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Thread: Eating like crap, drinking to much, and making nice gains???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Talking Eating like crap, drinking to much, and making nice gains???

    I have been off my cycle for two months now, and for some reason I have made some really great natural gains over the last two weeks!!
    Do you guys see this a couple of months post cycle? I hit the clomid hard, and some HCG, nuts are big again. I feel stronger than I did at the peak of my last cycle! I went out and boozed 4 times last week, and ate pizza twice, and didnt get much sleep. I have still maintained my creatine, and some sups, but not like I have been over the last three months. Not taking any ECA, and slowed down on my protien intake. Weird huh? I am hitting the diet hard this week, and uping my cardio. (I packed on 8 lbs over the last three weeks) I was in meetings and was unable to hit a good gym on a consistant basis for the last two weeks. Maybe I needed some time off?? ANyway I thought I would share.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Dallas, TX
    man, my first two cycles during and after i boozed almost every night and usually ate what i wanted to. binging at night. anyway, i have put on 30 pounds in the last two years and i am one of the most ripped dudes in my gym. i am beginning to realize the value of eating and living healthy while trying to lift religiously. i am doing it now, and am having some of my best workouts EVER. but, still thiry pounds of lean mass ain't too bad...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Thanks bro
    I agree, Sometimes just eating like crazy works for me, I am really looking forward to my next cycle in another month or so. Although with the gains I have made lately Im not sure if I wanna start this cycle I have planned. I may wait a while before I hit the gear again/ Take care bro

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    San Diego
    Thats what happened to me! But actualy when I started a cleaner diet, I felt better, and made major gains 3 months after my last cycle! Natural gains are awesome!

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