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  1. #1
    JasonT's Avatar
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    Test E & Dbol - 1st Cycle

    Weeks 1-12: Test E @ 500mg/week
    Weeks 1-4: Dbol @ 30mg/day

    HCG @ 250iu twice a week (starting week 3)
    Liquidex @ .25mg EOD (starting week 2)

    PCT: nolva/clomid

    First pin was yesterday...drew with 18, pinned with 25. Pinned the glute with one hand (couldn't reach with the second hand). Tried to keep my hand steady, but the pin still moved around a little. A little sore today, but nothing major.

    I'll update this thread with pics and progress as I go...

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    What's your starting stats?

  3. #3
    JasonT's Avatar
    JasonT is offline Member
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    Age: 28
    Height: 5' 9.5"
    Weight: 180 lbs. ~11% bf

    Been working out for around 12 years semi-consistently

    Took this today...didn't have anyone to hold the camera for me
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Test E & Dbol - 1st Cycle-51892425418298139100.jpg  
    Last edited by JasonT; 04-20-2010 at 09:49 AM.

  4. #4
    JasonT's Avatar
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    Right cheek is sore...feels like theres a giant lump under there.

  5. #5
    DaMann is offline New Member
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    Best of luck bro. Hope some ppl will chime in on the gaint lump.

  6. #6
    JasonT's Avatar
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    Thanks...2nd shot is tonight. Will try and have the mrs. help me out so it can be more stable and hopefully avoid any discomfort.

  7. #7
    LiftedDuramax2007 is offline Associate Member
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    Telling ya bud try your delt, right delt

    goodluck, let us know when you start feeling the dbol and the test

  8. #8
    JasonT's Avatar
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    Hoping to start feeling the bol this weekend

    Injected myself again last night...this went a little smoother than the last one. I did the other glute and massaged the area for a good 5 minutes before taking a hot shower.

    I'll consider doing the delts, but I only have 1.5" pins. I know to only go in half way (3/4"), but it might be hard to hold it steady at that position.

  9. #9
    LiftedDuramax2007 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    Hoping to start feeling the bol this weekend

    Injected myself again last night...this went a little smoother than the last one. I did the other glute and massaged the area for a good 5 minutes before taking a hot shower.

    I'll consider doing the delts, but I only have 1.5" pins. I know to only go in half way (3/4"), but it might be hard to hold it steady at that position.
    Ive used 1.5" pins and i go in 1.25" roughly. I found it went smoother using the 1.5" on my delts

    I did my first pin in my quad and the rest of been on my delts just switching off.

    I get on my knees put my arm extended out infront of me but lay it on my bed and then use my other hand to pin. I rarely have any soreness

  10. #10
    DaBullet is offline Associate Member
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    Good luck bro this cycle is going to blow you up you already have a pretty solid base. Goodluck I will ask one of the doctors here in the ER and see what he recommends bro.

  11. #11
    JasonT's Avatar
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    ^^^ thanks bro...the pain has gotten worse today and i have some sciatic pain running down my leg, almost as if the swelling is pressing against the nerve. No body aches or anything since yesterday though.

  12. #12
    oldschoolfitness's Avatar
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    curious how its going bro results should be great. 1.5 in delts damn i tried that before and not good i like 1" for delts and if i was going to do quads it would be 1" look around the local pharmacies you can find what you need. good luck though

  13. #13
    JasonT's Avatar
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    Pinned the delt yesterday with a 1.5. I left half an inch showing though, went extremely smooth. I used lifted's advice and put my arm out on the bed. Have some soreness today, but nothing major, was still able to get a good chest workout today.

    The pain in my glute from my very first pin is starting to ease up, so that's a good sign.

    Today is day 8 on dbol , I felt a little more strength, but nothing significant yet.

  14. #14
    LiftedDuramax2007 is offline Associate Member
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    good to hear it went smooth

    For some reason everytime I do my left delt it has a little soreness but never any soreness in my right arm.

    I use 1.5" pin and go all the way down or just enough to grab it if it breaks.

  15. #15
    DaBullet is offline Associate Member
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    good to hear that your leg is getting better bro I pinned on my delt to on monday and man my shoulder don't hurt all that much, hardly any soreness at all I think I'm sticking to my delts from now on. Keep us posted!

  16. #16
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    Yeah, the delt was real smooth. Pain feels like a dead arm, but nothing like glute. I think the main problem with glutes is that i'm sitting all day at work.

    My glute feels 100% again, there's a small lump, but zero pain. I'll be doing my other delt tonight and then rotating back to glutes.

    I'm starting to notice a difference with the dbol , I feel much rounder and the pumps in the gym are great. I feel like my body is craving more volume.

    As for my mojo, I noticed it is less watery and the amount has decreased.

  17. #17
    gearBOAH's Avatar
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    good luck bro, it looks like a solid cycle.

  18. #18
    DaMann is offline New Member
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    Glad to hear your doing better bro. Keep us posted.

  19. #19
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    Thanks...pinned the other delt last night. Passed through a nerve i think cuz my shoulder twitched and i felt a sting, but pushed the pin a little further in and injected. Went smooth for the most part.

    I'll be working shoulders tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.

  20. #20
    nycap is offline Banned- Because I give Bad advice - PLEASE DO NOT listen to me
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    there are two possible reasons for the lump: (1) infection forms an abcess; and more likely (2) the shot didnt get deep enough. if its due to an abcess the lump will typically be large, like two inches across on the surface, it will be bruised in appearance, itll feel warm to the touch and be quite sore. rarely an abcess will need to be drained by a doctor to save the muscel. if the lump is only from not getting it deep enough itll be smaller and itll be like more like a large marble in the muscel. the only real problem with this is that sometimes some of the shot escapes out of the muscle you can wind up with a little lump under the skin that dosnt go away. ive had a couple stay for i dont know, like two years. now im very carefull to push the 1.5 inch pin in all the way. i favor 23 or 22 gauge (13 cents a peace at wallmart).

    as far as the cycle goes its perfect for a first cycle. id recomend short and hard though. 2 shots sustanon monday and 2 thursday. 50mgs dbol before everywork out. do this for six week on and six weeks off. you dont need pct becuase of the short cylce length; the body will return to homeostasis for 2 weeks out of 12.

    you wont "feel" the dbol with extended use. it dosnt work like that, it wont biuld up in your system. you have to increase the dose. and then take it right before you work out. Then you will "feel" it and it will help you work out harder and more importantly it will add an anabolic kick to the post work out window for absorbing protien.

    hope this helps, best luck

  21. #21
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    I'm having a similar reaction in my delt right now (same as 1st glute injection). I know that i hit a nerve on the delt, so maybe that's what happened with the glute as well. Glute is ok now (after 2 weeks), but now my delt is swelling down my bicep. You can kind of see in the pic:

  22. #22
    nycap is offline Banned- Because I give Bad advice - PLEASE DO NOT listen to me
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    I can’t really tell from the picture but like I said if it gets all black and blue and feels hot it’s an infection abscess. And if it doesn’t go away then it needs to be drained by a doctor. I’ve had a couple and they just go away after like a week. But i saw this show where this guy tried to drain it himself at home and the infection got into his blood stream and almost killed him, not to mention he lost a chunk of his bicep.

    But lumps in general are nothing to worry about they happen all the time. these compounds are irritating and sometimes the shot will just make a little pool in there before it disperses into the whole muscle. The only solution I’ve found is to push the 1.5 inch pin in all the way. That’s why I never use my delts, I don’t know if they are deep enough. I only use my quads and glutes and I always rotate sites. Also try pushing the plunger down real slow and massaging the site while you hold the cotton ball over the little hole.

    Hope this can help. btw your physique is coming in very nicely.

  23. #23
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    ^^^ Thanks man. It's not black or blue, just red and swollen....exactly like the glute was. I hit shoulders today and was able to ignore the pain.

    tomorrow morning I start week 3. I think i'll be injecting my glute. I'll also be starting hcg @ 250ius, twice a week and adex @ .25mg eod.

  24. #24
    LiftedDuramax2007 is offline Associate Member
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    I might have missed it but which delt was it? right or left? I pinned my left yesterday and now my left arm feels like I got a dead arm. I have not once had a single issue injecting into my right delt.

    And if your diet is spot on and by your pics you should be pretty damn big by the time you are done. HOpe you keep your gains

  25. #25
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    ^^^ It was probably close to a nerve as well. My other delt is fine.

    My diet is good, but i think it's time to up my calories.

  26. #26
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    Also: I'm upping my dbol dosage to 40mg/day

    I was taking a 10mg pill morning, noon, and evening. I'm adding a 4th before workouts. We'll see how that goes.

  27. #27
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Following you now bro, and anxiously awaiting for my own to start kickin!

  28. #28
    DaBullet is offline Associate Member
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    Man that sucks about your arm bro!! This cycle is going to get you huge bro you already have a good base and you should blow up bro. good luck with the arm.

  29. #29
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    I'm in! Looks good that swelling is prob just a nerve. You lookn a bit more swole already.

  30. #30
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    ^^^ no biggie, it's getting better, just a normal virgin muscle reaction

  31. #31
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    So, it turns out I've really been on a test e/laxative cycle....

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    So, it turns out I've really been on a test e/laxative cycle....
    lol whattt???

    so your dbols were laxatives???

  34. #34
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    don't know what they were, but i'm on my fourth week and haven't noticed any significant size/strength changes. I think the test might be starting to creep in. I start week 5 on sunday.

  35. #35
    dezza6969's Avatar
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    That sux mate but when u start getting results from the test the fake dbol
    will b a distant memory

  36. #36
    DaBullet is offline Associate Member
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    hey bro that's some jacked up shit about the dbol ! Hows everything else going man any size increase or strength increase yet?? You started around the same time as I did right??

  37. #37
    arshigtx is offline Junior Member
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    Thats a shame to hear about your dbol being bunk. I know a lot of preparation goes into doing a cycle and to have your stuff be fake must really be a major disappointment. I hope the test works at least and you see some decent gains.

  38. #38
    hektikk is offline Banned
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    im just wondering

    is it possible that ur just not responding to dbol ?

  39. #39
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    After talking with my source (reputable btw), I was assured that the dbol was legit and that it was part of a larger batch in which no other complaints were received.

    I believe this as it is such a cheap product compared to the other legit items I purchased from them and it wouldn't make much sense to produce bunk pills that look identical to the real thing.

    so it is definitely possible that I'm just not responding to these specific dbols. I will try a different lab on the next go around before drawing any conclusions.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaBullet View Post
    hey bro that's some jacked up shit about the dbol! Hows everything else going man any size increase or strength increase yet?? You started around the same time as I did right??
    Started on April 18, this sunday will be the start of week 5 (doing sun/wed).

    I've been sick the past couple days, but have still been forcing myself to stay on point with my diet and workouts.

    I believe the test is starting to kick in, I'm seeing an increase in strength and I feel much fuller. These next few weeks should be fun

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