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  1. #41
    boundup is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Numb uK View Post
    Oh dude! that sucks that you had to finish up early. I knew that you wanted to cycle for abit longer. I can see that you was getting some awesome results. You dropped some a good amount of body fat and you leaned out very well from the looks of it! Var is cool . Have you put anymore thought into uploading those pictures? I'm very interested in seeing your results dude! Show us those delts!
    Haha, yeah, it was pretty funny experience in my life. Anyway, after the PCT and bloodwork I will start the cycle again and post pics. Right now, I just have way too much going on to put too much effort into it. I just hope I can keep on my diet - the last week has been hard due to the fact that I have nothing to cook anything with. Ugh.

  2. #42
    boundup is offline Associate Member
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    I am about four days from finishing my PCT and all feels right with the world. I feel great and everything feels normal. Weight has dropped a bit but this is primarily due to my currently living situation which has my diet next to impossible to maintain. In either case, I am weighing in around 168lbs with a vast majority of my strength still there. I cannot begin to isolate where the weight loss is coming from as most if not all my measurements haven't really decreased. Oh well, things will be all sorted out in a couple of weeks so it's not that big of a deal.

  3. #43
    -Hastings- is offline New Member
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    Lightbulb old thread I know but......

    Quote Originally Posted by boundup View Post
    1.5 Weeks Into Cycle

    Weight: 170lbs

    Well, I have learned a lot of things this past week. First, pinning is really not that bad. Provided you have good gear, the right tools and the mental commitment that it is really not that bad, it won't be.

    Second, I have experienced some decent appetite suppression on var and my sex drive was shut down completely about 5 days into the cycle. I did my first pin at 75mg on Sunday and have down two more since then. I initially wasn't going to do more than maintenance, but I am feeling a million times better on test than straight var.

    Third, this stuff is just melting fat away from my mid section with little to no cardio. Short of the exercise I get at work, I have been doing none. I changed that Monday and my endurance, fatigue and general malaise has dropped pretty significantly. My BF appears to be roughly 12% compared to my initial asssesment, but that is slowly changing. While short into the cycle, I am starting to get comments from co-workers and individuals at the gym I see regularly. People seem to have become more touchy feeling. I got hit on while by my masseuse during my deep tissue massage. Awkward.

    Lastly, if anyone is going to run this dose, especially a beginner, do yourself favor, run test. Honestly, I thought I could get away with it, but the benefits have been amazing so far. I am just feeling it kick in, but my sex drive came back within a couple of days. My mood is a million times better and in fact I am less aggressive being on test than I was off of it and/or var; which is odd.

    I am consistently hitting around 2900-3100 calories a day and cutting carbs towards the latter part of the evening.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    I am a novice and trying to gather info at this sage for a potential future cycle similar to that described above.

    I have spent a lot of time reading posts but I am still not clear about the following issue: I am thinking about running a var only cycle on a cal def diet to lower bf, however a lot of people say run at least a maintenance dose of TEST, is the only reason for doing this because the little guy might not be active during the cycle, or is there any other reasons?

  4. #44
    clutchking403 is offline Junior Member
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    8 weeks is ideal bro. Sorry to hear you had to end it so early. Sounds like a deadly cycle for you. I hope to run it my self. Jus gotta look after some things with the doc first

  5. #45
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
    MR-FQ320 is offline This means war!
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    Oh man, sorry to that story man, you were having a real blast. learnt some lessons though,

    Taurine for cramps from the var,
    Tell the gf or make something up real quick when they bust in on you, :-)
    Did you have Test P also ? if not get some of that too.

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