Several previous cycles, you can find them on here if you seach my threads.
This cycle is 10 weeks prop at 75mg daily, 3-4 weeks dbol at 30mg daily.
I'm 6'1, training for a while, competed in a local show in 2007. Prior to this cycle, I primed and cut down to 190 from around 200 by going low carb a couple of weeks. Not looking to do anything crazy with this cycle. Goal is to put on lean muscle and add to size to my legs whch are still recovering from a couple of knee surgeries over the past two years.
I just finished week 2 and I'm up to 211 evening weight. Mainly water gain from the dbol. Strength is way up and generally feeling good overall. No sides to speak of.
I probably won't be updating too often but I'll be sure to throw up pics at the end.