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Thread: Carpe's first cycle - Test and Dbol - Time to grow(pic)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Carpe's first cycle - Test and Dbol - Time to grow(pic)

    Whatup boys, i'm new to this forum and i wanted to log my first cycle somewhere and i think this is the place. Let's start with some stats:

    Age - 20
    Weight - 189 lbs
    BF% - 9-10 approx, you can throw a guess based off pics below
    Training style - DC Training, 3 days a week
    Cardio - 30 minutes steady state 3x per week
    7.30 - 70 gr carbs from oatmeal, 2 cans tuna, 7 gr fish oil - 70/70/7
    11.30 - 300 gr red meat, 70 gr carbs, 7 gr fish oil - 75/70/7
    15.30 - 300 gr red meat, 70 gr carbs, 7 gr fish oil - 75/70/7
    TRAINING @ 17.00 - 10 gr BCAA, 10 gr Leucine, 10 gr Glutamine, 30 gr WMS + 5 gr creatine/2 gr Beta Ala9
    18.00(PWO) - 400 gr haddock, 70 gr carbs from white rice. - 75/70/0
    22.00(PPWO) - 300 gr red meat, 70 gr carbs, 7 gr fish oil - 75/70/7

    On off days all meals are same protein, 70 carb, 7 fat except for last meal which is protein/fat.
    IMPORTANT - every week i raise carbs per meal by 10 grams until i reach 100 grams per meal.

    Cycle - Test Enanthate @ 500 mg 1-12. Dianabol @ 30 mg week 1-4, and week 9-12 @ dose later to be decided, depends on sides @ 30 mg.

    I'm done with week one, and am up 5-6 pounds, pump is better and bit stronger. I'm expecting good things in the week coming up.

    Goals - I wanna get to around 210 in this cycle, and keep most of it, while staying lean. Get strong as **** too.


    So i'm on day 6 now, and i will update everyday for atleast the next 3 months, especially if anyone wants to read this lol

    I'm just gonna drop the one pic and you can critique me, my diet, cycle or anything

    I'll definately have more pics up next week, until then.....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	front MM.JPG 
Views:	1013 
Size:	3.8 KB 
ID:	102189  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Soul Society
    Welcome. How tall are you? Seems like you've built a good base.

  3. #3
    i'd say u have a good lean base, im guessing ur like 6'1 ish.
    i think u got all your ducks in a row....just remember if you wanna be as big as 2 people you gotta eat for 2 people. and i expect to see some really good results.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Thanks guys, i'm 6'2 on a good day.

    I've been dieting all summer to create a rebound oppurtunity..and am expecting some massive gains.

    I didn't mention my carb sources but they are sweet potatoes, lentils, oatmeal and barley, and white rice PWO

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Soul Society
    Do not run Dbol at the end of your cycle. The crash from coming off both compounds might make your recovery difficult. What do you have planned for PCT?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Aizen Sosuke View Post
    Do not run Dbol at the end of your cycle. The crash from coming off both compounds might make your recovery difficult. What do you have planned for PCT?
    Nolva @ 40-40-20-20 14 days after last injection.
    I also have 5000iu hCG that i haven't decided how to use yet.

    So no dbol for week 9-12...i got so much dbol lol. Also got some drol and masteron waiting for me, can't wait to try that later on

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    This is what i'll be eating for the next month....55 lbs of whale steak
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Photo192.jpg 
Views:	1273 
Size:	467.8 KB 
ID:	102194  

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I like to use HCG starting the last 2 weeks of your cycle through the first week of PCT at 250iu EOD. You need an AI during your cycle and for your PCT.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2009
    It was my understanding that an AI was only needed for over 1 gram of test, or if your BF is >15%..but i don't have access to adex or anything so i'll just gotta stick to this.

    The reason is i live on an small island in north europe so i can't just order online any shit i want

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Soul Society
    Well at least you have nolvadex. In case you feel some gyno symptoms you could use it. An AI is always needed when you take test or anything that could aromatize. Some are not prone to estrogen related side effects but many are.

  11. #11
    If you've got a bunch of d-bol sitting around, you could use it like this:

    (weeks 1 - 4) D-bol @ 30mg ED
    (weeks 1 - 12) Test
    (weeks 11 - 14) D-bol @ 30mg ED
    (weeks 15 - 19) PCT

    ^^ This way you will get strength gains all the way up to the PCT. It will mean that you'll drop a lot of weight during the initial weeks of the PCT (because water weight will drop quickly), but if you're interested in strength gains, then it's a good option. Just watch out for PCT-depression.

    30mg of D-bol is a good place to start. You may want to bump it to 40mg though, I find that's the best for myself. (find out for yourself though).

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Day 7 - September 13th

    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    If you've got a bunch of d-bol sitting around, you could use it like this:

    (weeks 1 - 4) D-bol @ 30mg ED
    (weeks 1 - 12) Test
    (weeks 11 - 14) D-bol @ 30mg ED
    (weeks 15 - 19) PCT

    ^^ This way you will get strength gains all the way up to the PCT. It will mean that you'll drop a lot of weight during the initial weeks of the PCT (because water weight will drop quickly), but if you're interested in strength gains, then it's a good option. Just watch out for PCT-depression.

    30mg of D-bol is a good place to start. You may want to bump it to 40mg though, I find that's the best for myself. (find out for yourself though).
    I had that in my head too. I'll figure something out later on...
    first update

    Weight - 190.5 (+1.5)
    No training today, just relaxing and eating my meals. I look forward to tomorrow hoping for some strength gains. Gonna kill biceps/forearms/calves/hams/quads. And of course inject some test in my butt

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    good luck keep us updated.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I see people saying you have built a good base but 6'2 189 is not a good base. You could have gained a lot more before cycling just with your diet. I weighed around 225 at 6'2ish and about 12-13%bf before i cycled

  15. #15
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    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I see people saying you have built a good base but 6'2 189 is not a good base. You could have gained a lot more before cycling just with your diet. I weighed around 225 at 6'2ish and about 12-13%bf before i cycled
    I realize i haven't reached my natural limit but i have made a decision to start now, i wanna be competitive in BBing as soon as possible. I appreciate the comment.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    Good Luck and keep us updated.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Day 8 - September 14th

    Weight - 190.7 (+0.2)
    Training(all weight are KG):
    Incline db. curl - LT:15x8+3+2=13 rest/pause. TT:15x12+4+3=19 r/p (+6 reps)
    Cross-body hammer curl - LT:15x13 straight set. TT:15x17 ss. (+4)
    Sitting calf raises(DC style) - LT:35x10 ss. TT:35x12 ss. (+2)
    Kneeling ham curl - LT:15x18+7+4=29 r/p. TT:20x14+4+4=22 r/p (+5 kg, - 7 reps)
    Leg press - LT:360x9 ss., 250x20 ss. TT:360x17!! ss., 300x22 ss. (+8, +50 kg+2 reps)

    Some very nice strength gains!! great workout, next weeks will be crazy

    Diet on point and everything going great.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Dont Trip
    Forget doin the dbol twice. I say just run the dbol longer. First 4 weeks with dbol isnt gonna do much imo in the long run. At only 30mg ed, u can easily run it 6-8 weeks bro. Just make sure to drink tons of water and liv supps after the dbol, not during. Run it 6 weeks and see how it goes. If u still feel u have more to benefit from the dbol then run it 8 weeks bro. Wouldnt go past 8 weeks though, not this early in the game. At that dose though, i think it would be fine and much more beneficial then 2 short runs of it throughout cycle. Just my opinion but an option.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Forget doin the dbol twice. I say just run the dbol longer. First 4 weeks with dbol isnt gonna do much imo in the long run. At only 30mg ed, u can easily run it 6-8 weeks bro. Just make sure to drink tons of water and liv supps after the dbol, not during. Run it 6 weeks and see how it goes. If u still feel u have more to benefit from the dbol then run it 8 weeks bro. Wouldnt go past 8 weeks though, not this early in the game. At that dose though, i think it would be fine and much more beneficial then 2 short runs of it throughout cycle. Just my opinion but an option.
    I was thinking the same thing earlier today, going 6 weeks. I think that's a better idea. I seem to handle the dbol very well too, at least i have experienced no sides yet. Not a single pimple, not much bloat really, i look leaner if anything and feel very good. I'm drinking 2 gallons of water throughout the day too. I think your idea is the way to go. Thanks

    Btw, isn't it smart to get blood work after 4 weeks, and then after 6/8 weeks again?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpe View Post
    I was thinking the same thing earlier today, going 6 weeks. I think that's a better idea. I seem to handle the dbol very well too, at least i have experienced no sides yet. Not a single pimple, not much bloat really, i look leaner if anything and feel very good. I'm drinking 2 gallons of water throughout the day too. I think your idea is the way to go. Thanks

    Btw, isn't it smart to get blood work after 4 weeks, and then after 6/8 weeks again?
    Thats what i did on my current cycle, ran the dbol 7 weeks at 40mg ed with no negative sides and good gains just like yours. I added anadrol though at week 4 at 50mg ed, that killed my appetite. Drol ive found is not for me. Dbol is where its at!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Good luck .

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Thats what i did on my current cycle, ran the dbol 7 weeks at 40mg ed with no negative sides and good gains just like yours. I added anadrol though at week 4 at 50mg ed, that killed my appetite. Drol ive found is not for me. Dbol is where its at!
    I have some drol, so that's another option, to run drol from weeks 5-7/8...we'll see

    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    Good luck .
    thanks bro, you look great btw

  23. #23
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    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by Carpe View Post
    I have some drol, so that's another option, to run drol from weeks 5-7/8...we'll see

    thanks bro, you look great btw
    Na, its ur first cycle bro, keep it simple. 2 compounds ur first go is more then plenty. Save the drol for next cycle or down the road bro. I like to try new compounds solo before stacking them so i know what kind of sides to expect. Like my last cycle i did test prop and drol. Found drol to have shitty sides with little gains for me. This cycle im running test/deca/dbol then last few weeks of dbol stacked drol with it. I found dbol to be the winner since i got zero bad sides and good gains from it.

  24. #24
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    Day 9 - September 15

    Weight - 191.6 (+0.9)

    No training just some cardio tonight, weight gain continues which is good. I look a little bloated in the face, but i'm more vascular everywhere else and looking pretty good. Can't wait for tomorrows workout:
    Incline BB press
    Behind the neck smith press
    Reverse grip smith bench
    V-bar Pulldown
    Rack Pulls

    Last edited by Carpe; 09-15-2009 at 11:49 AM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    how's the whale steak?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    It's pretty decent, not much unlike beef. I also get it 4x cheaper than the cheapest cuts of beef from a friend who shoots them, so it allows me to eat a shitload of protein without going bankrupt

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    That's awesome. Good to hear. I can't get whale here but I can get shark. Enjoying your thread nonetheless. Keep up the good work.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    hmmm whale steak just sound crazy to me, never even heard of it until now lol.

    Noticing any effects from the dbol yet?

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Day 9 - September 16

    Quote Originally Posted by xnotoriousx View Post
    hmmm whale steak just sound crazy to me, never even heard of it until now lol.

    Noticing any effects from the dbol yet?
    Hell yeah..check below

    Weight - 195.3 (+3.7)
    Training - Chest/delts/triceps/back width/thickness
    i don't feel like writing the entire workout but i was a lot stronger on all movement..ended with 180kg(4 plates) for 5 reps in rack pulls

    Huge jump in of 12 pound gain since start of cycle. I went to bed early and woke up at 3AM to get the meal i missed, so that might contribute to the weight gain..but i don't see why it would be such a big difference. We'll see tomorrow.

    For the effects of the dbol...except for the 12 pound gain in 9 days i'm getting stronger(increased 5kg + 2 reps on the incline BB press for example) i'm noticing more vascularity and fullness, and during rack pulls my face was about to explode and vains popping was awesome lol. This cycle is starting very well and i can't wait till the test kicks in and regarding the whale steak..i live in Iceland so that's why you never heard of it lol

    I appreciate you guys reading this and commenting..keep me focused!

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2009
    calgary alberta canada
    sounds wicked, im starting a similar cycle soon. Cant wait to do the dbol, i may run mine longer as well. How long are you gonna run the dbol?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I've heard that Iceland is a great place to live. Good luck bro i'm not to far behind you

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2jz_calgary View Post
    sounds wicked, im starting a similar cycle soon. Cant wait to do the dbol, i may run mine longer as well. How long are you gonna run the dbol?
    I guess i'll run it while i feel it's benefitting me..but no longer than 8 weeks at most

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Dude can you get me the hook up on that whale steak lol. No seriously would be willing to try it especially if its cheaper

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Have been too busy too update last 2 days but i'm back. I'm gonna go to weighing myself 2x a week instead of everyday. The weight can fluctuate and it can really **** with your head. So i'll post my BW on mondays and thursdays. I'm going to the gym in an hour to hit bis/forearms and legs. 1 arm high preacher curl, rev BB curl, standing calf raises, sumo press and smith squats. I'll report back tonight.

  35. #35
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    ok here's the deal

    i should have taken a week off training somewhere before starting my cycle but in the excitement i didn't... my CNS is pretty wrecked and i have minor lower back probs picking i'm taking next week off(week 3) and following off day diet and do some cardio for active recovery. I'll still run dbol @ 30 mg daily next week and week 4...then when the test kicks in @ week 5 i may up it to 50mg as sides haven't been a problem yet. So i'll throw in some weight updates next week but no training. I think this will be more beneficial on the long run, so i can train hard for the rest of my cycle.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    If I were you, I would just do light workouts this week. That will let your CNS repair just fine. I don't see the point in wasting a entire week.

    I'd go in, keep intensity the same as always, but only do 6 sets per body part.

  37. #37
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    I do 1 set per bodypart per doing 6 and keeping the intensity the same is...well impossible and won't help my cns. I've trained like this for almost a year..6-8 weeks of heavy high intensity training, 1 week off. I'm gonna keep it that way.

  38. #38
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    Will probably start training on friday though..that way i'm getting 7 days of

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpe View Post
    I do 1 set per bodypart per doing 6 and keeping the intensity the same is...well impossible and won't help my cns. I've trained like this for almost a year..6-8 weeks of heavy high intensity training, 1 week off. I'm gonna keep it that way.
    Oh shit man lol I just looked up and noticed that you were doing HIT training.

    That book is a good read. I liked full body training pretty good, I did it for about 6 months one time with good results.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    That book? There are many variations of HIT and way more books. I have 3 books myself, 2 by Mike Mentzer and 1 by Dorian Yates.

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