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Thread: log anavar and winny cycle

  1. #1
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    log anavar and winny cycle

    ok.. so im starting my anavar and winny cycle today yay!

    my goal: 130 at 13% ( hopefully less..i'd like to be 11 %)

    ok so here's my diet :

    8:00 meal 1 380 cals/ 12.5 f/ 22.5 p/ 48 carbs

    2/3 cup oats - 150cals/ 2g fat/ 2 g protein/ 33 carbs
    1/2 cup almond milk- 20 cals/1.5 g fat/ .5g pro/ 1g carbs
    1tbsp natty peanut-butter- 100 cals/ 8g fats/ 5g pro/ 3 carbs
    2 egg whites 30 cals/ 0fat/ 7g pro/ 0carb

    11:00 meal 2- 248 cal/ 8.5 f/ 26p/ 15

    3 oz chicken- 100 cals/ 2 g fat/ 20 g pro/ 0 carbs
    1slice ezekiel bread- 80 cals/.5fat/ 4g pro/ 14carb
    almonds 10g - 68 cals/ 6g fat/ 2 pro/1 g carb or 1tsp walnut oil 60 cals/ 7 g fat/ 0/0

    1:00 meal 3- 334cals/ 13 g fat/ 29g pro/ 27g carbs

    1cup almond milk- 40 cals/ 3 g fat/ 1g pro/ 2g carbs
    1 scoop whey- 119 cal/ 2g fat/ 23g pro/ 2g carbs
    3oz banana 75 cals/ 0fat/ 0pro/ 20 carbs
    1tbsp natty peanut-butter- 100 cals/ 8g fats/ 5g pro/ 3 carbs

    1:30 ---1 hr Train & 1 hr CARDIO----

    3:30 a pwo shake meal 4 - 240 cal/ 3g fat/ 21g pro/ 34g carbs

    1/2 scoop banana whey- 65 cals/ 10 pro/ 1.5 f/ 3.5 carb
    1 cup sunny d - 90 cals/ 0fat/ 1p/ 26 carb

    4:00(30-45min later)meal 5 - 380cals/ 15 g fat/ 23 g pro/ 34carbs

    1/2 cup quinoa- 160 cals/ 2.5 fat/ 6 g pro/ 30 carbs
    2oz tuna- 60 cals/ 0fat/ 15g pro/ 0carbs

    7:00 meal 6- 248 cal/ 8.5 f/ 26p/ 15 carbs

    3 oz chicken- 100 cals/ 2 g fat/ 20 g pro/ 0 carbs
    1slice ezekiel bread- 80 cals/.5fat/ 4g pro/ 15 carbs
    almonds 10g - 68 cals/ 6g fat/ 2 pro/1 g carb

    10:00 meal 7- 180cal/ 22.5p/ 7 fat/ 8.5carb

    banana Protein 130 cals/ 20 pro/ 3 f/ 7 carb
    1tsp natty peanut-butter- 50 cals/ 4g fats/ 2.5g pro/ 1.5 carbs

    b12,glutamine, ALA, Chromium Picolinate, Betaine Hydrochloride

    152 pro
    58.5 f
    183.5 carbs

    Split :

    mondays- back & abs
    tuesday- chest
    Wednesday- legs
    thursday- arms
    friday- shoulders &trapz
    sat - cario (Cheat day )
    sunday- rest


    week 1 - anavar 10mg
    week 2 - anavar 20mg
    week 3 - anavar 20mg
    week 4 - anavar 20mg
    week 5 - anavar 20mg
    week 6 - anavar 20mg,
    week 7 - anavar 20mg, winny 5 mg
    week 8 - anavar 20mg, winny 10mg
    week 9 - anavar 20mg, winny 10mg,
    week 10- winny 10mg,

    im also taking clen - 4 days on , 2 days off. starting at 50mcg

    and in my last 8 days im taking provirion. the 1st 4 days wil be 12.5 mg then the last 4 days wil be 25 mg.

    my diet will also change a lil bit 2. every 2 weeks im droppin 100 cals .
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Diamond*K; 04-09-2010 at 01:34 PM.

  2. #2
    i think you aleady look great!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Why clen like that ?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    Why clen like that ?
    i had a body builder from around here say that you should take a break after 4 days.. i guess so you dont get used to it.

    im gonna try it out....

  5. #5
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    I dont think your BF is 19%, closer to 16% but yes women carry/show/hide fat differently than men.
    If you need some cardio help let me know. I have some good ideas on how to keep the heart rate up at the fat burning level for 2+ hrs at a time.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I dont think your BF is 19%, closer to 16% but yes women carry/show/hide fat differently than men.
    If you need some cardio help let me know. I have some good ideas on how to keep the heart rate up at the fat burning level for 2+ hrs at a time.
    lmao... well thanx
    now you just gotta fly out here to help me out hahahah

    and yes im 19%.... my upper body is pretty lean but i got a big booty lol and thick thighs.

  7. #7
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    this should be good.

    i will be tuned in....

  8. #8
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    today i weighed myself.. down to 146 lbs

    im gonna check my bf this week. and take a pic.

  9. #9
    A couple of things stand out to me...

    Why are you using all these compounds at once? You aren't competing...

    Using some of these androgenic compounds could be disastrous for you.

    BTW, winstrol, even at a low dosage can cause women serious problems... (clit enlargement)

    And going up to 20mg/ed of anavar for a first run? That's a LOT.

    This all seems seriously over-board to me..


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    A couple of things stand out to me...

    Why are you using all these compounds at once? You aren't competing...

    Using some of these androgenic compounds could be disastrous for you.

    BTW, winstrol, even at a low dosage can cause women serious problems... (clit enlargement)

    And going up to 20mg/ed of anavar for a first run? That's a LOT.

    This all seems seriously over-board to me..

    naw i've taken anavar at 20mg b4....
    and i used winny too at 10 mg. i kno if i start to get sides im cutting out that last week of winny. and i'm just tryin the proviron. i kno a lot of female bodybuilders use it.. its only like 10 days but i just wanna see if i notice anything.

    its my prep diet/cycle for my comp next year. im tryin it out now see how i like it.. that way next year i will no more how it works for me.

    sum thing might change as i go along... wat i have here is just my plan.

  11. #11
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    i've used anavar at 20 mg and winny at 10 mg for 5 weeks straight. pretty good results for just 5 weeks ...(i didnt continue coz i was startin to get sides)
    but i gain 5lb of lean weight and droped my bf dwn 2%

  12. #12
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Agree with V-Man, that's getting up there in dosages and quite a bit more than many women I know who compete at some very tough shows. Sounds like you know what you are doing but I would watch those doses very carefully.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Agree with V-Man, that's getting up there in dosages and quite a bit more than many women I know who compete at some very tough shows. Sounds like you know what you are doing but I would watch those doses very carefully.
    yea deff... im gonna just see how it goes kinda thing.. like i said its all trial for next year.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by diamond-krys View Post
    yea deff... im gonna just see how it goes kinda thing.. like i said its all trial for next year.
    Like I said, this is going to be way over-board...

    My girl who currently competes has run only ever run Var, clen, T3, ECA. -- her current stats are: 5'9 .. 120.1 pounds. BF = lower then 13%

    She has never pushed the var past 7.5mg (except now @~10mg/ed for upcoming photo-shoot)

    I think you might be thinking the more compounds you use, the greater your results will be. That is definitely not the case.

    I think you should just drop the proviron and winstrol all together and then a simple 8 week anavar cycle + clen.

    Always I won't mention this anymore, just wanted to make my opinion crystal clear there

    BTW, maybe post up some actual pics. Like full body rather then just your stomach.... 5'5 ~150 pounds is likely to be higher then 19%BF on a woman...

    In any case though, you've got my girl subscribed to the thread, lol. She is interested in your var dosage, and to see what the proviron does to you. loll


  15. #15
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    these are within the last couple months...
    but now im dwn to 146.
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  16. #16
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    im gonna take sum better pix with a real camera soon.... these pics off my phone sux.

  17. #17
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    If this were in the lounge I might make mention of the handcuffs hanging on the wall but since its in a serious forum I will refrain. Not sure how much you lost since then but you are above 18% in those pics. You appear to have good structure and a decent amount of lean muscle on you. 125-130lbs range would but a really good look for you and give you an idea of what bodyparts need to be brought up.

  18. #18
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    Your bf seems to be correct now that i see what u mean by a big booty haha. Good catch on the hand cuffs FireGuy, didn't even notice till you mentioned them

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    If this were in the lounge I might make mention of the handcuffs hanging on the wall but since its in a serious forum I will refrain. Not sure how much you lost since then but you are above 18% in those pics. You appear to have good structure and a decent amount of lean muscle on you. 125-130lbs range would but a really good look for you and give you an idea of what bodyparts need to be brought up.
    Thats funny!

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by B1gDaddy View Post
    Your bf seems to be correct now that i see what u mean by a big booty haha.
    She's no where near 18% bro...

    Men often don't realize the huge difference when gauging BF% of the opposite sex.

    While men may be able to get down to ~3% for short peroids of time, this would be impossible for a woman. They carry fat in areas men don't hold it in (breasts, etc.)

    Fireguy is obviously the authority on this, but w/ that second set of pics I would put her at ~21%...


  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    She's no where near 18% bro...

    Men often don't realize the huge difference when gauging BF% of the opposite sex.

    I knew there was a difference but after your post I guess there's more of a difference between male an female body fat %'s than i originally thought..

    Thanks for the input VM
    Last edited by B1gDaddy; 03-24-2010 at 03:28 PM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    If this were in the lounge I might make mention of the handcuffs hanging on the wall but since its in a serious forum I will refrain. Not sure how much you lost since then but you are above 18% in those pics. You appear to have good structure and a decent amount of lean muscle on you. 125-130lbs range would but a really good look for you and give you an idea of what bodyparts need to be brought up.
    yea thats my goal.. 125-130.

    lol and yea.. i gotta really wrk on my legs & ass lol.

    but im naturally bigger built. my waist is like 29" and my hips are 42" lol... and my rib cage look huge compared to my sisters.

    my goal weight is 2 be 124 lbs for my competition. hopefully be the biggest in the middle weight class.

  23. #23
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    You might double check the class weights, I know some shows have different cutoffs. Mrs Fire is prepping for an NPC show and Lightweight is 125 and under, Middle 125-140 and Heavyweight over 140.

    For reference here is 19% BF on a female (18.89)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  24. #24
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    the provincial ones here are different.. 115-125 is the middle class. anything over 125 is consider heavy weight.. dont kno why.. it was different last year but they just recently changed it.

  25. #25
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Will look forward to watching your progress. Kinda wish this was in the competitive forum as I will have to make a mental note to check in here now and again. How many weeks til your show?

  26. #26
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    Might want to look into a few different ways to run clen too. I haven't heard much on 4days on 2 days off, some do it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off some run other compounds (keto) with it to keep your body form getting used to it also over the counter (benydral, sp?) you can just search Clen and you will see. I am not saying 4 days on 2 days off wont work, I just haven't ever seen it ran like that. I myself run it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

  27. #27
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Will look forward to watching your progress. Kinda wish this was in the competitive forum as I will have to make a mental note to check in here now and again. How many weeks til your show?
    its next year in april and again in november ... im just practicing my dieting and cycle for it. so this year im figuring out how my body will look when i try different diets and so forth. im keepin my own log at home as well. im also checkin out other competitors 2 see wat i need 2 improve on.

    i was gonna ask you as well.. i get my bf tested at my gym by an old bodybuilder. (thats where i get my bf from) but i kno he only check 6 spots.. i kno there's different ways of checking with the calipers ... i was wondering how you check your wifey's bf and how it differs from the mens.
    that way i can have my bf checked similar to wat your standards are at.. that way we are all on the same page.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr View Post
    Might want to look into a few different ways to run clen too. I haven't heard much on 4days on 2 days off, some do it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off some run other compounds (keto) with it to keep your body form getting used to it also over the counter (benydral, sp?) you can just search Clen and you will see. I am not saying 4 days on 2 days off wont work, I just haven't ever seen it ran like that. I myself run it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.
    i usually do it 2 weeks on 1 week off. but i had a BB tell me that you should always do it 4 days on 2 days off.

    like im just trying it out. a lot of different methods... im just tryin to figure out wat my body responds to the most.

    but yea. usually i do it 2 weeks on 1 week off and i use benadryl.

  30. #30
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diamond-krys View Post
    its next year in april and again in november ... im just practicing my dieting and cycle for it. so this year im figuring out how my body will look when i try different diets and so forth. im keepin my own log at home as well. im also checkin out other competitors 2 see wat i need 2 improve on.

    i was gonna ask you as well.. i get my bf tested at my gym by an old bodybuilder. (thats where i get my bf from) but i kno he only check 6 spots.. i kno there's different ways of checking with the calipers ... i was wondering how you check your wifey's bf and how it differs from the mens.
    that way i can have my bf checked similar to wat your standards are at.. that way we are all on the same page.

  31. #31
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    perfection .. thanx.
    im gonna make him check all 9 from now on.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by diamond-krys View Post
    ok.. so im starting my anavar and winny cycle today yay!

    my goal: 130 at 13% ( hopefully less..i'd like to be 11 %)

    ok so here's my diet :

    8:00 meal 1 380 cals/ 12.5 f/ 22.5 p/ 48 carbs

    2/3 cup oats - 150cals/ 2g fat/ 2 g protein/ 33 carbs
    1/2 cup almond milk- 20 cals/1.5 g fat/ .5g pro/ 1g carbs
    1tbsp natty peanut-butter- 100 cals/ 8g fats/ 5g pro/ 3 carbs
    2 egg whites 30 cals/ 0fat/ 7g pro/ 0carb

    11:00 meal 2- 248 cal/ 8.5 f/ 26p/ 15

    3 oz chicken- 100 cals/ 2 g fat/ 20 g pro/ 0 carbs
    1slice ezekiel bread- 80 cals/.5fat/ 4g pro/ 14carb
    almonds 10g - 68 cals/ 6g fat/ 2 pro/1 g carb or 1tsp walnut oil 60 cals/ 7 g fat/ 0/0

    1:00 meal 3- 334cals/ 13 g fat/ 29g pro/ 27g carbs

    1cup almond milk- 40 cals/ 3 g fat/ 1g pro/ 2g carbs
    1 scoop whey- 119 cal/ 2g fat/ 23g pro/ 2g carbs
    3oz banana 75 cals/ 0fat/ 0pro/ 20 carbs
    1tbsp natty peanut-butter- 100 cals/ 8g fats/ 5g pro/ 3 carbs

    1:30 ---1 hr Train & 1 hr CARDIO----

    3:30 a pwo shake meal 4 - 240 cal/ 3g fat/ 21g pro/ 34g carbs

    1/2 scoop banana whey- 65 cals/ 10 pro/ 1.5 f/ 3.5 carb
    1 cup sunny d - 90 cals/ 0fat/ 1p/ 26 carb

    4:00(30-45min later)meal 5 - 380cals/ 15 g fat/ 23 g pro/ 34carbs

    1/2 cup quinoa- 160 cals/ 2.5 fat/ 6 g pro/ 30 carbs
    2oz tuna- 60 cals/ 0fat/ 15g pro/ 0carbs

    7:00 meal 6- 248 cal/ 8.5 f/ 26p/ 15 carbs

    3 oz chicken- 100 cals/ 2 g fat/ 20 g pro/ 0 carbs
    1slice ezekiel bread- 80 cals/.5fat/ 4g pro/ 15 carbs
    almonds 10g - 68 cals/ 6g fat/ 2 pro/1 g carb

    10:00 meal 7- 180cal/ 22.5p/ 7 fat/ 8.5carb

    banana Protein 130 cals/ 20 pro/ 3 f/ 7 carb
    1tsp natty peanut-butter- 50 cals/ 4g fats/ 2.5g pro/ 1.5 carbs

    b12,glutamine, ALA, Chromium Picolinate, Betaine Hydrochloride

    152 pro
    58.5 f
    183.5 carbs

    Split :

    mondays- back & abs
    tuesday- chest
    Wednesday- legs
    thursday- arms
    friday- shoulders &trapz
    sat - cario (Cheat day )
    sunday- rest


    week 1 - anavar 10mg
    week 2 - anavar 20mg
    week 3 - anavar 20mg
    week 4 - anavar 20mg
    week 5 - anavar 20mg
    week 6 - anavar 20mg,
    week 7 - anavar 20mg, winny 5 mg
    week 8 - anavar 20mg, winny 10mg
    week 9 - anavar 20mg, winny 10mg,
    week 10- winny 10mg,

    im also taking clen - 4 days on , 2 days off. starting at 50mcg

    and in my last 10 days im taking provirion. the 1st 4 days wil be 12.5 mg then the last 4 days wil be 25 mg.

    my diet will also change a lil bit 2. every 2 weeks im droppin 100 cals .
    Your daily Kcal intake is too high if you want to reach that target, IMO.
    Last edited by BJJ; 03-26-2010 at 03:15 AM.

  33. #33
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    Diamond are you looking to compete or just want to lean out?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    Diamond are you looking to compete or just want to lean out?
    im competing next year. april & november of 2011

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by diamond-krys View Post
    im competing next year. april & november of 2011
    Good luck, I'm not a fan of winny for females unless they are doing BB. My wife competes and will not touch the stuff because of the sides, too many of her gf have developed those sides and they are not attractive. She has used both var and primo with great results

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Looking good! Keep up the hard work! Woman do tend to hide more fat then men....You are right at your speculation at 19%.......

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    Good luck, I'm not a fan of winny for females unless they are doing BB. My wife competes and will not touch the stuff because of the sides, too many of her gf have developed those sides and they are not attractive. She has used both var and primo with great results
    yea.. i wanna try it in the fall. but i like the strength gains i get from winny and i added it in at the end coz its a good hardener. i cant do more than 5 weeks with those doses so i kept it at 4 weeks.

  38. #38
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    ok.. so according to the Parrillo
    Caliper Method... im 22.16% bf. at 145lbs

    with just using the 5 points... im dwn to like 17%.

    BIG difference! but some competition use the Parrillo Caliper Method... so im stickin with that one. my goal is still to get down to 13% tho

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by diamond-krys View Post
    ok.. so according to the Parrillo
    Caliper Method... im 22.16% bf. at 145lbs

    with just using the 5 points... im dwn to like 17%.

    BIG difference! but some competition use the Parrillo Caliper Method... so im stickin with that one. my goal is still to get down to 13% tho
    Why do not you go getting a DEXA Body Scanner?

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Why do not you go getting a DEXA Body Scanner?
    lol.. what is it?

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