lbs 10x
    80lbs 10x
    90lbs 8x
    100lbs 8x
    Pulldowns (front)
    150lbs 10x
    150lbs 8x
    Pulldowns (back)
    150lbs 10x
    150lbs 8x
    Custom* Cable Crossovers
    T-bar Row (I go light on these - sore back at times)
    90lbs 10x
    90lbs 10x
    90lbs 8x
    Military Press (DBells)
    75lbs 10x
    85lbs 10x
    90lbs 8x
    90lbs 8x

    Early day - Thursday. 2-pounds heavier this morning - but it's not unheard of - I'll shun it off as being a 'natural' weight float (I've woken up being 187 in the past). My lifts didn't improve - however I felt strong today, motivated and worked on ensuring good form. No sides this early obviously - but overall felt good at the gym. Woke up twice last night to go to take a piss... Getting more than enough water.

    That's all for today I guess - gotta go stuff some food down. I'm starving though so, won't be a problem.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1 View Post
    Here's my take on site injections.

    #1 Delt injections equals backne and pimple's on traps and delts
    acne on cycle is caused by hormone fluctuations, not by the location of the injection...

    anyway, Juturna...good luck w/ the cycle.

    I'd take liv52 after you discontinue the dbol, not during.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Soul Society
    Wish you the best on this cycle. I'm subscribed. I'll join you in the dark in the near future

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    What's up everyone - hope your all doing well. Running my first cycle starting today (Wednesday, Saturday injections), all stats and info is below;

    Age; 21
    Height; 5'8''
    Weight; 186 (Dry, this morning)
    BF%; 8-9% (Maybe?)

    WK 1-5 -- DBol 50mg/ED
    WK 1-12 -- Test En 500mg (250mg Wed, 250mg Sat)
    A-dex .5 during cycle

    Nolva; 40,20,20,20
    Clomid; 100,50,50,50

    W/O Regiment;

    Sunday - Chest
    DBell Press 4 sets 10,10,8,8
    Dbell Flies 3 sets 10,8,8
    Dbell Incline Press 4 sets 10,10,8,8
    Weighted Dips 4 sets 15,12,10,8

    Monday - Arms
    Dbell Curls 4 sets 12,10,10,8
    Tri Cable Extensions 4 sets 12,10,10,8
    Hammer Curls 3 sets 8,8,8
    Straight-bar Curls 4 sets 12,10,10,8
    Dips 4sets until burn out

    Tuesday - Legs
    Leg Press 4sets 12,12,10,10
    Squats 4sets 12,12,10,10
    Leg Extensions 3sets 12,10,10
    Calf Raises 4 sets, 20,15,15,20

    Wed- OFF

    Thursday- Shoulders + Back
    Pull-ups 4sets of 15
    Bentover Dbell Rows 4sets 10,10,8,8
    Pulldowns (front) 2sets 10,8
    Pulldowns (back) 2sets 10,8
    Custom* Cable crossovers 4sets 10,10,10,10
    T-bar row 3sets 10,10,8

    Friday- Stomach, traps

    Saturday - OFF

    My diet can be viewed here;

    Injected left glute today... little painful, but would I expect anything else haha. I guess that's all she wrote for Day 1. I opted to have my off days on the days of my injections - due to pain.

    Ok what i see wrong with this routine is a just few things to polish. A few body parts you forgot to add and also along with utilizing secondary muscle groups a day prior then hitting them the next day.

    I don't know you schedule so I'll keep my suggestions with your time on and time off.

    Hopefully this will work for you


    Monday: Shoulders/traps
    Tuesday: Legs
    Wednesday: Arms
    Thursday: Off
    Friday: Chest
    Saturday Back

    This is to give all parts adequate rest for the maximal growth.

    With shoulders you have nothing for your middle or rear delts. Do the military press, then add in 2 for the side, and one for rear. This is why I am suggesting to split shoulders as it is a long day as is back

    Legs- There is nothing for hamstrings. Quads looks like a great day however you will want to focus in on sizing up your hamstrings especially if you plan on competing as when a competitor turns to the side or turns around completely the physique will not stand out or will look imbalanced. Remember the first thing a judge will see is your legs.

    So add in Stiff leg dead lifts, and leg curls. Really focus in on contraction and squeeze at the top of the movement. With leg curls focus, you can do forced reps, half reps toward the end to really slam those hammies and bring them out.

    Chest looks fine, maybe get some barbell work in there eventually

    Arms looks good.

    Back, you can ditch the pulldown to the back and I'd suggest weighted wide grip pull ups, this will help bring your lats up more so and give you that wide look.

    So now you got two good exercises for width and two for thickness and if you aren't going to do shoulders this day, add in deadlifts to pack on some mass in your back. Full deads or 3/4 deads in the squat rack with the safety bars at the bottom.

    You can do abs on back day as they work your lower back and on arm day.

    Just my .02cents Hope it helps

    Other than that go get em!!
    Last edited by Reed; 08-20-2009 at 04:11 PM.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    acne on cycle is caused by hormone fluctuations, not by the location of the injection...

    anyway, Juturna...good luck w/ the cycle.

    I'd take liv52 after you discontinue the dbol, not during.
    x2 agreed....

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Definitely good advice - can't see anything wrong with that. As you well know I've been complaining about my lats, problem solved now haha.

    This probably sounds dumb - I'm just not understanding maybe by how you've said it, what do you mean ''then add in 2 for the side, and one for rear''.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    Definitely good advice - can't see anything wrong with that. As you well know I've been complaining about my lats, problem solved now haha.

    This probably sounds dumb - I'm just not understanding maybe by how you've said it, what do you mean ''then add in 2 for the side, and one for rear''.
    Two for side delts, one for rear delts. I use to do 2 for front delt (press, front raise) 2 for side (db laterals, cable laterals) and finally 2 for rear delt (bent over laterals, cable or rear delt machine) probably why my delts got so beastly

    And with lats, let the resistance tug the lats out, if that makes sense. When stretched out let it stretch you out even more then try to allow the lats to do the pulling and less forearms. This has worked for me.

    Also rowing while primarily targets the mid back for thickness will help width as a secondary effect. Just a split second of holding and squeezing when in full contraction can make a big difference.

    Start getting on youtube and watch any and all bodybuilders train. I'm a visual learner so watching them has really helped me tweak my program, form, etc

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Thanks again - I thought I followed but I wanted to double check. Alright well I'm off to go eat and catch a movie. I'll post Day 3 tomorrow.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Good luck, glad I could help

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Good Luck will be following

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Day 3

    Few changes;

    1. My class schedule got changed last minute (how fortunate), so my diet times are changed to the "Thursday times" every day now.

    2. I changed my W/O split;
    Tuesday: LEGS
    Wednesday: ARMS
    Thursday: OFF
    Friday: CHEST
    Saturday BACK


    Starting weight; 186
    Now: 189.8 (Morning, Dry)


    DBell Press
    WU: 70lbs 10x
    90lbs 10x
    95lbs 10x
    100lbs 8x
    110lbs 8x
    Dbell Flies
    60lbs 10x
    65lbs 8x
    70lbs 8x
    Dbell Incline Press
    70lbs 10x
    75lbs 10x
    80lbs 8x
    80lbs 8x
    Weighted Dips 4 sets 15,12,10,8
    45lbs 15x
    45lbs 12x
    45lbs 10x
    100lbs 8x

    Today my weight increased again - I've never been this high in weight - I'm assuming some of it is from water retention, though that seems to be minimal. My flat DBell press yielded a new record today - I've never put the 110's up for 8 reps. Weighted dips went well - 100lb plate for 8 reps first time. Overall this morning went great - cannot complain and even after only 3 days, I'm feeling results hit me fast whether from AAS or the added/changed food.

    DBol might just be hitting me rather quickly . Or I'm dumb and the placebo hit me haha.
    Last edited by Juturna; 08-21-2009 at 02:38 PM.

  34. #34
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    Jul 2009

    Day 4

    Second injection today. Went flawless - not as much pain as last time - maybe I expected the worst haha.

    Since I changed my workout routine yesterday, I went a little light on the back at times so I wouldn't hurt myself - besides, still a little sore from the work out haha.


    Starting weight; 186
    Now: 191.4 (Morning, Dry)

    Weight is skyrocketing quicker than I thought it would. HAS to be a combo of the compounds along with my diet. Feeling great - I wanted to jump up and hit my back harder - but rather than risk the injury I went light and slow, holding contractions.


    Weighted Wide-Grip Pullups
    25lbs 15x
    25lbs 12x
    25lbs 10x
    35lbs 8x

    T-Bar Row
    90lbs 10x
    90lbs 10x
    115lbs 8x
    115lbs 8x
    Close-Grip Pulldowns
    150lbs 10x
    170lbs 10x
    170lbs 8x
    170lbs 8x

    Seated - Rows


    Weighted Crunches
    Decline + Medicine Ball
    Leg Lifts
    Incline Torso Lifts

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    On the Moon
    Hey good luck dude, your starting in good shape so i expect some serious gains from this cycle.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    Second injection today. Went flawless - not as much pain as last time - maybe I expected the worst haha.

    Since I changed my workout routine yesterday, I went a little light on the back at times so I wouldn't hurt myself - besides, still a little sore from the work out haha.


    Starting weight; 186
    Now: 191.4 (Morning, Dry)

    Weight is skyrocketing quicker than I thought it would. HAS to be a combo of the compounds along with my diet. Feeling great - I wanted to jump up and hit my back harder - but rather than risk the injury I went light and slow, holding contractions.


    Weighted Wide-Grip Pullups
    25lbs 15x
    25lbs 12x
    25lbs 10x
    35lbs 8x

    T-Bar Row
    90lbs 10x
    90lbs 10x
    115lbs 8x
    115lbs 8x
    Close-Grip Pulldowns
    150lbs 10x
    170lbs 10x
    170lbs 8x
    170lbs 8x

    Seated - Rows


    Weighted Crunches
    Decline + Medicine Ball
    Leg Lifts
    Incline Torso Lifts

    those are some serious Weighted Wide-Grip Pullups bro. GREAT WORK!

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    If i were you i would not start until like 24 based on your first pictures u have great genetics but anyways good luck with your cycle

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Day 5

    Starting weight; 186
    Now: 191.8 (Morning, Dry)

    Day off. Eating and relaxing!

    Thanks PK.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    If I were you I would weigh every 4th or 5th day. If you do it everyday it could throw you off mentally at least, especially when you come off D-bol. BTW man you have some crazy strenght in your lats and biceps to be doing pullups with 25lbs for 15 reps.

  40. #40
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    It's only 25lbs heavier than I am - therefor it might be easier for me than it is for you - but thank you.

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