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Thread: First cycle - Anavar only

  1. #1

    First cycle - Anavar only

    Last edited by Weightliftr; 08-21-2018 at 01:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Last edited by Weightliftr; 08-21-2018 at 01:56 AM.

  3. #3
    Last edited by Weightliftr; 08-21-2018 at 01:55 AM.

  4. #4
    Last edited by Weightliftr; 08-21-2018 at 01:56 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    ...have you figured out if its var or dbol?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    It sounds like it's not anavar. Anavar sides don't include hair loss I was nervous about hair loss as well but anavar doesn't use dht the same way other steroids do and should not result hair loss. Also I've read up a lot on anavar and have only heard a couple people that gained weight and they only gained a couple pounds for you to gain 7 and not lean out more is hard to believe it could be anavar.

  7. #7
    Last edited by Weightliftr; 08-21-2018 at 01:56 AM.

  8. #8
    Last edited by Weightliftr; 08-21-2018 at 01:57 AM.

  9. #9
    how tall and % bf?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Drop BF then consider the use of Var.

  11. #11
    Last edited by Weightliftr; 08-21-2018 at 01:57 AM.

  12. #12
    Last edited by Weightliftr; 08-21-2018 at 01:58 AM.

  13. #13
    Last edited by Weightliftr; 08-21-2018 at 01:58 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Sorry but you wanted to start an oxandrolone only cycle @ 20 mg ed for 7 weeks?

  15. #15
    Last edited by Weightliftr; 08-21-2018 at 01:58 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Weightliftr View Post
    Yup. I wanted a light cycle with very few side effects, and modest gains. I got modest gains, but the side effects were unacceptable.
    Because it was not var otherwise you would have gotten no gains and probably no sides at all.

  17. #17
    Last edited by Weightliftr; 08-21-2018 at 01:59 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Weightliftr View Post
    Yup. I wanted a light cycle with very few side effects, and modest gains. I got modest gains, but the side effects were unacceptable.
    14 pounds gained in 7 weeks.... that is only modest gains to you????

    Quote Originally Posted by Weightliftr View Post
    the mfr recommended theraputic dose for anavar is up to 20 mg/day. the studies I read showed a gain of 5-6 lbs of lbm in a clinical trials, along with a decent amount of fat loss. And, that fat loss/muscle gain was maintained after the cycle. That's what I was going for. That's not most people's goal who post here, but it was mine. I didn't want the gains I'm getting now with test-e, and with whatever it was I actually took.

    Now that I have these gains, though, I'm liking it, and will stick with it. I've changed my mind. Now, I do want bigger gains than anavar would have given me.

    You need to cut fat not make gains. Also just because you read in a clinical study that someone gained "X" amount of LBM because of Anavar doesn't mean you will. They are not doing these clinical studies on Healthy athletes. In most cases these people are sick and dying and there body must put on LBM to survive, so they will make more gains then you. You need to do a lot more research here, you seem to be going into all of this extremely blind.

    Good Luck

  19. #19
    Last edited by Weightliftr; 08-21-2018 at 01:59 AM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Starbucks in Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Weightliftr View Post
    The particular study I was talking about included a wide variety of subjects - including some 20 year old college students. Most in good health. They all had similar results, with the exception of the really old guys, who didn't gain as much (70+ years old)

    Be that as it may...

    Main point for me now is my fat percentage. Here's the reasons I've heard why taking steroids at a high BF percentage is bad:

    1) diet is likely not in order, making it hard to build and keep gains post cycle
    2) higher likelyhood of side effects with increased BF %
    3) bulking on a cycle adds some fat, so you're adding more fat to an already fat body making it more difficult to reduce fat afterwards, and increasing the chance that you'll loose most of your gains.

    from my vantage point, these are all manageable, and begs the question, 'so what?' Not trying to be argumentative, just wanting to see if there's something I missed.

    Main 'ammo' for my position:
    First note, can you please provide this study you are referring to?? Thanks

    Ok, I can understand your point, but lets look at some facts here you are being mature about this and stating why you feel the way you do, now let me state my point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Weightliftr View Post
    A friend told me about a particular website, and I ordered anavar along with nolva - enough for two 7 week cycles, 20mg/day.
    Ok, so you didn't even know where to get gear.... You intentionally ordered Anavar to dose it at 20mg/ed for 7 weeks. Let's look at this further. If you were ready for AAS and had done enough research you would know where to get gear without having to turn to your friend. If you were ready for AAS and did enough research you would not find anyone, anywhere telling you to do a cycle of Anavar at 20mg/ed for 7 weeks. All you are doing is wasting your money, I don't care what your study says.

    Quote Originally Posted by Weightliftr View Post
    Hair is falling out much faster - was in the process of loosing it anyway
    Blood pressure is up: 162/85 after a does, goes down to 150/85 12 hours later
    Took an over the counter diuretic for BP, seems to have little effect

    I gained 4 lbs the first 3 days, then over the next couple weeks, gained another 3 lbs.
    You start to notice sides like this and think its a good idea to be continuing on your course considering anavar does not have sides like this. This means you have no idea what exactly you are taking... Sounds safe enough to continue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Weightliftr View Post
    Training is good. Diet needs some work. Will work on it and will also start posting training and food here.
    You admit 2 weeks into your cycle that your diet is bad.... hmmm maybe you rushed into this cycle if you can't even control your diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Weightliftr View Post
    I got the blood pressure thing figured out. The cuff was too tight. I have a large cuff, but was velcro-ing it down too much. Evidently you're not supposed to do that - throws off the reading.
    I Don't think I need to go into this do I??

    Quote Originally Posted by Weightliftr View Post
    6' not sure about BF% 20%? maybe more?
    You don't even know your body fat but you're pretty sure it's over 20%. Sounds like you are fully aware of your body and you're ready for AAS

    Quote Originally Posted by Weightliftr View Post
    its been a while since I updated. I continued the 'anavar' for another week...'till mid June, went on 20 mg/day of nolva for 2 weeks. My BP had gone up some more and it was time to call it quits. July 2, I started on 300 mg of Test -e every 5 days. Also taking 10 mg/day Nolva. Pic is from July 14. I'm still at 230. I'm trying to loose fat and build muscle at the same time. I've added 3 days a week, 25 mins/day cardio. I've definintely lost some fat - can feel it around my neck and chin in particular. And, I've gained some muscle. Calories are about 3200-3500 a day. I have about 10 weeks left in the test-e cycle. No sides but a few zits. BP is 135/80 - elevated, but reasonable.

    I should have just started with the test-e to begin with (as per many recommendations all over the internet). Still not wanting to listen to the people who say I should loose fat before cycling first. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully I'm a success story and not an object lesson.
    This post just sums it all up in one nice little package... Almost straight into an extremely low dose test e cycle and admitting that you already didn't listen to people online before regarding starting with a test cycle and continuing to talk about how you are choosing to ignore more people telling you to lose fat first.... hoping you'll be a success story.... It's not gonna happen.... maybe go buy a lottery ticket while you're at it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Weightliftr View Post
    Yup. I wanted a light cycle with very few side effects, and modest gains. I got modest gains, but the side effects were unacceptable.
    You gained 11 pounds in what... like 26 days on what you thought was "Anavar" and you're calling it modest gains?? You must think Steroids are like magic pills or something.... I would hate to find out what you think extreme gains are!?!

    I don't think I need to say anything else, other than the fact that you are not ready for AAS Physically or Mentally. Please do some more research and get you diet in check and BF down before you move forward anymore... Please

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