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Thread: 1st timer needs advise

  1. #1

    1st timer needs advise

    I am about to start my 1st cycle. I want to keep it light to see how my body reacts to the gear. I dont want to gain a huge amount 10-15lbs, but I want to keep it.

    1-8 primo depot 300/week
    5-9 winny depot 50/eod

    I have clomid on hand, some say I need it some say I don't, not sure.
    I am 6'3" 280lbs 15%bf, naturally. I have a good frame to start from. I just want quality rather than quanity. Like I said this is going to be my first cycle, and I dont want to gain a huge amount of wieght, just 10-15lbs.
    Any advise please.

  2. #2
    Run Primo for 10 wks and up the dose to 400mg/wk, also start Wiinny 50 mg/eod from wks 5-10 , Don't forget to use HCG and clomid since Winny is gonna shut u down and be kinda harsh on ur joints .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    At your stats I'd say you where more than 15%BF Unless your a fricken monster.Most people use winny at the end of a cycle beacause their running D-bol at the begging and its too hard on the liver to run them at the same time.In your case you just looking to cut, Use some liver protectants and u should be fine...I would do this,
    wk1-10 Primo 400mg.\wk
    wk4-12 Winny 50mg.\eod
    start clomid day after winny

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    IMO - - - -

    Wow brah - your huge. Great job, but your cycle is too weak for your level of muscular development, IMO - better for a smaller person. I would recommend running more than that to get noticable results. Your cycle only consist of 575mg per week.

    I would recommend you do this:

    Weeks: 1-5 Winstrol, 50mg ED
    Weeks: 1-8 primo depot 600/week
    Weeks: 6-10: Test Prop 100mg EOD

    Take the first 5 weeks and get your bodyfat down. Then ride the rest of the cycle on Test Prop and Primo to get rock hard gains. Goal being to drop 15 lbs of fat and gain 20-30 in muscle.

    Also, since it is you first cycle... take the time to play with the short testostone ester too - it leaves your system in 2 days so find a good dose. If you have naturally high test levels 100mg EOD (350mg/wk) may be as high as you ever need to go with test. But most many up it to 100mg ED (700mg/wk) and get better results with still no sides. Start Clomid 3 days after last shot of Test Prop.

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