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This will be my 3rd cycle however it will be my first time using prop and anavar. I have done 2 cycles before one was straight enanthate and the other was test cyp/EQ/Winstrol... i had fairly good results with both cycles.. This cycle im doing pretty low dosages it has been 2 years since ive touched my body with any kind of foreign substance. I have been lifting weights regularly for about 7 years now also by the way. Anyways here we go..
Starting stats
Age: 23
Height: 5'8
Weight: 178
BF%: 10.8
Cycle: 6 weeks
Test prop 100mg eod
Anavar 40mg ED
Arimidex .5mg ED
Nolva for PCT
Diet will not be set in writing but will be about 3500-4000 calories a day around 300 grams of protein per day.
My goal is to gain 5 pounds of lean muscle and reduce BF% by 3%.
My workout consists of running 1-1.5 miles as a warm up and the rest as follows
Monday: Heavy Chest, Light Back, Medium Shoulders & Traps and some Abs
Tues: Heavy Quads & Hams, Medium Tris and Bi's, Heavy Calves
Wed: Light Chest, Heavy back shoulders traps and abs
Thurs: Light Quads and hams, heavy tris and bi's, light calves
Friday: Medium chest and shoulders, Heavy back, Light traps and abs
Sat: Medium Quads & hams, Light Bi's Tri's and heavy calves
Sunday: Jump Rope and Jogging