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Thread: TEST 400/ D-BOL. 1st cycle w/pics

  1. #1

    TEST 400/ D-BOL. 1st cycle w/pics

    Starting Stats. 4-27-10

    Age- 21

    Height- 6 ft.

    Weight- 179-181

    BF%- 10.4

    Max Bench- 235

    Weeks 1-12- Test 400 - 600 mg/week

    Weeks 2-6 Dbol- 30 mg/day

    ok i kno theres 100 other test/dbol cycles but i didnt want that to stop me from getting everyones advice and support. and this will keep me more accountable. 1st pin was monday in glute used a 25g1 that was given to me by supplier. went smooth . wedsnday morning i was feeling it though, a painful lump, im assuming thats normal. But today ( thur.) tried the oppisite thigh much easier to control and visibility etc etc but well see about the soreness. Startin Dbol next monday of week 2 cuz the test came alot sooner and i needed to start asap. plz giv advice and ask questions guys TY
    Last edited by Skywalker727; 04-29-2010 at 08:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    How tall are you?

  3. #3

    Starting Pics

    starting pics guys.
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  4. #4


    my bad-- im 6ft even

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    I think you could have gained a lot more naturally. However, the ship already set sail. Stick to 500mg/wk, or altleast one constanst dose. No reason to pyramid the test. Have a good PCT lined up and best of luck to you.

  6. #6
    I think you couldve gained more naturally too, whats your diet look like?

  7. #7
    RU ****ing kidding me? That cycle wont do shit, its evident you havent done shit in the eating/training dept as of now, cycle will be of no help. Not trying to be an ass, just honest

  8. #8
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    Quote Originally Posted by NVR2BIG1 View Post
    RU ****ing kidding me? That cycle wont do shit, its evident you havent done shit in the eating/training dept as of now, cycle will be of no help. Not trying to be an ass, just honest
    how wont that cycle do shit?

  9. #9


    yo i respect your opinions.. BUT i am an ectomorph body type. I have already come a long ways in the past 2 years of consistant Training. I will be doin this cycle the right way with that help of people that dont comment just to flame and run there mouths and you can hate on me at the end of it if you dont see considerable gains.. but guarantee im giving my 100 % ps feel free to hate more its MOTIVATION

  10. #10
    nycap is offline Banned- Because I give Bad advice - PLEASE DO NOT listen to me
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    dude this cycle is going to work as long as you work out hard. i guess the low dose is becuase its your first time. its understandable but you wont grow boobs and your hair wont fall out if you go a little harder.

    i dont know what you trying accomplish but by looking at your pics id recomend a similar program: sustanon 2 shots monday and 2 shots thursday. 50mg dbol before every workout (5 times a week). do this for 6 weeks on and six weeks off until you get to where you want. and youll get there alot faster doing it this way. btw try getting the shot in deeper to avoid the lump.

    best luck

  11. #11
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    I have a hard time believing that you are 180lbs, unless your legs are stacked.... either way EAT your ass off on and off cycle.

  12. #12
    @ NYcap ty bro ill go deeper next time ( thats what he said lol )

    @****** yea im actually 183 today.(been eating my ass off) legs are good size will try for pic But the upper body pics really dont do me justice. i realize they make me look small. ill have some more in a few weeks when i notice some gains and see what you guys think. thx for followin

    questions-- What size pin do you guys recomend? i will hav to go buy some before monday cuz the first 2 were given to me. they seemed ok to me but dont know if other size would be better. and i feel studid asking this but will the pharmacy sell them with no questions asked or do i need an explanation to buy?? obviously never bought them before.

  13. #13
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    yeah u could have gained some more natural, but who knows how much? one of the best things you should take away from this cycle is the benefit of food and proper training/rest. your appetite will increase and u will see just how much the body needs whole foods compared to how much u are used to eating. so run the cycle enjoy it and work hard naturally before another. remember just because u got some gear does not mean u have to run it right away, save it and prepare for the next. i always like a 21-23ga. 1 1/2 inches for the glutes and 22-23ga. 1 inch for the delts. i have used 25ga. in delts and it helped reduce soreness, but some test is slow as hell to inject. hope this helps ya. good luck man post some results

  14. #14
    Your 6' tall, even as an ectomorph you could have achieved 200 lbs naturally, especially at that height. And to top it off, much more strength than a 235 bench press. I'm not trying to hate, not trying to discourage, and not trying to be rude about it. Steroids are not the answer in your situation

  15. #15
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    Agree w 500wk split. If its a 400 blend which it prob is. Look at the esters and use a split to bennifit from the prop. Prob eod. Or its kinda a waist cuz your T will go up and down the whole cycle. Also 50mg dbol split.. Good luck dude. And a late welcome..

  16. #16
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    And whyle you are on try and try and grow a bigger back and delts. cuz u look kinda narrow. No offence. You have narrow hips try and keep them lean and you will look great!

  17. #17
    nycap is offline Banned- Because I give Bad advice - PLEASE DO NOT listen to me
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    i always favor 1.5 inch 22 or 23 gauge pins but ill go down to 20 if i cant find that size easily. i find that that the sus takes too long to pull up and push through a 25 but it will be more comfortable if you have the patience. i get them at a walmart pharmacy (13 cents a piece) which is the cheapest, or ekcord, cvs, and target. in that order, target charges like 6 bucks for 10. just go to the phamacist and tell him/her what you want and theyll give them to you. they might check your id since your young so dont forget it.

    hope this helps, best luck

  18. #18
    Post your diet....

  19. #19
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    again I think you could have and should have waited a bit but then again mate thats down to you... I will be checking your progress, eat like a maniac, 6, 7 or 8 times a day, get some whey protein to keep fuelled up all day long!

    Good luck to you

  20. #20
    ok just got off work. and just ate until I felt sick. btw i will post diet later tonight but now im gonna run to walmart and get those new pins.. thanks for the advice guys. Straight up thats the reason i wanted to post. the forum community is awesome and a huge help and guidance through this. when i woke up my thigh was really fukin sore. nothing i cant handle. but with the new pins i will try the glute again making sure to go deeper this time. ps Im gonna eat more and more. yea i do need to build my back and delts. i feel my lats kind of lag. but im just gonna push myself harder and eat more. so no offense taken. thanks for the input everyone
    Last edited by Skywalker727; 04-30-2010 at 06:13 PM.

  21. #21
    Sup guys, just got home from the gym hit shoulders and traps. Str was great. although i was limpin around the gym like a fukin cripple. thigh hurts sooo bad lol. I got new pins yesterday at walgreens 22g 1.5 inch so ill let you know how that size goes on monday. WEIGHT- jus weighed myself im 184. gain of 4 pounds , though i am aware this is primarily due to the fact that ive been eating like a mad man. how long do u guys think until i see the gains from the test?? and when you feel the effects stongly. im picking up 120 10 mg D bol tabs tonight i decided to up the daily intake to 40 mg. i will take 1 in the morning and 3 before work out. let me know what you guys think about that.

    Question - i know painful injections is a part of being on a cycle. but do you guys have any tips on preventing or caring for the pain?? heating pads? daily massage?? stretching?? plz give me the do's and donts.. as of now it hurts really bad to fully extend my leg. and to stretch quad is equally painful..

    ALSO lower back was hurting last night is it possible that i hav some pumps already , or is most likely due to sumthing else? TY guys show some love

  22. #22
    nycap is offline Banned- Because I give Bad advice - PLEASE DO NOT listen to me
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    yeah these compounds can be very irritating especially the short ester ones. the only thing that helps me is to put the pin all the way in and make sure the site isnt being over used. if your still having problems try this: push the plunger down really really slow, like a quater of a ml per minute. no bullshit it takes like 5 minutes to put the shot in but when i use my quad its real easy in front of the tv with my leg on the coffee table. and then when you pull the needle out and put the pad or bandaid or whatever on gently push down and massage the injection site for a few minutes. the idea is to get the oil to disperse into the whole muscle and not sit in a little pool in there which makes it worse.

    best luck

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Skywalker727 View Post
    ok just got off work. and just ate until I felt sick. btw i will post diet later tonight but now im gonna run to walmart and get those new pins.. thanks for the advice guys. Straight up thats the reason i wanted to post. the forum community is awesome and a huge help and guidance through this. when i woke up my thigh was really fukin sore. nothing i cant handle. but with the new pins i will try the glute again making sure to go deeper this time. ps Im gonna eat more and more. yea i do need to build my back and delts. i feel my lats kind of lag. but im just gonna push myself harder and eat more. so no offense taken. thanks for the input everyone
    Now your on the right track, keep eating!

  24. #24
    ok guys. tue 6 am- 8 days in. i finally got my hands on the dbol sunday night. i got 100 25mg pills. ill be doin 50mg a day. i know thats high but i will do 25mg on days i dont work out. and im taking milk thistle and hawthorne berry liver protection. last night i worked chest and tri. Str was good and i also weighed myself. 187! 7 lbs already. ive been eating soo good im proud of myself. also Pinned my left glute yesterday with the new 22g. and ya there soo much bigger than the 25. but it really wasnt that bad. feeling the usual soreness. still have a good size lump in the other cheek from the first pin. goin away slowly tho.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    You really can't gain 7 lbs in 8 days... However you can bloat 7 lbs of water that quickly.
    Don't get me wrong yur gonna get big, just remember it takes a month or two even with test. And DBOL is notorious for water gain so don't let it go to yur head and end up ripping a tendon

  26. #26
    what would i do without comments like that? lol rip a tendon wtf
    BTW only been on dbol 1 day when i posted that. so ur suggesting i gained 7 lbs of water in 1 day?? and yea i kno its not dry gains. just stating that fact i gained 7 lbs dum ass. i just dont like comments that arent constructive in the least bit so go sumwhere else with that shit

  27. #27
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    I put on 13 in two weeks without gear. Not all muscle tho I wish! That's with am cardio 4 days wk and pm cardio 3days wk. Think its all the blood in my legs from walkin, runnin, stairs, and all. And I ate half a cake and everything I could find saturday. I probobly hit 10,000 cals that day. Oops. Good job keepn track and eatn!

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skywalker727 View Post
    what would i do without comments like that? lol rip a tendon wtf
    BTW only been on dbol 1 day when i posted that. so ur suggesting i gained 7 lbs of water in 1 day?? and yea i kno its not dry gains. just stating that fact i gained 7 lbs dum ass. i just dont like comments that arent constructive in the least bit so go sumwhere else with that shit
    Ok listen up
    the dbol didn't make you gain water in a day, the test you were already on did. As for the tendons, injecting test prevents tendons from properly regenerating and many people, like my neighbor, become over zealous in there water bloated stated and end up with a tendon injury that lasts months.
    You would know all of this IF you bothered to do any research before hand. How was what I said earlier not constructive again? Do you think I have nothing better to do than go online and insult strangers? You are obviously an egotistical child you should have saved the gear for a more mature year. And go ahead and respond and call me names again; defend and inflate your Internet-ego, I'm unsubscribing

  29. #29
    ok guys.. Its now been 2 weeks since i started. once again i started the test 1 week Earlier so ive only been on D-bol 1 full week now. yesterday at the gym i weighed in at 193. and ive already recieved several comments on looking bigger. So im staying right on track to keep up the progress im already making. Im doing my best to eat as much as possible.

    OK i Have a few questions once again.
    As far as incections ive been switching around between by glutes and left quad.

    My question is, once i find my most comfortable place to pin, Is it necessary to still try to alternate to other spots so i dont over do that spot?? will injecting too much in one spot possibly cause some sort of imbalance?? Or do you guys stick to the spot that works and ride it out??

    And my other question is is it normal for my spine/ tailbone to become EXTREMELY sensitive and cause alot of pain, for a few days after injecting the glute. ps i think the next shot i will try my delt for the first time. see how that goes.

    In a week or so ill post some new pics for you guys. help me track my progress as well.


  30. #30



  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Hi sky

    I think its good to move your jabs around so less scar tissue builds up, it also gives that area time to rest and for all oils to disperse. So yes you can pin where you want mate, just makes more sense to move it around

  32. #32
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Skywalker727 View Post

    And my other question is is it normal for my spine/ tailbone to become EXTREMELY sensitive and cause alot of pain, for a few days after injecting the glute. ps i think the next shot i will try my delt for the first time. see how that goes.
    Not to sure regarding this one, sounds like the build up of the injection is causing the pain before it disperses as its disappearing after a few days. This may be due to the swelling pushing onto nerves in your lower back area. My mate had stinging and uncomfortable feelings after Primo enanthate 200mg/ml but they subsided after 48 hours also.

    He also moved to delt

    If any one else knows though please feel free to correct me

  33. #33
    WoW guys.. Just got home from the gym, and DAMN great fukin workout. I hit new records for chest and basically blew out my old records.

    Flat bench- hit 245 for 5 good reps
    Incline - 80 lb dumbells for 6 very solid reps

    didnt go really heavy on decline cuz i was pretty spent. 185 for 6 i think still about the highest ive done in a long time
    So this was the first time i can really say i felt the DBOL take me to a new lvl in strength. i was doubting the quality of what i have but now im pretty confident its good.

    WEIGHT! weight was also a new personal best ever at 198 both at work earlier today and tonight after i lifted. so im pretty pumped right now just feels good to see these gains and im gonna push HARD for more and stay right on track.

    PS pinned the delt today for first time kinda uncomfortable but well see how it feels tommorrow peace

  34. #34

    NEW PICS!!! check them out

    here they are new pics after 1 month on.

    Starting weight --180

    Current weight -- 200

    what you guys think??? im pretty pumped about the gains so far.
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  35. #35

    New pics!

    these are back obviously.
    I can say ive seen big gains in my Lats considering they have always been small
    What do you guys think?!
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  36. #36
    Join Date
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    New York
    I'm looking at your beggining pics and now these, Its noticeable you've made some gains. I'm a little over a month in my self and i guess i've made similar gains on the same cycle minus the Dbols...

  37. #37
    well though more people would comment on pics ..

    anyway off to the gym

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Ill comment! Looken big dude 20lbs in 4wks pretty darn good. I bet u feel like a freak! Lol

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    And your back looks way better. I switch pins rotate boath glutes, delts, quads. Even tris sometimes. Keep it up you just got started.

  40. #40
    Man, why do some guys have to be such jerks? Seriously, we are just trying to get info and some of you guys are breakin our balls. What is that about?

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