I apologize I didnt keep an actual daily log of my cycle. But I figured why not post some of my gains in case someone else was thinking about a similar cycle.
I was pretty lean going into the cycle, I think the pictures are somewhat in order of when I started and when I finnished the cycle. My goal for the cycle was to put on roughly 15 pounds of lean muscle and to sustain most of the gains post cycle.
My diet has always been clean, given my living situation being with a host family in another state for the summer for baseball, I didnt have as much freedom to get exactly what I wanted to eat, but all things considered I was able to really be smart with what I ate staying very lean with food choices with low sodium but enough calories everyday to support the growth that I needed
keeping a daily routine with a lifting schedule was very difficult especially when gone on road trips for 4-5 days at a time and playing baseball everyday, i still managed to do something everyday whether it was just doing different angled pushups till i couldnt move in the hotel room, or making due with what the hotel offered as a "weight room", but had access to a gym when I was back home to lift in.
weeks 1-8 Test Prop 100mg ED
weeks 1-4 Dbol 25mg ED
weeks 6-8 Winny 100mg ED
standard pct with nolvadex and clomid
Stats Before Cycle
Starting Weight: 202
Height: 6' 2"
Body Fat: roughly 6-7%
I was able to push my weight at its highest point to 225 which was about week 6, body fat remained about the same maybe dropped a little. Didnt experience any ill side effects, labido was fine, had AI's on hand but nothing occured during the cycle to cause alarm.
After the cycle was finnished and the water weight dropped I weighed/still am at 218 and I am currently in the middle of PCT, havent been to disappointed with the drop off after finnishing the cycle, strength has remained about the same, still eating clean and working out just as hard off the cycle as I was on.
Overall I was extremely impressed with the results that I was able to obtain given all of the different variables I had to deal with that most people dont go through during a cycle. I will continue to workout and eat right as I return to college and begin our lifting program there.
Pinning everyday was rough, i rotated between 4 injection sites the glutes and delts, i have pinned the glutes before on previous cycles but never delts so that was a pretty rough first week or so with the first 2 rounds of injections but it began to get much easier every injection. it became very tiresome having to wake up and pin every morning, it got old very quick.
I have never used prop before so i was pretty excited to try it, aside from the frequent pins i loved it, never had any gyno or water retention issues, results came fast and lean. for those thinking about using prop, I would definately give it a try, if you can put up with the injections it is well worth the pain.
if you guys have any advice or questions about the cycle feel free to chime in.