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Thread: First cycle. Help !

  1. #1

    First cycle. Help !

    180 pounds & 32,6% body fat.
    Will start some roids, Suplements and workouts !

    I will use the "Growth Hormone Extreme Stack (pGH)" which is pGH, D-Anabol, Deca 200 & Clean.
    I just pay for them so still not with me and have no idea about how to use them...
    I need help indeed !

    Will update
    Thanks. See u guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    ur an idiot

    32% bf and ur taking roids, i cant believe people ae this stupid

    go to the diet section and workout section, they can help u,

    steroids, clen are only going to cause u LIFE TIME PROBELEMS at 32% bf

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    For gods sake please read this NOW and don't stop reading it until you realize how stupid of a decision you've made here. I'm assuming you bought decca 200 from the banner of this page? lol

  4. #4
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    i think he has bought the d-anabol....pgh.....and the clen from top of the page.....

  5. #5
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    if he purchased 1 bottle of each that works out at $ a waste of not open...return them...get your money back....and spend on diet and training.

  6. #6
    U guys are kicking my ass but thats ok...

    First: I've been doing excercise, loosing weight and keeping my diet. That bf is from 2 months ago but any way I'm still fat i know.

    Second: I've been reading a lot also and i found people using roids by cutting fat and adding clean muscle. Thats why I wanna try. Specailly cause of my real aim is muscle ... dont wanna be skinny.

    Third: I have no f*** idea how to get the roids. This forum is my favorite and I've been collecting info here so i just trust theyre publicity and yes... i got them from top of the page !!... my bad ... so... is done. Will not start crying. Just need some help about how to get the real stuff please.


  7. #7
    They are oral stuff and thats the only pont i have so far. Just need some help in getting real stuff please.


  8. #8
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    mate no one will give you a steroid is not allowed......hang around get experience.......if you have a source you want checked then some mods will do that but only after you have been here a good amount of time and also got you diet and training in check....

    and if you had been reading a lot you should of known this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    without a good diet , you are just wasting your money.

    read all the stickys and you will , in time, get all you need.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Sunny, Florida
    You're making a big mistake bro. You don't need roids to make you look good at this point, you just need to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. It's not impossible, i'm telling you. I used to be a bigger kid too. I once had 30% bodyfat and now i'm down to 11% and that's with a decent amount of muscle for my height. Learn how to eat right, find a sport you like to play, and just stay determined.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Sunny, Florida
    I'd also like to add that steroids will only help you if you are healthy. If you are at the bf% you are now they will only make you more unhealthy, as steroids put a good amount of stress on your heart and body. You gotta get your body in check before you even think about gear. I'm not a veteran or anything but you should find out who the vets are on this board and read their stuff and take their advice.

  12. #12
    ok... I know there is more danger in oral but i will use it at low dose.
    I found this about cycle with oral at low dose.
    its a 11-chapter stuff called "Steroids saved my life"

    What about a 1st cycle this way:
    Testosterone 200 mg / week / 12 weeks
    Dianabol 25 mg / week / 4 weeks


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    What type of Test? YOU AREN'T READY FOR STEROIDS IMO. You have a lot of time and work to do before you are... Start listening.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    You are asking for a heart attack dude! Just get some clen, realllyyyyyyyy clean diet and harsh cardio/weight workouts. When you drop to about ATLEASt 15% BF, then consider taking some test. Right now, itll be a waste of time and can **** you up bad.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    What type of Test? YOU AREN'T READY FOR STEROIDS IMO. You have a lot of time and work to do before you are... Start listening.
    I'm not a Veteran or anything but Juturna is my soul model.. search this forum for his posts and look what this guy did naturally..!!
    Also read Jamy's posts about diet as THIS IS THE MOST CRITICAL PART!!

    you wont build a gram of muscle if you dont have the right things in your blood...

    The reason why people are kicking your ass is because you just went ahead and bought some bs and now you're trying to get help on how to use it before even knowing what it is in fact... do you relly like to put stuff in your body that you dont know what it REALLY is??
    Do you know what GYNOCOMASTIA is?? do you know anything about PCT?? With a high BF% like that you WILL get Gyno and the only way to remove is surgery.. do you want to use your dick in the future??

    And cardio.. Cardio is ESSENTIAL.. wake up every morning 1 hour before you usually wake up and walk fast DON't RUN EVERY DAY its really harsh on the joints and you will most likely stop.. I walk for day 1 and 2 then on the 3rd day I run.. and so on.. YOUR ACTIVITY MUST BE ATLEAST 45 MINUTES!!!

    Stick to it bud and you will see results ..
    Steroids are not magic.. The magic door to the body you want is DIET.. and CARDIO is the key to that door ..

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    do not open the package when u get it, send it back and get ur money back.
    that stuff u bought is complete bullsht.

    and u have no business trying to get on steroids with the condition u are in.
    deal with reality first,which is that u are in horrible shape, then learn how to diet and train natural for the next, well for atleast couple years..
    u can do this man, and u will be happy u did...

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    australia, melbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by davidcom View Post
    ok... I know there is more danger in oral but i will use it at low dose.
    I found this about cycle with oral at low dose.
    its a 11-chapter stuff called "Steroids saved my life"

    What about a 1st cycle this way:
    Testosterone 200 mg / week / 12 weeks
    Dianabol 25 mg / week / 4 weeks

    lol buddy Dianabol is NOT a cutting steroid, in fact ull prob get fatter off it coz it promtoes appetite, water retention etc, I KNOW IVE USED IT, and dont think i could EVER drop bf% on dianabol

    secondly the dosage of the test ur using is just useless, ur body produces ALMOST that naturally, so why would u go inject that dosage and shut down ur own bodys hormone system? when ur NOT going to gain any benefits

    also U DO REALISE that the higher BF% u have the MORE likely U WILL GET SIDE EFFECTS

    IMO i have little doubt that u wouldnt develop high blood pressure, high chlestrol and possible gyno with a high BF%

    also that link of youtube u provided is JUST STUPID and u really are an idiot if u think thats going to support ur arguement that u should take steroids, for christ sake the kids underage, and 138pounds, ANY ****ING DIKHEAD COULD GET HIM TO GAIN WEIGHT AND MUSCLE,

    n also why post that link if ur goals to loose FAT? that link is showing the kid GAINING weight, its the complete opposite..............

    IM TELLING U NOW and everyone in this forum is also, if u take those steroids u WILL NOT GET THE RESULTS U THINK U WILL

    A. their designed to help u gain weight

    B. the dosage ur running is literally useless in terms of effective dosage

    C. u have a high bf% and are VERY likely if not certain to get side effects

    D. if ur still loosing weight then why go shut down ur hormone system? wen u come off roids ull most likely if not certain gain fat anyways during Post cycle therapy, or loose muscle mass, its inevidable

    E. u HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT STEROIDS, (and dont say u do), coz if u did then u wouldny have come up with this stupid idea of taking what u think will help u

    F. ur first steroid cycle should always be a bulk!!!!! not a loosing fat, ur body is very sensitive to ANY steroid in its first cycle, SO WHY USE THAT ADVANTAGE to drop BF% wen u can do it without them!!!!! and then screw up ur future bulking cycle abilities

    G.LISTEN TO WHAT EVERYONES SAYING!!!!, uve come to this forum for advice and NO ONE IS TELLING U TO USE STEROIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!, think about it? tens of thousands of people go through this forum and NOT 1 thinks u should use steroids!!!!!!!, think about that, if sooo many people dont think u should then MAYBE U SHOULDNT

    i know how u feel wanting to drop fat fast, i was once a really fat kid aswell BUT wen i decided to drop BF i started RUNNING ALOT and eating clean and lower in calories, i never once thought about steroids, they never even popped into my mind until i had lost most my fat (11%bf) and then over years built up a descent amount of muscle mass and was finding it VERY difficult to gain any more muscle,
    even then i was hesitant to sue steroids because of societys views about steroids

    but remember though society may perceive steroids as really BAD, (which der not to a point), they do have the right to,
    remember people perceive steroids badly for a reason, der have been some serious issues and problems (of course exaggerated by the media which doesnt help) caused by steroid usage for people, and MOST COMMANLY its because of people thinking their some sort of MIRACLE POTION thatll rip fat off and build muscle mass and turn u into arnold schwazzaneger, (they dont!!!)

    becuase people think they can do amazing things and lack the pateince to train naturally and acheive a easily attainable goal without steroid usage (e.g drop below 20% bf), they go and take steroids instead, and guess what? u get problems or not the desired results and u become the next story for the media or society to why steroids are sooo bad,


    people in this forum arent strict mothers, or have strict beliefs,
    i mean shit half the people in this forum either have tattoos, are big boys, juiced up, have taken multiple illict drugs, are competive bodybuilders are something else

    quiet a few of them run over or between 1-2 grams of anabolics a week in their cycles, and they use some serious shit aswell, their not guys that make strict judgements, they all use anabolics, and if them and myself think what ur doing is stupid them i REALLY SUGGEST U SHOULD LISTEN!!!!!!!

    were not saying this because we dont like people using steroids, were saying this becuase we dont like seeing people screw themselves up short term or for life becuase they lacked patience to achieve results


    or should i just tell u what u want to hear? tell u ur dosage for ur cycle and let u hurt urself?

  18. #18
    ok... thanks all. Ranging1 specially. I'll return that shit... hope to get my money back.
    see u guys

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    australia, melbourne
    NP mate best luck with ur dieting, hope it goes great for u

    when u THINK ur ready to cycle come back to the forum (not for a year atleast LOL, soz but if u came back before then id be like WTF, how fast did u loose weight and put on enough muscle to start cycling)

    priavte message me if ya need advice on dieting and training, happy to help u out with ur weight loss

    Take care

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