Starting Stats. 4-27-10
Age- 21
Height- 6 ft.
Weight- 179-181
BF%- 10.4
Max Bench- 235
Weeks 1-12- Test 400 - 600 mg/week
Weeks 2-6 Dbol- 30 mg/day
ok i kno theres 100 other test/dbol cycles but i didnt want that to stop me from getting everyones advice and support. and this will keep me more accountable. 1st pin was monday in glute used a 25g1 that was given to me by supplier. went smooth . wedsnday morning i was feeling it though, a painful lump, im assuming thats normal. But today ( thur.) tried the oppisite thigh much easier to control and visibility etc etc but well see about the soreness. Startin Dbol next monday of week 2 cuz the test came alot sooner and i needed to start asap. plz giv advice and ask questions guys TY