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Thread: Sust/Winstrol First Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Sust/Winstrol First Cycle

    So Ive finally taken the plunge. I have done a lot of research so please before you launch into that know that I have and continue to constantly read as much as I can about these.

    Im going to get my stuff on Friday from a friend who uses already and has done this cycle.

    I'll be keeping a log here of how everything goes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Stats: 23
    Been lifting for 5 years and been an athlete since I was 5.

    Gained about 15 lbs of muscle 3 years ago and since then have had trouble gaining.

  3. #3
    Sust is going to be painful but I heard if you mix Tren with sust then it help out a lot. I was talking with a buddy and he told me about injecting b-12 with the sust will also help the pain. I am trying this next week because right now it feels like a damn golf ball is in my leg. You will see good gains on sust just becarful with the stanozolol. Take milk thistle and don't forget clomid and HCT for after the cycle of sust.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jocdrew25 View Post
    Sust is going to be painful but I heard if you mix Tren with sust then it help out a lot. I was talking with a buddy and he told me about injecting b-12 with the sust will also help the pain. I am trying this next week because right now it feels like a damn golf ball is in my leg. You will see good gains on sust just becarful with the stanozolol. Take milk thistle and don't forget clomid and HCT for after the cycle of sust.
    I hope you read more and advise less.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I hope you read more and advise less.
    This guy is not real, he's also in the supplement form tell people to take test and tren....

  6. #6
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    iam on a sus.270 and my frist injection was in the azz.....boy was that a misteak.....i couldnt sit for 3days it was so ****ing painfull....the shoulder is alot more and waite till you go to sleep at night and wake up in the morr...coverd in sweat it ****ing sucks....what is b12 and how do you take it with the sustanon?

  7. #7
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    i just injected 1hour ago and there is a little pain already...not that bad though

  8. #8
    nycap is offline Banned- Because I give Bad advice - PLEASE DO NOT listen to me
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    what is sus 270? i have sus 250's and they dont hurt at all. when i used test prop it hurt alot so i mixed it with ganabol which worked great to get rid of the irritation.

  9. #9
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    Changed my cycle to Test E/Winstrol!

    Starting in a week because I have to go out of town and dont wanna start till im at home full time.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Changed my cycle to Test E/Winstrol!

    Starting in a week because I have to go out of town and dont wanna start till im at home full time.

  11. #11
    nycap is offline Banned- Because I give Bad advice - PLEASE DO NOT listen to me
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    test and winny is a great cycle. what are the doses your taking? and is the winstrol depot or is some other stanazonol shots or pills?

  12. #12
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    Not sure about doses yet. Have to wait to start for another week because Im leaving town for 5 days thursday.

    Any advice?

  13. #13
    nycap is offline Banned- Because I give Bad advice - PLEASE DO NOT listen to me
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    im guessing this is your first time? i dont know what gear you have but most test e comes in 250mg amps and winstrol comes in 50mg amps. id say to take two shots of test e on the first day and one shot every 7 days there after for 8 weeks. take one amp of winstrol mon, wed, fri for 6 weeks. if you have stanazanol pills then take like 20mgs-40mgs everytime you work out for 6 weeks. this should be plenty to push you past your platuae and give you a nice pump.

  14. #14
    nycap is offline Banned- Because I give Bad advice - PLEASE DO NOT listen to me
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    Quote Originally Posted by imwithgreen View Post
    Changed my cycle to Test E/Winstrol!

    Starting in a week because I have to go out of town and dont wanna start till im at home full time.
    i woulda stuck with the sustanon. i wouldnt use any other test unless the price was alot lower. i know test is test but at the same time its not. im tellin ya from expeirence sustanon just works way better.

  15. #15
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    Yeah unfortunately the guy couldn't get sust. Its so ****ing complicated getting this stuff.

  16. #16
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    Truthfully i dont think you are ready to cycle looking at your stats. More than likely you need to work on your diet

  17. #17
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    Thanks Nole but stats don't give an accurate view. I am always told I'm big for my age, I want to take it to the next level. I don't need another lecture.

  18. #18
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    Just started my cycle off today with 500 mg shot of test e! Was very nervous but think I did everything to a T and don't feel any soreness.

    Obviously its going to take a while to start getting in my system but im working really hard until then.

    Today started with a 44 G Protein Shake with water.
    Mango Salad with Vinagerette, tomatoes, and Chicken for Lunch
    Second Lunch of 4 egg whites 3 Whole Eggs
    Pre Workout Protein Shake of 44 G of Protein mixed with BCAA and Flax Seed
    Post Workout Protein 44 G mixed with BCAA Powder.
    Dinner 2 servings of 20 G Protein lean ground turkey and 2 low carb tortillas.

    Let me know what you guys think of that. I am kind of low on carbs I need to pick that up especially in the first half of the day.

  19. #19
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    So 48 hours in.

    Keeping my protein super high.

    My ass check is sore as hell but I think its normal levels. Basically feels like after you do an intense gluteal excercises and havent done them for months and the next day you're crazy sore.

    Itching for Saturday to get here so I can take my second shot.

    Obviously too soon to notice effects but I will say that the normal pump I get after working out a certain body part well usually by the next day that pump has gone down but ive noticed that the pump I got from doing biceps yesterday did not go away today and they looked just as pumped.

    Im sure Im just seeing things that I want to be there ;-). So ready for this stuff to kick in full!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Ok, are we talking about sustaplex or sustanon, sustaplex 325 is what I just started and the site is painless. starting out with 325/ week right now then 450/week. I have heard a lot of good things about this gear.
    Last edited by DSW; 05-29-2010 at 07:23 PM.

  21. #21
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    I decided not to go with sust and changed to Test E instead.

    One week in. Not seeing much in terms of gains obviously that takes time.

    A few of my friends said that I look like im filling out and they all said that im looking a lot more vascular.

    Working to keep my protein high.

    Just got my Winstrol and will be starting it at week 5.

  22. #22
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    1 1/2 weeks before and after. ITs hard to see in these pictures but people who dont even know im on a cycle are asking me whats going on saying I look bigger and my family has asked if im on roids :-p. Know its really soon but I feel like its working!

    Gained about 4 lbs. Having some water retention in my face and stomach unfortunately! Before:
    AFter 1 1/2 weeks:

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Those pics didnt work...
    Photo in black shorts is before
    PHoto in boxers is the after 1 1/2 weeks.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  24. #24
    new member looking for legit site for purchase please help

    *wow, not a good idea..

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