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Thread: DNP Cycle - On a Targeted Keto Diet (Complete)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada

    DNP Cycle - On a Targeted Keto Diet (Complete)

    I am writing this on day one of my DNP cycle, but posting upon completion of the cycle

    I have been running a TKD (Targeted Keto Diet) which includes post workout carbs. I started the diet 13 weeks before starting the DNP. My weight before starting the diet was 208lbs at approximately 19% BF. My weight starting the DNP is 190lbs at 12% BF. The reason for the DNP cycle is I feel my body is becoming accustomed to my diet and I am slowing down. My goal with this DNP is to get myself under 10% BF, I have no goal for weight.

    I know a lot of people say you should not run DNP while on a keto diet and that you will see less results at lower BF.... We are about to put those statements to the test.

    The length of cycle will be 14 days and dosing will be 200mg/ed for days 1 to 3 then 400mg/ed for days 4 to 14.

    My actual weight the morning of starting the DNP is 194lbs although I just came off my refeed day and for any of you that are familiar with a keto diet you will weigh more than normal coming off your refeed day, so I think its safe to say my actual weight it 190 as it was 48 hours ago.

    - Day 1 - Dose 200mg

    I felt no change and no sides.... I did however seem to get slightly warmer at certain points during the day. I think I can contribute that to the placebo effect and the work I was doing at that exact moment. Actually the only thing I did notice is my desire for water went way up and I drink a lot of water as it is... 2 gallons a day and today I drank more!

    - Day 2 - Dose 200mg

    Back down to my original weight of 190 this more other than that, nothing new to report.... no sides except for a massive desire for water.

    - Day 3 - Dose 200mg

    Well.... again, nothing exciting. Same as the last 2 days, same insane craving for water. I may be getting slight hot flashes but I am not sure, it was a lot warmer outside today then it has been the last 2 days. One thing I did notice is; I chew tobacco and when I do it, I dip extremely big which results in extreme levels of nicotine.... kinda like smoking 4 cigarette at once in under 1 minute. Normally when I chew I am fine but today during my second dip of the day, I got really light headed and dizzy and had to take the chew out.... it was almost like a nicotine overdose , if you've ever had one before you know how unpleasant they are..... So no more chewing while on the DNP.

    I did my first training day today since starting DNP. I worked Chest and Biceps and to be honest with you.... one of the best work outs of my life. I can't explain why, I wasn't lifting heavier or doing more reps, it just felt amazing and smooth. The best way to describe it is Euphoric. I hope my workouts continue like this for the remainder of the cycle.

    - Day 4 - Dose 400mg

    Well I am not sure if I am getting hot or not..... Whenever I started to heat up I asked the guys in my office if was hot and they said yes. See my office never maintains a steady temp, it gets hot and cold.... it is very annoying. I got a little bit of cramping in my leg today which I think I can attribute to the DNP. 2 Sides to report for sure today. I am getting is the carb craving and let me tell you.... I now know what drug addicts go through when they are jonesing. I am not sure if being on a Keto diet with no carbs, is causing the cravings to be worse but I will assume that it is. I cannot wait for my refeed day on Sunday... tonight being Friday night I should be able to make it no problem. Honestly though.... fighting this craving is the hardest thing I've ever done. The other side is a bitter taste in my mouth... its not bad just a little bitter.

    - Day 5 - Dose 400mg

    The carb cravings kicked in even more today.... its almost unbearable. I had no choice but to resort to Skoal to stop the craving even though it may make me feel like shit like the other day, that was not the case.... I actually felt good. I feel a lot hungrier while running the DNP and still drinking a lot of water. I felt myself noticeably heat up today. Especially after my PWO Oatmeal. I have not seen any significant weight loss as of yet. Tomorrow is my refeed day and is packed full of carbs. This will be the true test of the reported sweats and heat involved with a DNP cycle. My workout today did not feel as good as the other day, but the DNP is not hindering my performance.

    - Day 6 - Dose 400mg

    Today was a good day, I ate a lot of carbs and it was wonderful. I feel myself heat up but generally its only when I am actively moving. If I am just sitting around I usually don't get too warm. While eating all these carbs I feel amazingly lethargic. I got tired and hot just going for a walk with my GF. I seem to have way more energy during the week while running on protein and fat, rather than carbs.

    - Day 7 - Dose 400mg

    Feeling the heat today, but it is not unbearable or as bad as everyone else makes it sound. This might be because I am following a Keto diet. The carb craving kicked right back in today and they suck... real bad! I also feel very lethargic and exhausted. I checked my blood pressure and it is up higher than normal for me but still very safe. I'm usually 118/68 and today I was 133/79. I don't know when I started to see the blood pressure increase because I have not checked my BP in over a month. I am skipping the gym tonight as I feel I am too exhausted to get a good quality workout in. I will be making up for it tomorrow, which is usually an off day.

    Being half way through it now and so far so good. I have not made any significant weight loss. I was down to 188.2lbs on Sunday morning which was 6 days in. This is normal weight loss for me on the diet alone. I do not appear to be getting more lien or bloating.... just staying the same old me.

    - Day 8 - Dose 400mg

    My workout sucked tonight... I don't have the energy, my weights went down and so did my reps. I was sweating like a pig and felt very tired and weak.... Guess this shit is working . My sperm is officially turning yellow, I am getting very irritable and I am a lot warmer then usual. I actually sat around my house tonight in just my underwear, which for me is abnormal. Thank God my GF started her period today, I don't think I have the energy to perform sexually. So, as you can see I am starting to experience more sides as the days go on. The only one that really bothers me, is the carb cravings.... that is soooo hard to fight. If you plan on doing DNP while on a keto, you better make damn sure you are extremely strong willed! Other than that the sides are very manageable. On a good note, my blood pressure is back to normal for me at 117/63. Yesterday I did my BP later in the day after I had gotten off work and today I did it first thing in the morning.... that is probably the reason they are so different.

    - Day 9 - Dose 400mg

    Nothing to update today.... same as yesterday. No new sides just getting a little more warm as the days go on.

    - Day 10 - Dose 400mg

    Decided to up the dose to 600mg starting tomorrow. The reason for this is the sides are very tolerable. If I can achieve better results at the higher dose I don't mind the sides getting slightly worse. If they get too bad I will move back down to 400mg. No changes again today. Skipping the gym tonight and pushing it to tomorrow and pushing tomorrow to Saturday.... I must be getting lazier.

    - Day 11 - Dose 600mg

    At this dose I feel the sides more. I am hot, headache, and extremely lazy. I had to literally force myself to go to the gym tonight. Although the sides are more intense I feel I have found the right dose for myself. I still have not seen any weight loss that I can contribute to the DNP, so this may turn out to be a useless cycle for me.

    - Day 12 - Dose 600mg

    I woke up with an insane headache today, actually it was like I was hungover, I took some Advil and it went away within 30 minutes. It's not that I am dehydrated either.... I am drink about 15 - 700ml bottles of water each day. Over the last few days, it has been getting hotter and hotter outside and its pissing me off! I feel like I am overheating all day. My workout was killer today, good think KP came with me today.... him being there helped me push through it. First thing he says when he saw me; You look like shit... lol, thanks KP. The carb cravings seem to have subsided since I up'd the dose.... which is weird but I am not complaining. 2 more days left and tomorrow is my personal weekly weigh in.... let's see if I've lost anything.

    - Day 13 - Dose 600mg

    Woke up this morning and felt like complete and utter shit.... it was terrible. My head hurt.... the left side of my body hurt and my mouth was so dry I could barely open it. I actually thought about lowering the dose back to 400mg but then I manned up, took some advil and dropped 600mg. I weighed in this morning and have not lost any weight, I was at 187.8lbs. Hopefully I am just holding water and my weight loss will come when I come off the DNP. I felt a lot better today while I was eating carbs... not as hot not quite as lazy. I still had sides but they were not as noticeable as when not eating carbs.

    - Day 14 Dose 600mg

    Well last day is just that.... the last day. The sides aren't as bad today I think it is because of the carbs I don't seem to get headaches while eating carbs. No weight loss has occurred and I guess I will not know for sure the how exactly I benefited as I am swinging straight into my Test Prop & Tbol cycle.

    In conclusion would I ever run it again, probably not. Then again I don't think I will ever be in a position to have to run it again. I experienced not change on the scale and no change in the mirror, that I could tell. So I personally don't think it works well for me. I guess I'll never know for sure cause like I said, I doubt I'll ever give it a second chance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    On this site...
    Damn, I was hoping for better results. I plan on a DNP attempt in the near future.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by JinNtonic View Post
    Damn, I was hoping for better results. I plan on a DNP attempt in the near future.
    Well, don't let me discourage you... just do your research as this shit can be dangerous.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    so any new results a few days later? I have read that the weight loss doesnt really happen until about 5 days after the cycle. I guess thats when all of the water retention disipates.

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