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Thread: Sust 250 cycle - gains have stopped.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Sust 250 cycle - gains have stopped.

    I'm just finishing week 7 of my 14wk cycle of Sustanon 250.

    Jabbing 250mg every Monday/Thursday - total 500mg/wk

    Stats are:
    Height - 6ft 4
    Weight - 219lbs
    Training - 3 day split

    Progress so far: From 205lbs to 219lbs

    For the last 2 weeks i haven't gained 1 pound.

    My diet is all in check - currently bringing in between 3500-3600cal

    Unsure what is happening, can anyone let in some insight?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    What does "all in check" mean? How many grams of protein are you consuming, per day? How many meals do you eat, per day? Have you tested your bodyfat?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    boone, n.c.
    in my experience by weeks 7-10 weight gain has stopped with test. i usually don't run cycles more than 10 wks, but everyone is a little different. i am currently running kar. sust. 500mg/wk at week 3 of 10 and have put on 15lbs. good luck keep us posted.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Canada Eh
    You may need to up you daily intake for your body to make the same progress it did for the first half of your cycle. You could also up the dose of test each week, although if this is your first cycle that may not be a good idea, see what happens when your up your daily intake of food

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    This is a summary of my daily breakdown of my diet.

    338.5 pro
    435.2 carb
    59.1 fat
    3590.28 cal

    oldschoolfitness: sounds like the gear youve got is of quality.

    I might need to step up the dose but I really would not like too if could be something else hindering my gains.

    My main concern is that I switched over to a different vial after I finished the 1st and that is when it seems the gains have eased...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    calgary alberta canada
    i think you should definately up your calories. When i was on cycle i was takin in close to 4400 calories and i weighed less than you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    4400, thats a bit of overkill isn't it?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Canada Eh
    If your trying to gain mass? then no not really. Your bodies used to having 3500 cals an now its wanting more to grow more, you tdee has changed because your weight has changed a lot so you also need to change your intake according to that.. in short you weigh more so u need to eat more to keep gaining more. yeah that makes sense, right? lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    ah i see..
    my calculations must be off, i adjusted the diet as weight progressed but looks like i will need to do some more work on it.

    this is how my diet sits right now, what would need to be changed/added?

    Meal 1 – Breakfast

    1 Cup raw oats – 10/54/6/300
175ml skimmed milk – 5/8/0.5/57
250ml Liquid egg white – 26/0/0/120

    1 slice whole grain bread – 4/18/1.5/90


45pro / 80carb / 8fat / 567cal

Meal 2 – Morning Tea
    60g (3scoop) WPI shake – 36/23/0.6/210
    400ml skimmed milk – 12.8/19.2/1.2/136.8
    1 Banana – 1.1/23/0.3/100

    49.9pro / 65.2carb / 2.1fat / 446.8cal

Meal 3 – Lunch
185g Tuna – 40/0/5/220
    200g Sweet potato - 4/41/0/180
Carrots, Sweet Corn, Broccoli mix - 4.5/10/1/77.38
    1 slice whole grain bread – 4/18/1.5/90

    52.5pro / 69carb / 7.5fat / 567.38cal


Meal 4 – Afternoon Tea (pre workout)
185g Tuna – 40/0/5/220
    1 Cup of raw oats – 10/54/6/300
175ml skimmed milk – 5/8/0.5/57
1 cup chopped Pear – 0/25/0/93


55pro / 87carb / 11.5fat / 670cal


Meal 5 – Post workout
60g (3scoop) WPI shake – 36/23/0.6/210

    ½ cup row oats – 5/27/3/150
175ml skimmed milk – 5/8/0.5/57
    1 Banana – 1.1/23/0.3/100

    47.1pro / 81carb / 4.4fat / 517cal

Meal 6 – Dinner

    1 cup chopped Chicken Breast – 42.5/2.4/12.8/307
    200g Sweet potato - 4/41/0/180

    Baby Beans, Carrots, Broccoli mix – 3.9/4.2/0.3/45.24

    50.4pro / 47.6carb / 13.1at / 532.24cal


Meal 7 – Before bed meal
    40g Casein Shake - 33.2/2.6/2.2/167
    2 tablespoon Peanut Butter - 10.8/5.6/20.4/245.72

    44pro / 8.2carb / 22.6fat / 412.72cal

TOTALS: 343.9pro / 438carb / 69.3fat / 3713.14cal

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    For me and my 2 friends our gains (with long esters with a frontload) stop around 8 weeks. I never bother running long ester cycles more than 8 weeks and short ester ones for no more than 6 weeks. But thats with bulking, if cutting I may extend it longer to stay very anabolic while continuing to cut fat.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    boone, n.c.
    yeah its good gear no complaints, but pharm. grade gear is going away. everything is now homebrew (good quality). upping those calories won't hurt, when i am bulking i eat everything because it is so easy for me to shed unwanted fat. i really should eat a cleaner diet. a good journal has always helped me view progress where it was made and where it stopped. good luck brutha!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I suggest that you increase your protein in your pwo meal and in your final shake, before bed.
    What is your training split? Are you hitting legs?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    yeah i hit legs. My training split is a 3 day split.

    Monday - Back/Bi's
    Wednesday - Legs
    Friday - Chest/Shoulders/Tri's

    dece870717: from everything i have read and researched about sust. 250 it has always been to do a minimum 10-12week course. I'll keep what you posted in mind for my next cycle

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    How long has it been since you switched up the training split?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    I always keep my 3 day split the same but exercises, reps, sets and rest periods all change.

    Every 3 weeks I change from light weight, high reps, shorter rest periods to high weight, low reps and different exercises per muscle group.

  16. #16
    you might be eating less than your maintenance BMI , u need more calories

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ARABIAN NIGHTS View Post
    you might be eating less than your maintenance BMI , u need more calories
    No i don't think so, scroll up to see my stats and my diet. everything is on par according to my calculations.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Your body is not challenged. It has learned your techniques. A COMPLETE OVERHAUL of your training split is in order, sir. Do something entirely new.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    boone, n.c.
    eat more, your body has no choice but to grow and forget about going heavy and light. go heavy and train for strength weight or reps. also advanced techniques like rest pause pre exhaust ( yes i know mike mentzer ) have always helped pull me out of a slump good luck keep us posted.

  20. #20
    you def. need to up your calories.if it takes you 3500-3600to get to 219lbs its gonna take some more calories/protein/carbs to get to 225 or 230.if you get there and your gains stop increase your calories protein ect. asgain.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I agree with some on here, ive ran over 5 cycles, the ones most effective are 6-8 weeks, especially with sus, i front load for 2 weeks and keep doses high until week 6-7 then bridge to pct with dbol, alot more effective than the 12-16 week cycles i have been doing previously

  22. #22
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    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by barnyap View Post
    I agree with some on here, ive ran over 5 cycles, the ones most effective are 6-8 weeks, especially with sus, i front load for 2 weeks and keep doses high until week 6-7 then bridge to pct with dbol, alot more effective than the 12-16 week cycles i have been doing previously
    This, along with what others have written i will certainly take into account the next time I cycle.

    I have stepped calories up by about 300 or so.

    My current total breakdown is:

    TOTALS: 351pro / 470carb / 86fat / 40045cal


    TOTALS: 343.9pro / 438carb / 69.3fat / 3713.14cal

  23. #23
    nycap is offline Banned- Because I give Bad advice - PLEASE DO NOT listen to me
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    next time try sustanon 2 shots monday and 2 shots thursday. 50mg dbol before every workout only (you dont want around the clock stress on your liver from pills). do this for six weeks and then take 6 weeks off but never stop lifting. the sustanon will work for about 3 weeks after last shot. so you wont lose strength on your 6 weeks off period. repeat this "6 weeks on 6 weeks off" cycle until you get to where you want in terms of strength. when you decide to stop you will keep like 80% you gains cuase you body will have been returning to homeostasis for 2 weeks out of every 12 weeks meaning your balls will never totally shut down.

    eat whatever you want as long as your getting one gram of high quality whey protein (half before and half after your work out) for every pound of body weight. this is ON TOP of whatever else you normally eat. keep saturated fats to a minimum. this is fastest way to get strong as hell. i got up to 315 bench and 405 squat for ten reps in like a year. only problem is you WILL get fat. no problem just do a cutting cycle!

    when cutting (not bulking) control your food intake precicely. as far as eating goes everyone is different. for example im 260 with under 3000 calories per day. when you want to cut write down everything you eat (protein, carbs, and fats), your wieght, and your strength every day. after a couple months graph it in excel. then you will be able to tweek your diet exactly to maximize strength and minamize wieght by learning how the intake of macronutrients affects YOUR body. once you get that down perfect run 400mg EQ per week with ameridex for 12 weeks with a shot of sus every two weeks to keep your dick hard. at week 15 start HCG (1 shot every 5 days 4 shots total, along with clomid, and nolvadex for a 6 weeks.

    anyways this is how i did it and i worked. i had to try lots of shit before i figured this out so i hope it helps you get there faster and more cheaply than it took me. remember the idea is acheive your goal and get off this stuff as qiuckly as possible.

    best luck
    Last edited by nycap; 04-30-2010 at 11:26 AM.

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