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Thread: Cutting Stack

  1. #1

    Cutting Stack

    For starters im 22, 6'2, 250 pounds. I have been working out for 5 years on and off and the last 1.5 years ive been dedicated going 5 days a week.

    I want to get ready for the summer and be in tip top shape. My friend reccomended trying some winny. Im having second thoughts about it but the thought of being ripped is very tempting. I think I could get myself down to 10-12% naturally but anymore would be a questionable by summer.

    Onto the stack if you guys recommend me trying it out.

    I obv want to try winny(oral) at 50mg/day. Should i also start out on Test E to stack the cycle? I would also finish the cycle off with Nolvadex and Clomid.

    Please only post if your going to give positive advice and not flame. Im fairly new to this like you guys were. I did my research but sometimes i need questions answered directly to my posts to assure im doing my stuff right.

  2. #2
    wat is your current bf%

  3. #3
    id say about 17%

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