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Thread: IGF: My first cycle

  1. #1

    IGF: My first cycle

    Starting weight: 183 +- 2 lbs

    I have just finished day 2 of my experiment. I spent almost a month researching the side effects of IGF; weighed the potential benefits and hazards, and decided to take the plunge. The biggest concern I have about this hormone is its potential effect on cancer; but as I am young and healthy this is unlikely.

    The first day I chose to inject preworkout. As somebody who has never used any AAS I was unsure what "pumps" would feel like... turns out they feel exactly like you would expect. I started slow with my workout: just some push ups; light and continuous overhead squats; followed by a short ab routine. When I was doing crunches I put my hand over my stomach and was surprised by how hard and dense my muscles felt. I couldn't believe that those were the same muscles. I'm injecting subcutaneously into my glutes, alternating each day (its a major muscle group for my sport, and also the place where I have the most fat, I figured a good beginning spot). First went fine, better than I could have hoped. The second I must have accidently hit a small vein because a drop of blood came out along with the needle. My glute felt dull for the rest of the day, just like I've felt after accidently cutting myself. I still need to work on my technique.

    Since "pumps" don't exactly help me in what I want to accomplish, today I injected post workout. I'm using approximately 25 micrograms of reconstituted powder per dosage, once a day. I tend to workout in the morning, so I made sure to get some quality complex carbs in me right as I woke up. I injected almost immediately after I finished my exercise, drank the rest of my sports drink, then ate about a cup and a half (dry volume) of steel cut oatmeal. 40 minutes later I ate an omelette, an avocado, couple pieces of melon, and some pan roasted potatoes. Then later I fell asleep for a 3 hour nap.

    My appetite has already gone through the roof. I am very aware of how much I eat during any given day, and sometimes can get sick of certain foods, but today I was eating everything around me. After I got up from my nap I had 2 chicken quesadillas with salsa, another 2 cups of oatmeal, some chocolate, about 8 ounces of peanut butter with honey all throughout the day. I figure I pushed the 5000 calorie mark today; something I've been unable to do for a while (I usually stay around 4200 a day). I feel like I could still eat, and will probably have a couple bananas and carrots before I go to sleep. I'm hoping to increase my calories to around 6000 a day, mostly clean. I plan to reach this level in about a week. I feel that complex carbs are of vital importance to me, so I'm expecting to eat an enormous amount of oatmeal and yams over my cycle. For protein/fat I eat tuna melts, chicken, eggs, and peanut butter. I'm also going to be eating lots of sunflower seeds. My diet changes according to whats on sale but I still eat relatively clean. No fast food, no preservatives, as few stages of processing as possible.

    The effect that I'm feeling is very similar to an intense workout at half the cost. Even though my workout today was no more intense than what I usually do, my body reacted as though I had just pushed myself to my limits. I could still do as much as I ever do, at the same intensity; but my body went into a sleepy state and my muscles have had that deep soreness that I associate so closely with gains throughout the day. It reminded my that the goal is to amplify the already powerful biological functions that already take place in our bodies. I was irritable in the morning but I'm keeping that under control and making sure to stay relaxed.

    Its hard to say after two days; but if my diet is any indication I expect I will achieve very solid gains over the course of the next month. I'll let you all know how it goes.

  2. #2
    (I talk about bodily functions in this post, if you want to take quasi medical advice but don't want to hear about how my body reacts then you're in the wrong place)

    I took my eighth injection this evening. I do most of my exercising in the morning; but I decided it was too risky and probably too hazardous for my supply to do a lot of traveling. I make sure to at least do a light workout whenever I pin; and eat a large meal.

    Also, this stuff makes you sleepy. Like, seriously hard to stay awake. Its great if I have a morning free and can workout, pin, eat, nap, eat again. But that can't happen everyday. I assume that the tiredness is a natural, and most likely beneficial activity. I've read HGH is stimulated in the first few hours of sleep, so along with a good meal I feel like I'm at least mildly replicating the trifecta of hgh, slin, and igf-1.

    I've been afraid to weigh myself. Though I definitely think I've put on some muscle. I believe this because I've been eating ridiculous amounts of food, and have had an absurd amount of gas, and smaller than average bowel movements. I'm not constipated, I'm going regularly; I just think more of what I eat is going my metabolism than out the other end. There have been days where I was farting loudly every couple minutes. I was able to keep it under control in public environments, but when I was by myself I was suffocating some germs.

    My workouts have been feeling better and better, my muscles feel denser, and my roommate even commented that although I'm lean, I look more muscular lately (I haven't told him about my enhancer).

    All-in-all I'm very excited about how my injections are progressing. I'm only about a third of the way into my cycle, and I'm curious about the gains I will make through the rest.

    The next time I weigh myself I'll post that too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    South Africa
    What does IGF cost btw? To run a cycle like yours?

  4. #4
    Sorry I haven't been around to update. Been really busy lately.

    It cost ~200 dollars.

    My cycles over, and am moderately pleased with the results. I didn't gain any weight over the course of the cycle (I may have even lost a few pounds), but I definitely felt like my muscles got more dense and my body became much more lean. If I were to do it again I would inject EOD. Is it worth it? Maybe... probably a drug that would be much more worth it when used in combination with other AAS. Like start it the last few weeks of the cycle and continue through PCT.

  5. #5
    Oh a few more points. The increased appetite and sides seemed to drop off after a few weeks, I think this is about when my body started to normalize itself with the injections.

    I also started injecting pre-workout due to scheduling and not wanting to carry needles around during my day. I didn't really notice a difference other than the pumps.

    Athletically I made decent gains. I noticed a strength gain but not much of an endurance one. I think if I were to do another cycle in the future (and had the cash) I would want to try Test, EQ, HGH, IGF, and EPO and plan it out over 6 months to a year. I want to eventually try my hand at a half-ironman and have gotten interested in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu so we'll see where my athletic endeavors take me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    United States


    First cycle was already test-e for like 11 weeks. You think running the compounds I listed in OP are too strong to do right now? But yeah dude I am dead serious about this already forked out thousands.

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