Short history - 43 yo male, never lifted before. I was always skinny, then skinny fat, then just fat. I started counting calories and doing cardio back in January of last year. I switched to the Starting Strength workout program in March of last year.
I began with the following stats:
Date: 20-Dec-08
Neck size: 18
Biceps: 13.5
Forearms: 11.5
Shoulders: 48
Chest: 46
Belly: 46
Waist: 42
Butt: 42.5
Thighs: 24
Calves: 14
Weight: 246
BF: 32.51 (based on the US Navy tape measurement formula)
After extensive dieting and lifting
Neck: 16
Biceps: 14.5
Forearms: 12
Shoulders: 48
Chest: 42
Belly: 37
Waist: 37.5
Butt: 39.5
Thighs: 21.25
Calves: 14.5
Weight: 188.8
BF: 21.12 (same formula)
Squats: 115 -> 245
Bench: 105 -> 175
Deadlift: 135 -> 315
Standing Press: 75 -> 140
Power Clean: 105 -> 155
Frankly, I'm sick of dieting, and want to get more muscle on me. I'm going to hasten the process (hopefully) with some Albuterol and T3. I purchased the bundle from our sponsor (Lion), which also includes keto.
Dosage will start small and ramp up depending on effects.