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Thread: First Cycle would like input

  1. #1

    First Cycle would like input

    Hi guys, going to be starting my first cycle in 2 weeks and just wanted some feedback and what you think. I am only going to be running an 8 week test enanthate cycle ( i know most will say to do 10 weeks ) but i want to see how my body goes. I'm realistic about what i will gain but Aiming for around 10-15 pounds and drop some body fat.

    Stats- 28, 6"2, 225 pounds, 16-18% bf, training for about 5 yrs, serious training for 2 yrs. Currently doing weights 4 days a week and cardio 2 days ( will up the cardio to 4 days a week whilst on cycle )

    Have 10ml of Test Enanthate dosed at 250mg/ML, plenty of Nolvadex and also Letrozole if needed.

    Diet will be made up of 4000 calories a day, comprising the system of 40/40/20 ( Protein, Carbs, Fats )


    Week 1 Test Enanthate 500mg front load Monday
    Week 2-8 Test Enanthate 250mg every Monday
    Week 8-10 Nolva 40mg ED
    Week 9 start HCG
    Week 10-12 Nolva 20mg ED ( possibly to week 13 depending how long on HCG )

    Going to be running 20mg Nolva ED whilst on cycle ( i know i probably wont have to but its my first cycle so I'm playing it safe and want to keep the bloat down as well as stop any Gyno from forming )

    Also i may be able to get my hands on some Anavar and if i do was thinking of running it for the last 4 weeks at 40-60 ED?

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    is this a cycle log? or is it a question?

    if its a question u should go to the question and ansers section of this forum mate

    hardly anyone comes through this section of the forum

    if your looking for ansers best go to the other section where youll get more, better and faster respones

  3. #3
    Thanks dude, will do

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