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Thread: Anavar 10 week cycle + (4 week) nolva / clomid PCT

  1. #1

    Anavar 10 week cycle + (4 week) nolva / clomid PCT

    Hi Guys,

    Can I get some feedback on the following quantities.

    I am 32 years old
    about 85 kg
    about 20% bf
    Been weightlifting for about 18 months nautrally, overall very healthy with good diet

    Would like to get on a var oral only cycle, I am limited to only

    350 Var 10mg tabs
    50 x 20ml nolva tabs
    50 x 50ml clom tabs

    Week 1
    Var 30mg / day

    Week 2
    Var 40mg / day

    Week 3 - Week 8
    Var 60mg / day

    Week 9
    Var 40mg / day

    Week 10
    Var 30 mg / day

    Week 11
    Clom 70 mg
    Nolva 40 mg

    Week 12
    Clom 35 mg
    Nolva 20 mg

    Week 13
    Clom 35 mg
    Nolva 20 mg

    Week 14
    Clom 35 mg
    Nolva 20 mg

    Anu suggestions or veriations?

    Thank you in advance

  2. #2
    Hi Guys,

    Can I please get an answer from someone?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Los Angeles
    I would tell you that your MUCH better off running higher does for a shorter period of time. When you get below 40 to 50mg it will do little to nothing.

    Your cycle should look something like this:

    Week 1:
    Anavar- 50mg (split in 2 doses)

    Week 2 to 6:
    Anavar- 80mg (split in 2 doses)

    Week 7:
    Anavar- 50mg (split in 2 doses)
    Nolv- 30mg daily

    Week 8 through 9:
    Nolv- 20mg daily
    Clom- 50mg daily
    Milk Thistle- 500mg
    NAC- 500mg

    This is a VERY mild you do not need a very aggressive PCT program.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Los Angeles
    oh ya, when i say (split in 2 doses) i mean 2 doses a day, not a week...... so 8am/8pm....even though the half life is around 6 to 8 hours.....the 12 hour split seems to work best IMO

  5. #5
    excellent, Thank you very much

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom-Fighter View Post
    oh ya, when i say (split in 2 doses) i mean 2 doses a day, not a week...... so 8am/8pm....even though the half life is around 6 to 8 hours.....the 12 hour split seems to work best IMO
    So just to confirm with the above on Week 1 on any day I would take 50mg at 8am and 50 mg at 8pm and not 25/25?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    no i think he meant 50mg split so 25mg each which if 10mg

    i would do 30 mg in the morning and 20 at night. or other way around.

    bump for others

  8. #8
    nycap is offline Banned- Because I give Bad advice - PLEASE DO NOT listen to me
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    save the pct stuff for when you try something stronger. you dont pct any time you use only pills, your balls will never shrink, the cycles are too short and the levels dont get high enough. all the pct stuff is to expensive to waste. forget the pyrmid thing youll waste that expensive drug. take 40mg twice a day for 6 weeks or id be suprised if you gain any strength outside of what youve been seeing off it. i know its only anavar but these pills can **** your liver up if you take them for to long. you can do 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off with no fear even if you do it for the whole year. anavar is for kids, literally! try tbol, 50mgs every 12 hours for 6 weeks, you will be much more happy with the results, you WILL get much stronger, and you will have no sides at all. but anavar? no bullshit its good for women and kids. for the money you spend the results are disapointing, at least they were for me; drugs effect everyone differently.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by nycap View Post
    save the pct stuff for when you try something stronger. you dont pct any time you use only pills, your balls will never shrink, the cycles are too short and the levels dont get high enough. all the pct stuff is to expensive to waste. forget the pyrmid thing youll waste that expensive drug. take 40mg twice a day for 6 weeks or id be suprised if you gain any strength outside of what youve been seeing off it. i know its only anavar but these pills can **** your liver up if you take them for to long. you can do 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off with no fear even if you do it for the whole year. anavar is for kids, literally! try tbol, 50mgs every 12 hours for 6 weeks, you will be much more happy with the results, you WILL get much stronger, and you will have no sides at all. but anavar? no bullshit its good for women and kids. for the money you spend the results are disapointing, at least they were for me; drugs effect everyone differently.
    the only things i agree with in this post is forget the pyramid approach and if taken to long can cause liver problems.

  10. #10
    nycap is offline Banned- Because I give Bad advice - PLEASE DO NOT listen to me
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    look at the prescribing information pamphlet that comes in the anavar box: “indicated for use in children to stimulate growth and in women to prevent osteoporosis”. If you don’t agree with that and you think you can get big off it then you never had/used the stuff.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    do you even know what you are talking about,NO!

  12. #12
    nycap is offline Banned- Because I give Bad advice - PLEASE DO NOT listen to me
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    dont be mad at me cuase you never even had the stuff. if you think you can get big off anavar then your the one who dosnt know what theyre talking about!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    lmao,you are entertaining i give you that.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    i wouldnt taper the dosage, just use 60 mg ed for 8 wks or 70mg/ed for 7wks, or 80mg/ed for 6 wks( then send me the scraps you have left as payment on this great advice, lol,jk.). I think its best to maintain the amount of the substance in your blood levels so your body can reach homeostasis. others will chime in just keep up the research before you get to it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Keep a log of this cycle and keep updating us of your progress. I am planning an anavar only cycle too so I could use all the info I can get my hands on.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Hi mate, some good advise here, I would prob go between 40 to 80 MG per day for 8 to 10 weeks, (maybe start on 40 and see how you feel first week then up to 60 or 80) then maybe some nolva for PCT, as said above it really dont mess with your HPTA, and Anavar dont aromatize (convert to estrogen) so no need for an epic PCT.

    Good luck, I will be watching your thread

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