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Thread: Takin the dive to victory

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Takin the dive to victory

    6' 232lbs

    Current Lifts:
    BB Bench........315 x 5
    BB Curl...........135 x 8
    Deadlift..........315 x 9
    Squat............275 x 15

    Add mass and strength to legs
    Benchpress and Deadlift 405 for reps

    Test E..................Weeks 1-14......500mg (Two shots, Sunday Morning, Wednesday Night)
    Dbol.....................Weeks 1-5........50mg
    HCG.....................Weeks 3-16......10,000iu spread evenly
    Oral Turinabol........Weeks 13-15.....50mg
    Clomid..................Weeks 16-17.....25mg
    ..........................Weeks 18-19......25mg
    Nolva...................Weeks 16-17......40mg
    ..........................Weeks 18-19......20mg
    Reversitol.............Week 1..............4caps
    ..........................Weeks 2-3.........3 caps
    ..........................Week 4..........2 caps

    Letro (RC) just in case

    Cardio every other day

    Day 1:
    .............BB Bench
    .............BB Decline
    .............DB Incline
    .............Cable Fly
    .............Weighted Dips
    .............Skull Crushers
    .............Overhead DB Extensions
    .............Single Arm Rope Pushdowns

    Day 2:

    Day 3:
    .............Weighted Chins
    .............Bent Over BB Rows
    .............Lat Pulldown
    .............Seated Cable Row
    .............Seated BB Curl
    .............Standing Curl
    .............Concentration Curl
    .............Reverse 21s
    .............Wrist Curls

    Day 4:

    Day 5:
    .............Leg Extension
    .............Leg Curl
    .............Calf Raises
    .............Leg Press
    .............BB Shoulder Press
    .............Front Raises
    .............Side Raises

    Day 6:

    Day 7:
    Repeat Day 1

    Orange Triad
    Creatine Monohydrate (for pct)
    Fish Oil
    Jack3d, or MRI Black Powder
    Thermolife Liver Longer
    AI Life Support
    Last edited by Kibble; 11-25-2009 at 04:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Gonna bump this. I decided to withdraw from the jujitsu class, so I am going to start my cycle early. So does everything look ok? Thinking about adding in about 500mcg of oral tren for 3 weeks
    Last edited by Kibble; 11-06-2009 at 03:28 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    5'9 185, 8% bf, 385 bench
    Why the two weeks of dbol at the end? Other than that, looks good!
    O yea what's your diet looks like?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Two weeks so that I have a boost while I am waiting for my enanthate to die off before pct. I want to keep my strength high until the day I start pct. I don't want to sit at low test for a week or so before pct. My diet is in the Nutrition Forum, and it was fixed

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Replaced the 'End of Cycle" oral with Turinabol. One of my sources ran out of dbol, and sent Turinabol instead. I start next week

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    ill keep an eye on this one, everything looks to be set up ok, not great. couple suggestions

    if you re gonna run the tbol end of cycle id run it up to the day before pct

    consider running the hcg up to the week before you start PCT, remember keep the doses low! enough to do the trick

    why the heck are u doing a 6 week pct? 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21....

    too long IMO, not needed. 5 max, its only a 14 week cycle. i did an 18 week and only ran 4 week pct and recovered great

    also, consider adex on cycle since u are gonna be using hcg as well. that will make your estrogen levels raise even a little higher. hopefully .25mg EOD can do the trick

    if u dont want to run it on cycle then def throw an AI into your pct, aromasin or adex

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    one more thing, your workout schedule... if that works for u and cant be changed then alright

    but i think u should REALLY consider changing your regimine. few reasons....

    1. seems like you re gonna be in the gym too long, that extra time you re in the gym could be spent eating and feeding those muscles

    2. back and bis in one day, eh u could get away with it, but IMO you re putting too much strain on the bis. same goes with chest and tris. shit when i do back i ONLY do back unless im splitting it into 2 days, thickness and width

    3. legs and shoulders. this has to be killer bro, way too much. i do legs alone, sometimes abs before to warm up, carido too. shoulders and traps should be another day alone IMO too, could throw in abs or calves on that day

    just a few things to consider, to me it just looks like you re over training in a sense, consider a 5 day regimine...

    my .02

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ottawa, Canada
    ^^^ i think so too but maybe if the food is right with all the gear u would be respondong well to this tupe Of training plus the rest In between

    good luck

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Ok thanks a lot guys. I am willing to make the changes. And yeah I was planning on tbol up to pct, as well as hcg up to pct. PCT will be 4 weeks. And yeah I will edit my cycle plans today. Thanks a lot forthe input guys. I was hoping to get feedback once I bumped this. It is time that I changed my routine anyway. May do 1 bodypart per day. Thanks again

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    So would you suggest something like this:

    Day 1 - Back
    Day 2 - Chest
    Day 3 - Legs
    Day 4 - Shoulders
    Day 5 - Arms
    Day 6 - Rest
    Day 7 - Repeat

    Would that be ok? That would only be 1 rest day per week

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    i like that routine a lot IMO. a 5 day split like that gives u better recovery time and time for the muscles to grow. and if need be you have that option of having 2 rest days if u need it

    if u make any changes to that cycle man post it up

    im tuned in!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    ^^^ i think so too but maybe if the food is right with all the gear u would be respondong well to this tupe Of training plus the rest In between

    good luck
    definitely true as well. some guys can get away with training a muscle group twice in a 7 day span. i can do it, but now i usually have at least 4 days rest, usually 5

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Thanks again for the input. I will do that split that I posted. I will use it for 1 week before I start cycle. I am also going to the grocery store in a little bit. Gettin nervous about the pin though... don't want abcess. If I get gyno, I will cut the cycle short, because I only have 3 orders of Nolva

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    BK get some letro for the gyno.....It works great....Trust me.....I have used before to get rid of "my" gyno......

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I have Letro, but it is a research chem

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    get some adex bro. u can get it from lion if u need it. this will wipe out any worry of gyno

    some say dont use adex until u find out if you re gyno prone. i say FVCK that, if you re worried why let something bad happen then try to fix it later when it can easily just be prevented?

    get the adex, have the letro on hand just in case.... doubt you ll need it

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I am just nervous about the adex hindering the gains

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    it wont man. i have never had that problem. it doesnt inhibit an overly large amount of estrogen, just an excess amount

    its your call though, some guys never need it. i think if u ran .25mg EOD you would not see a difference in results as if u were not using it

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Well I have already spent about $600 on this cycle. As of now I plan on starting Nolva at the first signs of gyno. If it doesn't get better, I will use Letro. If it still doesn't get better then I will just stop the cycle. I am going to start on Friday (hopefully). I will get a-dex for my next cycle.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    ya i hear u there on spendin a lot of cash LOL can be an expensive hobby

    cool man, at least you ve got the nolva in case

    when are u gonna start?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I am taking a fitness test on Friday, which involves a 2 mile timed run. I don't want the back pumps to hinder my run time, so I will start immediately after that. I do not have the rest of my dbol though. It shipped last week, and should be here this week. I am nervous about starting my dbol at 50mg because I don't want to come up short in case I don't get my order. I also need to make my way up to the store to get alcohol pads and hand sanitizer. I have dropped bodyweight down to 228... so 4 pounds in 2 weeks. I will be sure to take the before and after pictures, on Wednesday or Thursday. Chuck thanks for all the input bro. I did not change my routine all the way, but I did split up some of the workouts. I do not have the time to go to the gym everyday, so I am doing a 3 on 2 off, and trying to split up the whole back-bi, chest-tri routine. I am going to start pinning hCG the day that I start the test. I just have to figure the math. Let's see..... 14 weeks = 98 days. 10,000ius hCG / 98 days = 102. That means that I can take 102 ius hCG every day, or 300iu E3D. Even 200iu EOD. But shit I forgot the 2 weeks between the last test shot and pct.... so....
    16 weeks = 112 days. 10,000 IUs hCG / 112 days = 89. So that would be 267 IUs hCG E3D. I hope that will be enough hCG.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    awesome. great to see you re not jumping into it without all the stuff u need. good to see someone with patience haha

    as for the HCG, in all honesty IMO u dont have to start it as soon as u start your cycle. u could wait untill your blood levels peak and the test is fully kicked in. there are a lot of ways u could play with the hcg man...

    start low, see how your body reacts to it 125-250iu, 2-3x a week

    oh and big thing here, u may already know this but make sure u keep it refridgerated after reconstitution into a sterile vial. saw a thread early about a guy that didnt keep his in the fridge

    remember HCG only stays good for about 30 days. so dont reconstitute it all at one time, only the amount u will need for up to 30 days

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Damn you are right. I only have 2 10ml vials. I might order more vials and another hCG. Wife is gonna be mad lol. I remember that I am supposed to keep it in the fridge, but I didn't know about the expiration. Well, AR ships vials out incredibly fast, so if I ordered it today I would get it sometime this week

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    ya and its cheap too, so hopefully she wont get too upset haha

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Ok so I will start the HCG on week 4, and run it until three days before pct. I am starting the cycle tomorrow. All changes to my cycle are made in red, and back on the first post. Just got the rest of my dbol. Before pictures will be taken in a few hours. I am ready to get rollin!

    Oh yeah, I know that there is a way to edit posts.. but what about the title of the thread? Can I edit that?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Start HCG on day 13. 250iu every 5th day. Will take me to 6 days before pct

    I have put more thought and performed more math for the HCG than the test enanthate lol

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Did first pin today, 250mg. I probally lost 50mg, so I pinned about 200mg. It was sloppy since I did not know what I was doing. The oil would not get into the syringe through the 23g needle. It took forever! Then I finally got it, and it was at .8cc Went in smooth, no blood. Aspirated and everything. Also started the 50mg of dbol this morning. Finally got around to it, kinda excited

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Haha, i just did my first pin a few days ago and I learned a valuable lesson about drawing w/ a 25g needle, haha. Took so long to draw that my arms almost gave out! My 20's came in the mail today and the 2nd pin went perfectly! Your lifts are quite monster but you gotta get that squat up man. Good luck, definitely gonna follow.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Thanks bro. Yeah I am going to destroy my legs. I will take measurements tonight, and pics too.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    AND IT BEGINS! hell ya man, go get it! damn i cant wait to do my next cycle

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Here are my "Before" pictures, taken today.

    The food is also a "Before" Picture.
    It is Pork But(Pulled Pork), Short-ribs, and Babyback ribs. All bloody and raw. I just prepared the food for grilling. I am going to smoke it all (excluding the shortribs) for about 10 hours. I will post the "After" pictures tomorrow lol. They have to sit in the fridge overnight and absorb the mustard/dry rub

    232lbs this morning
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Kibble; 11-27-2009 at 04:24 AM.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Here are my "Before" pictures, taken today.

    The food is also a "Before" Picture.
    It is Pork But(Pulled Pork), Short-ribs, and Babyback ribs. All bloody and raw. I just prepared the food for grilling. I am going to smoke it all (excluding the shortribs) for about 10 hours. I will post the "After" pictures tomorrow lol. They have to sit in the fridge overnight and absorb the mustard/dry rub

    232lbs this morning
    BK you are looking thick as hell!!!!! Can't wait to see your results on your cycle!!!!! Food looks really good!!!! You need to catch a flight to Okinawa and work out with me!!!!!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    So would you suggest something like this:

    Day 1 - Back
    Day 2 - Chest
    Day 3 - Legs
    Day 4 - Shoulders
    Day 5 - Arms
    Day 6 - Rest
    Day 7 - Repeat

    Would that be ok? That would only be 1 rest day per week
    Excuse me, when do you rest?

    1. Legs
    2. Rest
    3. Back
    4. Shoulders
    5. Rest
    6. Chest
    7. Biceps/Triceps/Forearms
    8. Rest
    9. Repeat

    I would forget about Mondays and rest of week days, otherwise your workout will be forced to follow a 7 days regime.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    That is not my routine. I rest every other day

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    That is not my routine. I rest every other day
    Then, were you ironic?

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I was asking an opinion. My workout is posted in my first post, with the cycle details. I work out every other day.


  37. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    I was asking an opinion. My workout is posted in my first post, with the cycle details. I work out every other day.

    Well, mine is still standing.

    The way you train is an old fashion methodology and training shoulders and legs in the same day is very frustrating for the organism plus you rest only one day after that!
    Moving the blood from one place to another is a fine way to train too but you are moving the blood from two big muscles groups.

    Personally, I started to grow differently when I changed that kind of workout (yours), even though I was training a bit different. Especially my arms, shoulders and legs had a huge improvement, keeping the same diet and daily Kcalories. Another body, completely.

  38. #38
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    I can really only make time to work out every other day. And those workouts are during my lunch-time, so I have to skip lunch just to work out. My job makes me come in at 5am, and I don't get done until 6pm. Then I go home and make dinner for the kids, help with their homework, do my homework and take care of anything around the house. I also eat lunch with my wife a lot. So every-other-day is about the only training I can get away with. That is why I chose that split.

    I was doing:

    I stopped growing on that. I was a natural 230lbs at 14%bodyfat about 7 months ago. It gets hard to grow after that point. When I got into lifting, I weighed under 175. Three years later I was at 230. I have been stuck at 230 for almost 9 months. I have changed up my workout twice. The split that I am doing now seems to work good for me. My shoulders are getting stronger every workout, and so are my legs. Biceps are the only thing lagging

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    I can really only make time to work out every other day. And those workouts are during my lunch-time, so I have to skip lunch just to work out. My job makes me come in at 5am, and I don't get done until 6pm. Then I go home and make dinner for the kids, help with their homework, do my homework and take care of anything around the house. I also eat lunch with my wife a lot. So every-other-day is about the only training I can get away with. That is why I chose that split.

    I was doing:

    I stopped growing on that. I was a natural 230lbs at 14%bodyfat about 7 months ago. It gets hard to grow after that point. When I got into lifting, I weighed under 175. Three years later I was at 230. I have been stuck at 230 for almost 9 months. I have changed up my workout twice. The split that I am doing now seems to work good for me. My shoulders are getting stronger every workout, and so are my legs. Biceps are the only thing lagging
    Well, in this case congratulations for the results you have obtained so far.
    Good Luck

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    On day 3. Nothing to report, except my back hurts. Don't know if it is pumps, or because I did deadlifts yesterday. Anyway, I realized that I have been taking 60mg of dbol, so I need to back down a little. I thought that I was only taking 50mg until I counted the pills I have been munching on. My second test shot is tomorrow night. I start HCG in a week. I have chest and tris tomorrow, so I will update. That will be day 4.

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