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10-01-2009, 05:05 PM #1
ANAVAR Cycle (for those interested)
The meaning of this thread is to inform only, since I do not condone either promote any use of AAS among the readers.
Whatever I write is for entertainment purposes only and do not take any responsability for any misuse of the information here reported.
Furthermore, this thread is to be viewed only by those who are at least 21 years of age.
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Steroids and anabolic steroids do have side effects. Do not be fooled into thinking there is a perfect steroid out there. That is not true. All steroids carry some type of side effects in one form or another. There is no such thing as a side effect free steroid. There are many side effects of using any medical treatment, including steroids. Here are some things an athlete might experience through the use of steroids:
• Your body wants to maintain a balance of hormones, so by undertaking a steroid regimen will send a signal to your body to shut down its own natural hormonal production. The levels of inhibition vary depending on the type of hormone ingested and most often, but not always, the endogenous hormone production resumes after the athlete stops his/her steroid regimen.
• The liver can be affected with orally ingested steroids . This means that studies have shown the levels of liver enzymes to increase after ingesting oral steroids which is an indication of liver activity. While some experts say that this is a sign of possible liver damage, other studies have shown that enzyme levels return to normal when the athlete stops taking the steroids.
• Steroids can affect levels of cholesterol. Athletes who use steroids show increased levels of LDL’s (the “bad” cholesterol) and decreased levels of HDL’s (the “good” cholesterol). This may also explain why anabolic steroids have been linked to cardiovascular problems.
• Anabolic steroids increase the levels of estrogen in the body which can lead to female-like breast tissue in males. However, there are anti-estrogen drugs that can help reduce this risk. Likewise, females who use anabolic steroids might begin to develop male characteristics such as hirsuitism or deepening of the voice, as well as clitoris enlargement.
• Athletes who use anabolic steroids might also experience increased acne; this is often related to the type and amount of steroids used.
• One of the most commonly suspected side effects of steroids use is increased aggressiveness. This is a real but rare side effect of steroids use; in fact most studies show that this increased aggressiveness or sometimes mania is more prevalent in people who were aggressive to begin with.
• There are other effects on internal organs (caused by the types and doses of steroids as well as the effects of the exercise/training regimen that goes along with trying to “bulk” or “cut”) that are often reversed at the cessation of steroids use. These include enlarged prostate, high blood pressure, kidney problems and changes in the immune system.
• Sterility is also a possible side effect as the hormones in the body are altered during use of anabolic steroids. This can often be reversed or remedied with proper hormone treatments.
• Some steroids will stop the growth of people who use them before they have finished growing. This is one of the few side effects that cannot be reversed through stopping a steroid regimen.
• Always remember, effects of steroids are very serious. Users do experience bad and negative side effects, so be warned! Do your own researches.Last edited by BJJ; 02-24-2011 at 05:01 AM.
10-01-2009, 05:06 PM #2
BULKING (23/09/2009 - 17/11/2009)
Week 1-8 Oxandrolone [UG] 60 mg ed (ttl 2.940 mg) (Breakfast/Lunch)
Week 4-7 Mesterolone [PG] 50 mg ed (ttl 1.400 mg) (Breakfast/Dinner)
PCT (18/11/2009 - 28/12/2009)
Week 9-10 Clomiphene Citrate [PG] 50/50 mg ed (ttl 700 mg) (Breakfast)
Week 9-11 Tamoxifen Citrate [PG] 20/20/20 mg ed (ttl 420 mg) (Breakfast)
Week 11-12 Clenbuterol Hydrochloride [PG] 60/60/80/80/100/100/100/100/60/60 mcg ed (ttl 800 mcg) (Breakfast)
Week 12-13 Glutathione [PG] 600 mg ed (ttl 6.000 mg) (Morning)
BMR: 1.954 Kcal
Daily Diet (3.159 Kcal): 300 g of Protides, 55 g of Lipides, 366 g of Glucides
Protides/Glucides Relation: 0,81
Supplements: Multi Vitamins/Minerals, Vitamin C/Ester, EFA complex, ALA, LIV.52, CLA, ZMA, Chromium Picolinate, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Coenzyme Q10, Glutamine, BCAA, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate, Glycine, l-Arginine, Alpha-Ketoisocaproic Acid Calcium.
STRENGTH (8 reps):__________________________________________Da y 56
Squat (legs) 100 kg (220 lbs)_______________________________________130 kg (286 lbs) +30%
One Arm Dumbbell Row (back) 30 kg (66 lbs)___________________________44 kg (96,8 lbs) +46,66%
Bench Press with Dumbbells (chest) 30 kg (66 lbs) each_________________40 kg (88 lbs) +33,33%
Military Press with Dumbbells (shoulders) 24 kg (52,8 lbs) each____________34 kg (74,8 lbs) +41,66%
Dumbbells Curls (biceps - seated) 24 kg (52,8 lbs) each_________________30 kg (66 lbs) +25%
Dumbbells Curls (triceps - lying down) 18 kg (39,6 lbs) each______________24 kg (52,8 lbs) +33,33%
Strength Acquisition: 35% estimate
Formula: (current-previous)/previous*100 = (+) increase% or (-) decrease%
STATS:__________________________________________Day 16_____________________________Day 35_____________________________Day 56______________________________________Day 62 (1W PCT)
36 years old, 187 cm (6'2" ft)
Body Weight: 87,5 kg (192,5 lbs)_________________________94,5 kg (207,9 lbs) +8%_____________98,9 kg (217,6 lbs) +13,02%_________96,5 kg (212,3 lbs) +10,28%__________________94,7 kg (208,3 lbs) +8,23%
Body Fat: 12,9%______________________________________14% +8,52%_______________________14,6% +13,17%____________________14% +8,52%________________________________12,3% -3,14%
Body Water: 63,2%____________________________________63,6% +0,63%_____________________63,8% +0,94%_____________________64% +1,26%
Estimated Muscle Mass: 73,5 kg (161,7 lbs)________________77,3 kg (170,6 lbs) +5,17%__________80,3 kg (176,66 lbs) +9,25%_________78,9 kg (173,58 lbs) +7,34%__________________79,6 kg (175,1 lbs) +8,30%
Lean Body Mass Acquisition (LBM): 9,043 kg (19,89 lbs)
New Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): 2.053 Kcal
Complete Cycle Log:
__________________________________________________18__________36__________51__________56__________98 (End of PCT)_____122 (3 Weeks ex PCT)
ERYTHROCYTES: 5,18 mil/mmc [4 - 5,5]__________________________________________________ ___5,2_________5,34
LEUCOCYTES: 7,3 mila/mmc [4 - 9]__________________________________________________ _______8,6_________7,5
- NE: 4,1 / 55,8 % [2 - 6 / 37 - 80]__________________________________________________ __________________4,1 / 54,8
- LY: 2,4 / 33 % [0,6 - 36 / 10 - 50]__________________________________________________ _________________2,7 / 35,6
- MO: 0,6 / 8,6 % [0 - 0,9 / 0 - 12]__________________________________________________ __________________0,5 / 7,1
- EO: 0,2 / 2,1 % [0 - 7 / 0 - 7]__________________________________________________ _____________________0,1 / 1,8
- BA: 0 / 0,5 % [0 - 0,2 / 0 - 2,5]__________________________________________________ ____________________0,1 / 0,7
HEMOGLOBIN: 14,9 gr/dl [14 - 18]__________________________________________________ ________13,6________15,6
HEMATOCRIT: 45,3 % [42 - 52]__________________________________________________ __________44,1________45,5
MCV: 87,5 femtol [82 - 98]__________________________________________________ ______________84,8________85,2
MCH: 28,8 picogr. [27 - 31]__________________________________________________ _____________26,2________29,2
MCHC: 32,9 gr/dl [32 - 36]__________________________________________________ ______________30,8________34,3
RDW: 13,5 % [11,6 - 16]__________________________________________________ ___________________________14
GRAN-NEUTROPHILS: 55,8 % [37 - 80]__________________________________________________ ____60,7________54,8
GRAN-EOSINOPHILS: 2,1 % [0 - 7]__________________________________________________ ________1,9_________1,8
GRAN-BASOPHILS: 0,5 % [0 - 2,5]__________________________________________________ ________0,7_________0,7
LYMPHOCYTES: 33,0 % [10 - 50]__________________________________________________ ________28,4________35,6
MONOCYTES: 8,6 % [0 - 12]__________________________________________________ _____________8,3_________7,1
PLATELETS: 163000 /mmc [150000 - 400000]________________________________________________336000_____164000
PCT: 0,12 % [0,1 - 1]__________________________________________________ ______________________________0,12
MPV: 7,3 fl [5 - 10]__________________________________________________ ________________________________7,2
PDW: 17,4 % [12 - 18]__________________________________________________ _____________________________18,5
GLY***IA (basal): 90 mg/dl [70 - 110]__________________________________________________ ________________98
QUICK PROTHROMBIN TIME: 13,7 s_________________________________________________ ____________________13,1
PROTHROMBIN ACTIVITY: 69,6 % [70- 130]__________________________________________________ ___________86
INR: 1,18__________________________________________________ ________________________________________1,09
APTT: 27,5 s_________________________________________________ ______________________________________27,8
FIBRINOGEN: 185 mg/dl [180 - 350]__________________________________________________ __________________184,7
HOMOCYSTEINE: 10 mcmoli/l [6 - 15]__________________________________________________ _________________9,5
MYOGLOBIN: 26 ng/ml [10 - 46]__________________________________________________ ______________________38
AZOTEMIA: 49 mg/dl [15 - 40]________________________62__________57_______________________56_________53_________________52,8
CREATININE: 1,2 mg/dl [0,8 - 1,3]_____________________1,2__________1,2______________________1,3_________1,3
HYPERURI***IA: 5,9 mg/dl [3,5 - 7,2]__________________________________________________ ________________5,5
CHOLESTEROL TTL: 168 mg/dl [140 - 220]______________179_________205______________________232________194
CHOLESTEROL VLDL: 33 mg/dl [20 - 40]__________________________________________________ _______________30
CHOLESTEROL LDL: 105 mg/dl [<150]___________________157_________199_____________________202_________129_______________101
CHOLESTEROL HDL: 41 mg/dl [>40]_ ___________________13__________11_______________________13__________45
INDEX RISK HDL: 4,1 [till 5]___________________________13,76_______19,2_____________________17,8________4,3
APO A1: 185 mg/dl [115 - 220]__________________________________________________ ______________________190
APO B: 77 mg/dl [55 - 125]__________________________________________________ __________________________79
RATIO B/A1 APO: 0,41 [0,35 - 1]__________________________________________________ _____________________0,41
TRIGLYCERIDES: 95 mg/dl [<150]__________________________________________________ _____________________104
GAMMA (YGT): 28 u/ltr [15 - 85]______________________29__________28_______________________26__________40
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE: 71 u/ltr [50 - 136]__________________________________________________ ___________72
BILIRUBIN TTL: 1,98 mg/dl [0,2 - 1]___________________0,83_________0,78_________________________________0,93______________1,54
BILIRUBIN DIRECT: 0,22 mg/dl [0,05 - 0,3]______________0,1__________0,1__________________________________0,1_______________0,53
BILIRUBIN INDIRECT: 1,76 mg/dl [till 0,7]________________0,73________0,68_________________________________0,83______________1,01
TRANSAMINASE GOT/AST: 21 u/ltr [15 - 37]_____________55__________50_______________________46_________28________________58
TRANSAMINASE GPT/ALT: 41 u/ltr [30 - 65]_____________86__________66_______________________95__________71________________77
FERRITIN: 124,5 ng/ml [24 - 336]__________________________________________________ ____________________124
LIPASE: 236 u/ltr [114 - 284]__________________________________________________ ________________________298______________216
AMYLASE: 62 u/ltr [25 - 115]_________________________55__________63_______________________64__________75_______________76
LDH: 160 u/ltr [100 - 190]__________________________________________________ __________________________155
CPK MB: 200 u/ltr [35 - 232]__________________________________________________ ________________________230
CK NAK: 150 u/l [till 167]__________________________________________________ ___________________________165
PROTIDES TTL: 7,4 gr/dl [6,4 - 8,2]__________________________________________________ _______7,8_________7,7
ALBUMIN: 59,1 % [51 - 63,3]__________________________________________________ ____________60,3________63,1
ALFA 1: 2,9 % [2,2 - 4,3]__________________________________________________ _______________2,4_________2,3
ALFA 2: 10,1 % [9,5 - 14]__________________________________________________ ______________12,6________8,5
BETA: 9,6 % [10 - 14,5]__________________________________________________ _______________11,3_________9,3
GAMMA: 18,3 % [12 - 20]__________________________________________________ _______________13,4________16,8
A/G RATIO: 1,44 [1 - 1,7]__________________________________________________ _______________1,52________1,71
PSA: 0,64 ng/ml [till 4]__________________________________________________ _________________0,39_________0,58
PSA FREE: 0,22__________________________________________________ ____________________________________0,24
PSA FREE/TTL: 0,40 [>0,15]__________________________________________________ _________________________0,41
PAP: 4,8 u/ltr [<=4,7]_ __________________________________________________ _____________________________5,1
IGG: 1447 mg/dl [681 - 1648]__________________________________________________ ________________________1455
IGA: 304 mg/dl [87 - 474]__________________________________________________ ___________________________321
IGD: 50 u/ml [till 100]__________________________________________________ _______________________________57
IGM: 99 mg/dl [48 - 312]__________________________________________________ ____________________________97
IGE (prist): 37,47 iu/ml [1,31 - 165,3]__________________________________________________ _________________39,77
HIV-Ab (1+2): 0,16 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]__________________________________________________ __________0,18 non-react
HCV-Ab: 0,13 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]__________________________________________________ _______________0,12 non-react
HBS-Ag: 0,37 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]__________________________________________________ _______________0,39 non-react
HAV-Ab (IgT): >85 react miu/ml [<35]__________________________________________________ _________________>85 react
HAV-Ab (IgM): 0,08 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]__________________________________________________ __________0,07 non-react
TAS: 110 ui/ml [0 - 166]__________________________________________________ ____________________________111
VDRL: negative [negative]__________________________________________________ ___________________________negative
CRP: 2 mg/dl [till 5]__________________________________________________ _________________________________2,1
REUMA TEST: <20 iu/ml [<20]__________________________________________________ ________________________<20
ESR: 5 mm/h [till 15]__________________________________________________ ________________________________5
LYSOZYME: 7 picog/ml [4 - 13]__________________________________________________ _______________________7
ACE: 9 mcg/l [6 - 12]__________________________________________________ _______________________________8,5
RAST Egg: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Yolk: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Crayfish: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Yeast: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Pork: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Fish Mix: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Olea Europaea Pollen: 0,1 [<0,3]
VITAMIN A: 779,2 mcg/l [300 - 650]__________________________________________________ _________________692,1
VITAMIN E: 12,6 mg/ltr [5 - 20]__________________________________________________ ______________________100
VITAMIN C: 0,9 mg/ml [0,5 - 1,5]__________________________________________________ ____________________1,2
VITAMIN B12: 587 pg/ml [179 - 1162]__________________________________________________ _________________787
VITAMIN D3: 60 ng/ml [10 - 45]__________________________________________________ _____________________40
VITAMIN H: 82 ng/ml [70 - 100]__________________________________________________ _____________________90
VITAMIN K: 22 mcg/ml [15 - 30]__________________________________________________ _____________________26
VITAMIN PP: 0,7 mg/ml [0,5 - 0,8]__________________________________________________ ___________________0,7
SODIUM: 142 meq/l [136 - 145]__________________________________________________ ______________________139
POTASSIUM: 4,0 meq/l [3,5 - 5,1]__________________________________________________ ____________________4,4
CALCIUM: 9,0 mg/dl [8,5 - 10,1]__________________________________________________ ______________________9,1
MAGNESIUM: 2,0 mg/dl [1,8 - 2,4]__________________________________________________ ____________________2,2
PHOSPHORUS: 3,7 mg/dl [2,7 - 4,5]__________________________________________________ ___________________4,3
IRON: 148 mcg/dl [35 - 150]__________________________________________________ _________________________96
ZINC: 103 mcg/dl [80 - 125]__________________________________________________ _________________________132
CHLORINE: 103 meq/l [98 - 107]__________________________________________________ ______________________99
COPPER: 88 ku/l [76 - 153]__________________________________________________ __________________________88
GASTRIN: 31 pg/ml [28 - 125]__________________________________________________ _______________________33
MELATONIN: 47 pg/ml [20 - 85]__________________________________________________ ______________________50
C-PEPTIDE: 1,2 ng/ml [0,78 – 1,89]__________________________________________________ ___________________1,25
INSULIN : 3,34 micru/ml [1,9 - 23]______________________3,6_________3,04_________________________________2,39
GLUCAGON: 55 pg/ml [40 - 130]__________________________________________________ _____________________55
ACTH: 20 pg/dl [till 50]__________________________________________________ _____________________________21
CORTISOL: 12,53 mg/dl [8,7 - 22,4]__________________________________________________ ______13,64_______18,7
FT3: 3,48 pg/ml [2,2 - 4,7]__________________________________________________ ______________4,82_______3,13
FT4: 1,26 ng/dl [0,8 - 2]__________________________________________________ ________________1,29_______1,16
MSH: 9,7 pmol/l [7,9 - 14,4]__________________________________________________ _________________________9,8
HTG: 7,65 ng/ml [0 - 35]______ __________________________________________________ _____________________6,61
TBG: 18 mcg/ml [15 - 32]__________________________________________________ ___________________________18,6
TSH: 2,92 micru/ml [0,34 - 5,6]__________________________________________________ __________3,88________3,92
FSH: 4,16 miu/ml [1,27 - 19,26]_______________________2,09________2,56_____________________1,42________3,9
LH: 3,80 miu/ml [1,24 - 8,62]_________________________2,19________2,58_____________________2,61________4,84
PREGNENOLONE: 155 ng/ml [10 - 230]__________________________________________________ ________________160
ANDROSTENEDIONE: 1,77 ng/ml [0,3 - 3,1]__________________________________________________ ____________1,79
ALDOSTERONE: 180 pg/ml [10 - 160]__________________________________________________ _________________184
DHEA: 7,3 ng/ml [2,5 - 9,5]__________________________________________________ _________________________6,2
DHEAS: 191 mcg/dl [106 - 464]_______________________209_________209,6________________________________221,6
DHT: 71 ng/ml [31 - 146]__________________________________________________ ___________________________70
TESTOSTERONE TTL: 3,86 ng/ml [1,75 - 7,81]___________0,72________0,61_________________________________6,29
TESTOSTERONE FREE: 11,7 pg/ml [8 - 47]______________5,2_________4,8_______________________9,6_________13,5
SHBG: 38 pg/ml [13 - 71]____________________________10__________<0,1_________________________________36
ESTRONE: 47 pg/ml [40 - 60]__________________________________________________ ________________________45
ESTRADIOL 17-BETA: 36 pg/ml [<20 - 47]__________________________________________________ __9__________30
ESTRIOL: 5,7 pg/ml [4,7 - 7,1]__________________________________________________ _______________________5,5
PROGESTERONE: 0,93 ng/ml [0,14 - 2,06]__________________________________________________ _____________0,87
PRL: 9,88 ng/ml [2,64 - 13,13]__________________________________________________ ___________12,78______13,05
IGF-1: 190 ng/ml [96 - 424]__________________________184_________163__________________________________392
HGH: 0,2 ng/ml [0 - 10]______ ______________________<0,1________<0,1__________________________________0,3
COLOUR: straw-coloured____________________________straw-coloured____________________________________straw-coloured
APPEARANCE: lightly opalescent [limpid]_______________lightly opalescent__________________________________limpid
PH REACTION: 5,5 [5 - 6,5]___________________________6________________________________________________5,5
SPECIFIC WEIGHT: 1020 [1015 - 1028]_________________1016_____________________________________________1018
PROTEINS: none mg/dl [0 - 10]________________________none_____________________________________________none
HEMOGLOBIN: none [none]___________________________present +_________________________________________none
GLUCOSE: none gr/litre [0 - 0,2]_______________________none_____________________________________________none
KETONE BODIES: none [none]_________________________none_____________________________________________none
UROBILINOGEN: none mg/dl [0 - 0,2]___________________none_____________________________________________none
BILIARY PIGMENTS: none [none]______________________none_____________________________________________none
NITRITE: none [none]_______________________________none_____________________________________________none
SHAPE: solid [homogeneous]__________________________________________________ ________________________caprina
CONSISTENCY: compost [poltacea]__________________________________________________ __________________solid
COLOUR: brown [brown]__________________________________________________ ____________________________brown
ODOUR: sui generis [sui generis]__________________________________________________ _____________________sui generis
MUCUS: absent [absent]__________________________________________________ ___________________________absent
BLOOD: absent [absent]__________________________________________________ ____________________________absent
PH REACTION: 7__________________________________________________ ___________________________________7,4
PARASITOLOGICAL: negative [negative]__________________________________________________ _______________negative
SALMONELLA: negative [negative]__________________________________________________ ___________________negative
HELICOBACTER PYLORI: negative [negative]__________________________________________________ ___________negative
GIARDIASIS: negative [negative]__________________________________________________ ____________________negative
VOLUME: 2,8 ml [>=2]__ __________________________________________________ ____2,5______________________________________2,6
PH: 8,1 [7,2 - 8]__________________________________________________ __________7,2_______________________________________7,3
APPEARANCE: own__________________________________________________ _________own______________________________________own
VISCOSITY: increased + [within limits]__________________________________________within limits_______________________________within limits
FLUIDIFICATION 45': finely irregular [physiologic]_________________________________physiologic________________________________physiologic
SPERMATOZOON CONCENTRATION: 89.000.000 /ml [>=20.000.000]_ _________________42.000.000________________________________85.000.000
EJACULATE SPERMATOZOON COUNT: 249.200.000 [>=40.000.000] __________________105.000.000_______________________________228.000.000
2ND HOUR MOTILITY: 60 % [>=50]______________________________________________45________________________________________57
TYPICAL MORPHOLOGIC SPERMATOZOON: 30 % [>=35]_____________________________28________________________________________35
ATYPICAL MORPHOLOGIC SPERMATOZOON: 70 %__________________________________72________________________________________71
LEUCOCYTE: 300.000 /ml [<=1.000.000]_________________________________________500.000___________________________________335.000
ERYTHROCYTE: absent [absent/rare]____________________________________________absent____________________________________absent
GERMINAL CELLS: rare [absent/rare]____________________________________________present___________________________________absent
EPITHELIAL CELLS: rare [absent/rare]___________________________________________absent____________________________________absent
SPERMAGGLUTINATION ZONES: rare [absent/rare]_________________________________absent____________________________________absent
by "Whole Body Hologic QDR-4500W DXA Fan-Beam Scanner"Last edited by BJJ; 03-11-2012 at 11:22 AM.
10-01-2009, 05:06 PM #3
1st Week
60 oxa - 3.436 Kcal - (Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
Sides & Notes: Nil
60 oxa - 3.550 Kcal - (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
Sides & Notes: Bursts of Heat
60 oxa - 3.199 Kcal - (Rest)
Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness
60 oxa - 3.340 Kcal - (Legs)
Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness, Face Swelling, 4 mg Loperamide
60 oxa - 2.799 Kcal - (Rest)
Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness, Face Swelling, Yellow Skin (left biceps & shoulder), 4 mg Loperamide, 25.000 iu Neomycin
60 oxa - 3.646 Kcal - (Chest)
Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Tiredness, Yellow Skin, 1 gr Acetylsalicy Acid
60 oxa - 3.912 Kcal - (Shoulders)
Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin, 600 mg Acetylcysteine
Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.411
The first week was very hard to go through. No will to eat at all and lots of problem to understand if the diarrhea was due from oxandrolone or LIV.52; also I got a persistent sore throat.
The strength increase was considerable, especially on legs and shoulders.
As daily supplements throughout the cycle: (Multi Vitamins/Minerals 1 tb, Vitamin C/Ester 3 gr, EFA complex 6 gr, ALA 600 mg, LIV.52 2 tabs, CLA 4 gr, ZMA, Tribulus Terrestris 3 gr, Chromium Picolinate 400 mcg, Acetyl L-Carnitine 600 mg, Coenzyme Q10, Glutamine 35 gr, BCAA 20 gr, MT Gakic Hardcore 8 tbs (only before w/o), UN Animal Flex 1 pckt.Last edited by BJJ; 11-05-2009 at 04:47 PM. Reason: updating
I'll see if I can get this moved to the member cycle results forum for you, BJJ.
10-01-2009, 11:22 PM #5
Sup BJJ,
Are these...
Squat (legs) 110 kg (242 lbs)
Lat Machine (back) 90 kg (198 lbs)
Bench Press (chest) 90 kg (198 lbs)
Seated Military Press (shoulders) 60 kg (132 lbs)
1 Dumbbell (biceps) 28 kg (61 lbs)
1 Dumbbell (triceps) 22 kg (48 lbs)
your one rep max lifts?
also, are you still training BJJ while running the cycle?Last edited by terraj; 10-01-2009 at 11:30 PM.
10-02-2009, 01:56 AM #6
10-02-2009, 02:56 AM #7
As you know, I think Var is well suited to fighters. However, most fighters are looking for strength from the Var cycle and not size. You are after size to go up a weight class right?
I would have preferred you have a better strength base prior to a cycle...
Still doing BJJ= extra stress on the soft tissue. I would only weight lift and cardio while on the cycle. This will help you get that pounds you want with lesser chance of injury.
Keep your rep range 8-12, you want the size and this is what will give it to you. You will gain strength and maybe fast from the Var, if you don't have experience of lifting heavy you will be prime for injury...keep mid range for reps and keep form.
Hope this make sense to you. Also this just my opinion based my my experience, take it or leave it...
terrajLast edited by terraj; 10-02-2009 at 02:58 AM.
10-02-2009, 03:23 AM #8
BJJ is about technique, strength can be of help but it is not really needed during a fight, unless you have a mma match. I know my lifting power is not "amazing" compared to other guys with similar genetics appearance but I always tried to focus on flexibility and strength not only the second one. So, due also to the martial art I have chosen, I trained constantly with parallel bars, parallelepiped, the rings, bars... and can do projections with the body which cannot be done by those who are able to lift 20% more than I do.
See what I mean?
10-02-2009, 03:31 AM #9
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BJJ i feel ya i also have trained bjj for 8 years and understand were your coming from but i got a question you stated above 191lbs what weight are you trying to attain from var? and also good luck i will be subscribed to this thread following it closely
10-02-2009, 03:36 AM #10
Well actually I wanted to reach 200lbs and then stop even because I was already at that weight naturally a few years ago (but with 15%bf) and fighting was still ok, even tough I was a little slower.
So, surely I do not want to go over 200 and with anavar only and proviron at the end, I really should not have this problem.
10-02-2009, 03:41 AM #11
I will keep an eye on your progress, keep us updated.
10-02-2009, 04:03 AM #12
10-02-2009, 04:40 AM #13
Cool bro,
I think you missed my point or I did not state clearly enough.
I did do sub training for over 10 years along with lifting and juice.....and made my fair share of mistakes.
Once again, what I said just my opinion in terms of your level, targets and saftey.
Good luck bro
10-02-2009, 06:23 AM #14
10-02-2009, 07:20 AM #15
Shoot wrestling and jujitsu in Oz then Japan, from 21 years of age to 30. Myself... not that good...however,I trained with some greats.
For years I jumped between bodybuilding and fighting. In hindsight...I would say the best training and skill level I ever had was when I was away from the juice technique was better when I was lighter and I got less injuries.
But I love lifting weights!
10-02-2009, 07:28 AM #16
Thanks for sharing with me this info about your life.
Interesting to read that the best time you had was "when I was away from the juice technique was better when I was lighter and I got less injuries."
Surely, I shall keep that in mind.
Also, what belt color did you accomplish?
10-02-2009, 07:56 AM #17
Lol...don't get me started on belts man. As you may know, or will find..belts don't mean much. It's about who with and how hard you trained...IMO.
Myself, Black in JJ, Blue in Akido, Orange in Karate. BTW...Karate was from early teenage years, but very few gradings. Shoot wrestling (has no belts) . Also trained in Thai boxing in Japan with a school of comp fighters( they f*cking killed me. Fit and fast).
But my heart has been with sub fighting from the first time I was subbed you say's all technique
10-02-2009, 08:07 AM #18
Agree with you, belts mean only your technique reached level but this does not mean more than that. Others variables contribute to make a fighter, a good one.
10-02-2009, 10:16 AM #19
I think u can do it if u stop training Bjj or if u train less.. U are prob just looking to fight at the same weight class with less bf.. I can't recall cause u edited it but Imo going up on weight class requires u to not trainso hard... I personally have gotten injured by doing so cause u gotta learn how to controlethe body on the other hand u have already been at that weight so not gonnA b too hard ... I wish u success u will be a mean 205
10-02-2009, 12:39 PM #20
thanks but i don't want to change my weight class simply because i am done with bjj.
i just want to keep my flexibility and, while improving my strength, get a little bigger.
that's it.
10-02-2009, 01:19 PM #21
You guys make me jealous. You are doing all the stuff I wanted to do in my youth.
46 (almost 47) isnt that old but with my injuries it makes it near impossible to do most of those things so Im sticking to weight training but not for strength; size and looks.
IF I can get past the injuries/pain I still want to get into some martial arts.
Nice write up BJJ and it will be interesting to see where it goes. Good luck.
10-02-2009, 02:33 PM #22
Thank you, I am also interested to see the final results, even though I have no idea what to expect.
What kind of injuries have you gotten?
If they are not so severe, regarding your wishes, I would recommend you either bjj or grappling (without gi).
I believe it is the most effective art to learn and also the less dangerous to play with, especially if you are over 40. IMO.
I train since 20 years almost and never saw anyone injured seriously. Lastly, joined our party a 55 years old man...
and also remember Helio Gracie was still a lion around 85yo!
10-02-2009, 02:56 PM #23
2 back surgeries due to 3 herniated/ruptured disks. Doc wants to do a 3rd surgery to fuse the bottom 2 disks.
Torn rotator cuff with scare tissue and arthritis they also want to do surgery on.
I seem to find ways to injure myself all the time on my quads, jet ski (see last weeks thread) and skiing lol
I havent let them stop me yet but the definatly slow me down.Last edited by lovbyts; 10-02-2009 at 05:09 PM.
10-02-2009, 03:07 PM #24
I am very sorry to hear that man.
I wish you a proper, solid and fast recovery.
Good Luck
10-02-2009, 05:12 PM #25
10-02-2009, 05:47 PM #26
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can you take some before pictures and more as you progress i have also been doing bjj for a 8 years
10-03-2009, 03:26 AM #27
10-03-2009, 04:42 AM #28
10-03-2009, 05:04 AM #29
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Did you take a picutre before starting the cycle (it would be nice to evaluate results in unbiased way).
Also, how is your diet (carb/pro/fat)?
10-03-2009, 05:25 AM #30
July 2009 (192 lbs and 12% bf)
Last edited by BJJ; 01-27-2010 at 06:17 PM.
10-03-2009, 07:05 AM #31
10-03-2009, 07:23 AM #32
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10-03-2009, 08:43 AM #33
10-03-2009, 08:46 AM #34
10-03-2009, 10:04 AM #35
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Hi BJJ. I have a question. I want to start a 12 week cycle of Avanar. Do you think it will buff me up? I hope so!
10-03-2009, 11:50 AM #36
I was serious when replied to your thread, I don't play with health and you should be mature enough to thank a person who gives you a "healthy" advice.
So, under these circumstances, I have no idea what "to buff something up" means, even because I cannot find the meaning in any dictionary.
In any case I believe your are sarcastic while I think you should just study the topics you are interested in.
If you have not noticed it, this thread has a meaning.
So, please bump and read it.Last edited by BJJ; 10-03-2009 at 01:52 PM.
10-03-2009, 02:15 PM #37
In the case you were serious, I can tell you I am doing my first experience and I am not in the position to help you out with aas yet.
Though, 12 weeks of an oral aas are too long.
Be aware I came to my cycle after several endo meetings, educating on this web forum, asking directly to some guys I thought reliable... it took some time.
I can help you with work-out physiology movements and related nutrition, so far.
Sorry and Good Luck.
10-03-2009, 04:25 PM #38
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Do you have an appetite lose like some people say when on anavar ?
10-03-2009, 04:29 PM #39
10-03-2009, 05:39 PM #40
Just cuious are you running HG var or UGL?
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Expired dbol (blue hearts)