Ok, here we go i havent made a post here in a while, but first i would like to say hello to everyone and give you guys a little backround. i have been lifting heavily for the past 4 years and been lifting for about 8 i just recently in the past 6 months, and after reading up on this site for a good 5 months AAS is where i landed.
Height -5'8
Weight- 185
Age- 24
Body Fat %- 10%
Cycle experience- first cycle i ran Test E for 10 weeks or so alone went from 158-176 Lbs, second cycle used Test E again (because i had vials left) with some Dbol about 2 months after my first cylcle, and PCT with Clomid and noveldex.
will post up diet if asked, been a little off tempo past weeks due to work.
Around 5500 calories per day
Carbs- 400-800
Protein- 400-600- eggs, fish, red meat, chicken, whey.
will post up actual diet later on
Gain 10-15 pounds
Currently i am halfway through my cycle and am just about to see results so i will post up pics here in couple days or so