What's going on fellas....I've been hooked to this site for the past few months and I got to tell ya its badass...finally received my gear a few weeks ago and am just making sure everything is good to go before I start ( Diet,lift routines, work schedule, yada yada....) So enough chit chatting...lets get to the good stuff....
Height- 5'10
Cycle exp.- First cycle
Lifting exp.- 5+yrs
Wks 1-10 Sust. 500mgs wk (250mg Mon- 250mg Thursday)
WKs 1-6 D-Bol 30mgs ed
Wks 1-10 Anastrozol .25mgs ed
Wks 1-10 HCG 300-500IU every 4-5 days
2 weeks after last shot
Wk 1- 40mg Nolva/100mg Clomid ed
Wk 2- 30mg Nolva/50mg Clomid ed
Wk 3- 20mg Nolva/50mg Clomid ed
If I missed anything just let me know and I'll make sure to get the info for you guys....I'm going to update as much as I can and let you guys know the progress I am making ( Hopefully freakin amazing gains and strength increase)...I know everything you guys throw at me, especially you veterans, is for my own good so I will take what you guys say to heart for sure....I plan on my first shot to be this coming Monday so we will see how that goes.....hope to hear from ya guys....