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Thread: Test E and the scale

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    New York

    Test E and the scale

    The scale is killing me, im weighing my self daily.. Its driving me crazy.. I just started week 7 of my Test E cycle,

    250mg 2x a week [5 weeks]

    Now 300mg 2x a week [5 weeks]

    ( the extra 100mgs only because of a differen't labs dosage. )
    [10 weeks total]
    [Not takeing any AI]

    Height: 5'5
    Age: 23

    Exp: Weight training: 4 years,, sports and martial arts backround since forever...

    AAS Exp: None, 1st cycle

    I started at roughly 202 lbs at 15-16% BF.

    I'm currently 207 at around 14-15% BF..

    I've been eating aprox 3000-3300 calories , drinking 1.5 gals of water + daily
    I take 5mg of creatine monohydrate PWO, a multivitamin and Chronodrin,Glucoasmine,MSM Triple strength - daily.

    My training is currently : Legs, Push, Pull, Off / Cardio 3x a week [low intensity]
    I squat,deadlift,bench 2xweekly, High Intensity and low volume.. , My lifting style is heavy and explosive.

    Before this routine i was doing a HST program 3days on 1 off For about 4 weeks.

    I definitely see some big improvements my self, and I kno im prob. my biggest critic.. I've gotten compliments from others..
    Also I've had some huge strength gains ... Overall i feel amazing..
    I feel like its been a success. However I keep expecting to see some bigger numbers as far as the scale!! This F-ing Scale!! Is it wrong to base my gains soley on weight? I figured I would be atleast 210-212 right now.. Am I doing something wrong Besides driving my self crazy?? Am I expecting too much or am i just a bum ?? I still have about 5-6 weeks until PCT so its not over yet.. Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Hey man, im pretty sure ive heard that on test E right around week 7 is when the real gains START to happen, i may be wrong but i think your next couple of weeks will be the big ones.

    I would keep doing what your doing and just make sure your protein consumption is very high.
    Good luck brother, keep us updated over the next weeks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Big Apple
    Dde, I was the same way on my cycle. ..
    Only after week7 did I start feeling the effects, that's when I decided
    to extend the cycle 12 weeks total.
    Keep working hard and get ready for the greatest next5 weeks.

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