I am a figure competitor. Was a natty one but after a few cycles am no longer. I made an educated and well researched decision to try some DNP to come in for my next comp. I have a quick question regarding this cycle. Wondered if anyone could shed some light on it for me.

Before i get the against debate, please do not waste your breath, I do not want to hear it. Have researched well and know the pros and cons.

So to the cycle... started at 200mg for 4 days then went to 300mg. Did 4 days at 300mg and today being day 9 have bumped up to 400mg. I will not be going any higher than this!

Weight today is the same as it was on day 1 of cycle. Am looking a bit leaner but the scales are not budging. I know that I am holding water and once I come off it will go. Guess I am just a bit annxious as I am 4wks away from competing. Want to make sure that when I come off the water goes and I will be much leaner.

So far as sides go, I have been a little hotter but it is hard to say how much of it is due to dnp or due to humidity from weather as it has been pretty hot here. First few days I had headaches but they have subsided too. Not much else is happening.

Has anyone else ran cycles of it where you see nothing till you come off?

Thanks in advance and remember, if you have nothing positive to write, please do not waste your time and energy typing.