I have been researching this board for awhile now and I'm impressed with the info and knowledge this board contains. I am currently 22, 6'2 255 and around 15% bf. I have been training for four years and have one cycle under my belt, which ended in May and included:
600 mg cyp wk 1-12
400 mg Eq wk 1-12
clomid-post therapy
Arimidex .25 ed
From this I went from 225 to 260 and have kept most of it the past eight months. My question is I'm wanting to start another cycle in Feb. and have obtained all the gear for it, but I'm not sure how to run everything, I have a few ideas but I want to get the best out of this cycle, mostly stay around 250-260 and drop my bf to 10% If anyone could add any advice it would be well appreciated, thanx...I have on hand:
30mL cyp250
10mL prop150
30mL EQ200
30 Dboll50
40 winny50