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  1. #521
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HamburgerHelper View Post
    Isnt an effect of liver stress, itching?

    BJJ i would really appreciate your critical assessment of my (somewhat embarassing) current physical appearance, in light of my new Anavar cycle. I am 1 week into it. Trying to "stack" (term used loosely) with Creatine and high clean calorie intake to get some lean size. Here's my thread:

    Really incredibly irritating that I am not able to view profiles because I have less than 50 posts.... forum admin ...
    It could be yes, that is why I wrote it has to do probably with anavar and not with test.

  2. #522
    Vitruvius is offline New Member
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    Thx for the info... The itch is gone, the mesterolone is working great. I have a problem though; I have pain on fron of my knee and its pretty bad... yesterday I could only play one quarter of basketball. Ive been taking glucosamin/condroitin/and Flax seed oil among others, but it doesnt seem to help much. do you have any recommendation??

  3. #523
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvius View Post
    Thx for the info... The itch is gone, the mesterolone is working great. I have a problem though; I have pain on fron of my knee and its pretty bad... yesterday I could only play one quarter of basketball. Ive been taking glucosamin/condroitin/and Flax seed oil among others, but it doesnt seem to help much. do you have any recommendation??
    Take a week rest and if nothing improves I would go for a NMR.

  4. #524
    Vitruvius is offline New Member
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    thx for the tip. I rested a little and the knees are getting better. Im starting to play like before. The strength is increasing a lot, so Im happy. I was thinking about extending the cycle to 8 weeks, since we are in the playoffs, and I have a lot of gear. Do you have any thoughts of maybe stop taking anavar and mesterolone after week 7 and maybe cont. the test through week no 8 or 9 ??

    Also Im pretty red in the face and chest for the last few days. Do you have any recommendations on that? Maybe take aspirin? (my bp is normal)

    A girl that I know is taking 10mg anavar for 6 weeks. She is in very good shape and training for a fitness comp. Do you recommend any mesterolone for her during her cycle. She doesnt need to cut fat, but need to get a little stronger. (tone up)

  5. #525
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Please remaind me your cycle exactly.

    Regarding the girl no, I would not suggest her to ingest mesterolone.

  6. #526
    Vitruvius is offline New Member
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    6 week cycle:
    Testosterone 500mg per week (2 shoots)
    Anavar 60mg per week
    Mesterolone 350mg per week (100mg shoot eod)

  7. #527
    Vitruvius is offline New Member
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    sorry, anavar 60mg ed

  8. #528
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvius View Post
    6 week cycle:
    Testosterone 500mg per week (2 shoots)
    Anavar 60mg per week
    Mesterolone 350mg per week (100mg shoot eod)
    Mesterolone for injection? Perhaps you are injecting drostanolone.
    If that is the case, 100 mg eod is fine.

    Regarding your previous question, you can extend the ingestion of oxandrolone up to 8 or 9 weeks with that low (but enough) amount.

  9. #529
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    Please ignore the spam^^
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  10. #530
    Vitruvius is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Mesterolone for injection? Perhaps you are injecting drostanolone.
    If that is the case, 100 mg eod is fine.

    Regarding your previous question, you can extend the ingestion of oxandrolone up to 8 or 9 weeks with that low (but enough) amount.
    Thx for the info.

    So now I have done the cycle for 7 out of 8 weeks.

    The cycle is:
    Testosterone 500mg ew (2 shoots)
    Anavar 60mg ed
    Masteron 350mg ew (100mg shoot eod)

    Im waiting for my bloodwork, but do you have any ballpark recommendation for a pct? (that is, the amount and for how long)

    (I have both clomid and nolvadex , and would like to use both.)

  11. #531
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvius View Post
    Thx for the info.

    So now I have done the cycle for 7 out of 8 weeks.

    The cycle is:
    Testosterone 500mg ew (2 shoots)
    Anavar 60mg ed
    Masteron 350mg ew (100mg shoot eod)

    Im waiting for my bloodwork, but do you have any ballpark recommendation for a pct? (that is, the amount and for how long)

    (I have both clomid and nolvadex, and would like to use both.)
    Your cycle was very simple and so your PCT.

    Week 1-4 Clomid 100/50/50/25
    Week 1-4 Nolva 40/20/20/20

    You may use an AI to cope with the estrogens rebound but that is up to you.
    Wait 6 weeks from the end of PCT and get a full BW.

    If you have not recovered by then you may contemplate the use of HCG /HMG, but this is another story to come...

    Next cycle, if any, use HCG from the beginning.

  12. #532
    Vitruvius is offline New Member
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    Pct for women

    The girl has now finished a 6 week cycle, using 10mg ed. What would you recommend as pct?

  13. #533
    Vitruvius is offline New Member
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    That is, 6 week anavar cycle

    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvius View Post
    The girl has now finished a 6 week cycle, using 10mg ed. What would you recommend as pct?

  14. #534
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvius View Post
    The girl has now finished a 6 week cycle, using 10mg ed. What would you recommend as pct?
    Non need for PCT

  15. #535
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Great, Great READ! Its good to have logs like this on hand.

  16. #536
    rawpower is offline Junior Member
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    wow this is an amazing log! best one ive seen so far

  17. #537
    soccerplayer is offline New Member
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    Hi BJJ,

    I would like to know what you think about taking Clenbuterol w/ Oxandrolone.. I would like to take for 8 weeks.. that's the first time ever I'm going to do cycle. I'm a soccer player so I don't want to gain to much mass.. but not taking it's not a option for me once the MLS scout told me I must gain mass in order to be drafted.. I've been checking your knowledgement about the subject n u seem to be pretty well informed..

    Height: 1,79cm 5'10
    Weight: 179 pounds..
    Age: 20 years old

    I don't know what the fat percentage, but I believe it's over 14%

  18. #538
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccerplayer View Post
    Hi BJJ,

    I would like to know what you think about taking Clenbuterol w/ Oxandrolone.. I would like to take for 8 weeks.. that's the first time ever I'm going to do cycle. I'm a soccer player so I don't want to gain to much mass.. but not taking it's not a option for me once the MLS scout told me I must gain mass in order to be drafted.. I've been checking your knowledgement about the subject n u seem to be pretty well informed..

    Height: 1,79cm 5'10
    Weight: 179 pounds..
    Age: 20 years old

    I don't know what the fat percentage, but I believe it's over 14%
    At your age neither of them could be the right choice for you.
    I invite you to desist.

  19. #539
    jaybaps is offline New Member
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    Just wondering i was diagnosed with an enlarged spleen at 12.7 cm doctor said nothing to worry about and pretty much sent me home as if it was normal im just wondering should i avoid doing an anavar only cycle cause i actually just started with today. If anyone has any info they can share id appreciate it.

  20. #540
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaybaps View Post
    Just wondering i was diagnosed with an enlarged spleen at 12.7 cm doctor said nothing to worry about and pretty much sent me home as if it was normal im just wondering should i avoid doing an anavar only cycle cause i actually just started with today. If anyone has any info they can share id appreciate it.
    blood work is what you need

  21. #541
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    Hi BJJ,

    Amazing thread You have heard that before and I'll say it again, amazing...

    I was going to follow your example here because I wanted to see what effect a small amount of steroids have on my body and Anavar seems like a good idea for that specific purpose I have with this experiment. I started last week on Monday at 21.00 and was taking 20mg three times/day at 5.00, 13.00, and 21.00. I noticed on Thursday that my balls started hurting already and since this was just a very short introduction I decided to stop right there and start again once I have some Proviron on hand.

    My question to you is simply, put: Did you experience any discomfort in the testicles while running this and if so did it go away when you took the Proviron at the same time? Would you see anything wrong with running Proviron during the entire cycle if that were to eliviate the problem?

    I appreciate any input you might have!


  22. #542
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    I never experienced any testicle discomfort.
    You can run mesterolone along with oxandrolone, I see only benefits from that sinergy.

  23. #543
    utryit is offline Junior Member
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    looks like its worth trying

  24. #544
    licentiousness is offline New Member
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    BJJ. I have read many logs on here, while considering my first cycle and yours is certainly the most thorough. Many thanks for sharing the information.

    To check my full understanding of it, you gained 19.89 lbs of LBM on an 8 weeks Anavar + Proviron cycle?

    I had been considering such a cycle myself because it seems the best risk/reward cycle, but on virtually all the forums, if anyone mentions such a cycle, the other people cut them down and say that they should be doing a testosterone base, that they are stupid, that they must be scared of needles, that they won't keep any of their gains etc.

    Would you recommend your cycle as a first time cycle and did you keep the gains that you made, even a few months after PCT?
    Also are there any things that you would change on it, if you were doing it again now as your first cycle?

    I would appreciate any further information.

  25. #545
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    Ok here is the thing I've been reading all over that var only is a verry bad idea... I wanted to try it any way and where I live pharma grade hgh and gear are legal so I thought I'll keep test prop on hand if just in case and what happened was the following I gained 15lbs of solid muscle no bloat no acne no shrinkage just softer feeling testicles no sides at all I even experienced a slight increase in sexual performance and recovery wasnt even noticeable as I was at least not fully shutdown if so.
    I've been reading for more than ten years about all kinds of diet training and gear and I ended up taking the test prop 3 month after as a separate cycle I got big for my size but had minor sides that turned me off from test moon face and I snored like crazy and acne for me is un acceptable as it leaves scars even when it's gone it kind of ruins my appearance which is a part of why I use gear.
    And I'm after the fitness model look I'm no body builder

    So gains and price aside what's so bad about it was an amazing experience for me?

    I started 60 mgs daily with 2000 mgs tribulus and animal pack multy vitamin 10 days ago

    I'm up 3 lbs of mass with 2% bf drop already

    Any suggestions

    Is it harder to recover natural test if u get partial shutdown from var than if u get fully shut down from test???

  26. #546
    licentiousness is offline New Member
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    Mr Prop Var Testen,
    Just to clarify, is your current cycle your 3rd cycle then (2nd with Var?)
    If so, what was your dosage etc and PCT for your first cycle where you gained the 15lbs?
    Also which country? I'm UK, so it's legal to possess, just not to sell.

  27. #547
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    Quote Originally Posted by licentiousness
    Mr Prop Var Testen,
    Just to clarify, is your current cycle your 3rd cycle then (2nd with Var?)
    If so, what was your dosage etc and PCT for your first cycle where you gained the 15lbs?
    Also which country? I'm UK, so it's legal to possess, just not to sell.
    Pct was 40/20 nolva. 100/50 clomid
    I'm from Cairo Egypt

  28. #548
    licentiousness is offline New Member
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    Thanks. I appreciate you replying. Could you perhaps help me a little more by specifying Var mg and also the weeks for PCT?

    I was thinking about the below cycle, but am unsure of PCT amounts and timings...

    8 weeks of Var at 50mg then...
    Day 1: Clom 100mg + Nolv 40mg
    Day 2- Day 12: Clom 50mg + Nolv 20mg
    Day 12-Day 21: Nolv 20mg
    Day 21-28: Nolv 10mg

    Also did you run anything during your cycle apart from Var?

  29. #549
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    Quote Originally Posted by licentiousness
    Thanks. I appreciate you replying. Could you perhaps help me a little more by specifying Var mg and also the weeks for PCT?

    I was thinking about the below cycle, but am unsure of PCT amounts and timings...

    8 weeks of Var at 50mg then...
    Day 1: Clom 100mg + Nolv 40mg
    Day 2- Day 12: Clom 50mg + Nolv 20mg
    Day 12-Day 21: Nolv 20mg
    Day 21-28: Nolv 10mg

    Also did you run anything during your cycle apart from Var?

    I'm no expert but I don't overdoing pct drugs I did 40/20 nolva 10/50 clomid as I didn't feel shut down at all I even got bigger during the second week of pct as I started bulking after the cycle was done and gained from 75 to 78 mostly fat but kept all my muscle and that was my most important goal
    And I only plan to do one mild test free cycle a year I don't need to completely recover during pct though I myself didn't feel shutdown at all.... Good luck

  30. #550
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    Quote Originally Posted by licentiousness View Post
    BJJ. I have read many logs on here, while considering my first cycle and yours is certainly the most thorough. Many thanks for sharing the information.

    To check my full understanding of it, you gained 19.89 lbs of LBM on an 8 weeks Anavar + Proviron cycle?

    I had been considering such a cycle myself because it seems the best risk/reward cycle, but on virtually all the forums, if anyone mentions such a cycle, the other people cut them down and say that they should be doing a testosterone base, that they are stupid, that they must be scared of needles, that they won't keep any of their gains etc.

    Would you recommend your cycle as a first time cycle and did you keep the gains that you made, even a few months after PCT? yes i would and kept all of my gains
    Also are there any things that you would change on it, if you were doing it again now as your first cycle? I would add a low dose of test sust to keep the testosterone level balanced

    I would appreciate any further information.

  31. #551
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Best GD thread I have ever read on Var alone.

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