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Thread: Joe's cutting log

  1. #1

    Joe's cutting log

    Hi guys. Ill be keeping a log of my spring cut here.

    Just got done with 9 moths of bulking. I ate lean but I'm real sensitive to carbs and I do like sodas and sugar. For the next 3-4 months I'm gonna be good.

    Once I get everything going and down Ill add more details.

    BF% ??(The lady at the gym always doing something when i get there and she say's its not accurate if she measures it when I've been working out. Will have it soon)
    Exp Trained for years on and off. Started back full time 9 months ago.

    Goal 12%BF by May 1st (June 1st at the latest)
    I'll be shooting for 2.5lbs a week.

    I'm not really concerned about making gains while cutting (just maintaining) so I will be experimenting with different routines, splits, and exercise over the next few months. Starting with a 3 day Push, Pull, Lower Spilt. I hope I can learn a few things to add to my standard 5 day bulk split. 45 (mostly early morning) cardio, 20 min PWO. 60min on days that im not at the gym.

    Will be taking Clen a few days on and a few off at a time. After clen builds up in my system a few days I start getting sides. I quit taking it and let it clear out and restart. I will be loggin this. I may add ECA latter.

    Diet consist of eggs, chicken, lean steak, lean ground beef, tuna, mixed veggie, Rice, whole wheat bread, oats, minimum dairy. High Protein, Low carbs (early in the day only), low fat. Nothing set in stone here and cheating is kept to a minimum.

    I'm only going to be logging weight and pics every few weeks, months. Imho Scales are bad so I stay off them as much as possible and I only do pics when I think u can see a decent difference.

    Thanks for all the Support, Help, Flames, ect.
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    Last edited by JoeSmoe; 02-08-2010 at 03:26 AM.

  2. #2
    No workout today.
    60min cardio

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Never Never Land
    You look as if your back is coming along well.

    How about the wheels?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Little Herc View Post
    You look as if your back is coming along well.

    How about the wheels?
    My back and upper legs are my best parts. Heavy compound movements are my favorite things to do. My Goals on my next bulk is to bring up my arms calves and forearms. They seem to be lagging behind the most. I left forearms and calves out of my workout for awhile and only did a couple bicept and tricept sets. My theory was that the muscle groups would get hit as a seconday on other exercieses and grow. Thats a bad theory, dont try it.

    I will put up legs shots soon and thanks for the input.

  5. #5
    day 2
    60min cardio

    day 3

    day 4
    20mcg clen
    60min cardio
    Upper body/abs

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Big Apple
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeSmoe View Post
    day 2
    60min cardio

    day 3

    day 4
    20mcg clen
    60min cardio
    Upper body/abs
    try doing carido first thing in the morning before eating, youll go straight into your fat stores.
    also dont under estimate the power of weight training for fat loss. it raises your resting metabolic rate longer and youll burn more cals in the long run.
    do cardio in the am first thing in the morn and also do intervels after weight training for about 20mins. i did that last summer and got so ripped it actually made me look bigger. my wifes sister insisted that i was on something.
    best of luck to broda keep the logs coming you got my support!!
    Last edited by number28; 02-10-2010 at 10:47 PM.

  7. #7
    Haven't been able to get to the gym because where I live if one snow flake drops they close my gym for days lol. Still getting in the cardio.

    Day 5
    40mcg clen
    60min cardio

    Day 6
    50mcg clen
    60min cardio

    Day 7
    20min cardio
    I am starting a 6 week pushup & situp program I did last year just to see if I can get 100 push up and 200 situps in 6 weeks. Didn't come close last time. Ill be logging this here so I dont have to keep 2 logs.
    W1D1 Last set push up max 44
    Last edited by JoeSmoe; 02-14-2010 at 04:53 AM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by number28 View Post
    try doing carido first thing in the morning before eating, youll go straight into your fat stores.
    also dont under estimate the power of weight training for fat loss. it raises your resting metabolic rate longer and youll burn more cals in the long run.
    do cardio in the am first thing in the morn and also do intervels after weight training for about 20mins. i did that last summer and got so ripped it actually made me look bigger. my wifes sister insisted that i was on something.
    best of luck to broda keep the logs coming you got my support!!
    I do early morning cardio about 1/2 the time. and I always do 2omin pwo on training days.

    Trying not to slack to much at all on weight training because I don't wanna lose what muscle i got hiding under here. Thanks for the inspiration it makes me wanna train harder.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    good luck bro keep at it.

  10. #10
    interested to see how this goes.
    Good luck

  11. #11
    Day 8
    193 (-2lbs)
    50mcg clen
    60min cardio
    ~2k calories consumed

    W1D1 Final set situp max 47
    I hate it but until this snow goes my gym not going to open back up. I'm really not trying to be lazy on the training.
    I hope they credit me some days.

  12. #12
    That's Some bad luck lol. Try doing some pushups or pick up something heavy and do some lunges in ur house. Might suck but if u can't get to a gym and u don't have equipment do whatever u can in ur house. It's boring as hell but it actually feels pretty good to complete a workout in your house without even using weights

  13. #13
    Day 9
    Passed out last night. I think It was sides from clen + 4 benedryl. I didn't even feel the benedryl until I stood up and everything went fuzzy black. I ran out to were everyone was and fell on my face lol. I didn't want to pass out by myself and there be something wrong.
    Oh well I knew I get sides from clen so its time to back off the dosage a little. I wasnt taking the benedryl for my receptors I was taking it to sleep.

    I have weird reactions to alot of drugs. Its kind of a pain in the ass but life goes on.

    No Workout.
    ~2k cal

    Day 10
    60min cardio
    20mcg clen
    Upper body workout (gym back open)
    ~2k calories
    I went out of town today for a little while and had to eat bk. 2 double cheeseburgers 1100cal. That will really set u back if ur on a 2k-2.2k calorie diet. Its bed time and I'm starving. All I can eat is a can of Tuna before I go to bed.../cry
    Last edited by JoeSmoe; 02-17-2010 at 12:42 AM.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by americanoak View Post
    That's Some bad luck lol. Try doing some pushups or pick up something heavy and do some lunges in ur house. Might suck but if u can't get to a gym and u don't have equipment do whatever u can in ur house. It's boring as hell but it actually feels pretty good to complete a workout in your house without even using weights
    I was actually trying to find some things out in the garage to rig up. Its hard finding things that the weight is spread evenly enough throughout to use as weight.

    I am doing a 3 day a week push up/ sit up program so that helped a little. I may be over training my chest but im cutting so I don't care.
    Last edited by JoeSmoe; 02-17-2010 at 12:47 AM.

  15. #15
    nice, shows your dedicated.

    I would say even if you are cutting ou prolly wouldnt want to over train

    btw you may have passed out form the clen due to not enough water. You need ot make sure you are drink a lot of fluids, im on clen right now and have been in the 180mcg dose range for a few days and am fine, just make sur eu get your water
    Last edited by americanoak; 02-17-2010 at 09:57 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    you should prb just post once a wk so it doesnt get to big,, just my 2 cents

  17. #17
    Haven't updated in awhile so just checking in.

    Down 6lbs!

    Weight is coming off slower than I would like but If i stay at this rate that would out me at 24lbs lost and hopefully in the 10-13% range by June 1st.

    I am making some adjustments to try and get the weight lose in the 8-10lb range per month. Maybe it will work out.

    Ill post some pics soon!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Big Apple
    Congrats on the 6lbs... it'll slow down a bit soon but don't get discouraged, ur body is just adjusting. Keep throwing curve balls... keep em coming bud!

  19. #19
    Happy April everyone!

    I haven't updated in a month so I thought it was time to let you guys know whats going on and show u some progress pics.

    I've been doing some half assed dieting since I started and now Im at my half way point . The good news is I'm down 15lbs to 180 and I still have 2 months.

    I'm going to quit slacking on the cardio for the next 2 months. Sunday Has been my cheat day and ive been going crazy with things like slopping down Pizza and eating a whole box of cakes lol (cut me some slack they were 100 calories.....per roll....I only ate 12). The next 2 months I'm going to try and cut that to a minimum. Whats weird is that I seem to lose weight faster after I cheat.

    If I can lose 15lbs half assing it I hope to get another 20+ by June first.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	April 1st.jpg 
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ID:	106378   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	april 1st back.jpg 
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  20. #20
    I also have a bottle of superdrol sitting here waiting to be opened. I was going to wait and use it after my cut to try and recoup muscle lost while dieting but I've been thinking about using it the last month of the cut with t3. I was wandering if anyone had any experience mixing the 2. I am doing 0 carbs 6 days a week and I don't know if that would have any effect? I've Heard that superdrol diminishes glycogen lvls.
    Last edited by JoeSmoe; 04-01-2010 at 09:36 PM.

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