whats up guys, its been two weeks since my last shot of test and deca. i can feel the effects fading already but will wait till next week to start clomid. My cycle consisted of tornel test enanthate 400mg a week and ttokyo deca 300mg a week for 10 weeks. This was my first cycle. Im 19 years old. I weighed 185 lbs when I first started. My goal was mostly to build alot of strength, but I also wanted to put on 30lbs of good mass. I've been weighing in between 212-215 all this week, so I accomplished my goal of 30 lbs. I do believe diet is the key. I ate 4500 -5500 calories every day. protein carbs and good fats.as far as strength, my bench has gone from 245-255 to 335lbs(most I have tried so far) my deadlift has gone from 315-335 to 465lbs. my squat has gone from 365 to 470lbs. its not just my maxes that went up though, my rep strength has gone up alot too. i can hit sets of 6-7 reps with 275 on bench. i can deadlift 375 6-7 reps. my strength in general has gone up alot. . also, i look good. i really like the results. all the size i put on is hard ass muscle. i dont look puffy at all and put on pretty much no body fat. i can see veins in my forearms, bi's shoulders and chest that I couldn't see before. i kept the partying to a bare minimum while on this cycle. i drank a few times and smoked a little KB here and there to keep my head straight. overall I loved the results. I'll probably do another cycle in the future but am ready to get back to training natural for a while. I plan on getting to a solid 225 naturally and then maybe doing some sust and equipoise. anyway, thanks to all the guys on here who helped me out and answered my questions. i appreciate it. i went from not knowing shit about juice to answering all my friends questions about it.