Hi guys, going to be starting my first cycle in 2 weeks and just wanted some feedback and what you think. I am only going to be running an 8 week test enanthate cycle ( i know most will say to do 10 weeks ) but i want to see how my body goes. I'm realistic about what i will gain but Aiming for around 10-15 pounds and drop some body fat.
Stats- 28, 6"2, 225 pounds, 16-18% bf, training for about 5 yrs, serious training for 2 yrs. Currently doing weights 4 days a week and cardio 2 days ( will up the cardio to 4 days a week whilst on cycle )
Have 10ml of Test Enanthate dosed at 250mg/ML, plenty of Nolvadex and also Letrozole if needed.
Diet will be made up of 4000 calories a day, comprising the system of 40/40/20 ( Protein, Carbs, Fats )
Week 1 Test Enanthate 500mg front load Monday
Week 2-8 Test Enanthate 250mg every Monday
Week 8-10 Nolva 40mg ED
Week 9 start HCG
Week 10-12 Nolva 20mg ED ( possibly to week 13 depending how long on HCG )
Going to be running 20mg Nolva ED whilst on cycle ( i know i probably wont have to but its my first cycle so I'm playing it safe and want to keep the bloat down as well as stop any Gyno from forming )
Also i may be able to get my hands on some Anavar and if i do was thinking of running it for the last 4 weeks at 40-60 ED?
What do you guys think?